DSC Objects to USFWS Order 219

DALLAS – For his last hurrah before departing office, outgoing U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) Director Daniel Ashe released USFWS Director’s Order 219, expanding the use of nontoxic ammunition and fishing tackle. Dallas Safari Club (DSC) objects to the Order, and condemns the decision as it targets our hunting and fishing heritage.

“This action flies squarely in the face of long and constructive tradition of states working in partnership with the Service to effectively manage fish and wildlife resources,” stated Nick Wiley, president of the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. “The Association views this Order as a breach of trust and deeply disappointing.” Read more

New Umarex Havox Ammo Expands Maximum Lethality

FORT SMITH, Ark. – Umarex USA, a company on the forefront of innovation in outdoor products, announces the introduction of the most lethal air gun hunting ammunition ever created. The Umarex® Havox™ is designed to expand upon contact of soft tissue immediately transferring massive energy into the intended target.

The Havox line of smallbore air gun hunting ammunition is designed to expand 100% into six razor sharp cutting edges, creating a massive wound channel in the target. The wide razor sharp blades stay attached and maintain a large diameter to provide the greatest cutting surface throughout penetration. Read more

Weatherby Expands 6.5-300 Weatherby Magnum and 6.5 Creedmoor Offerings

PASO ROBLES, Calif. – – When Weatherby introduced the new 6.5-300 Weatherby Magnum cartridge in 2015, it was a shot heard around the world. It reaffirmed Weatherby’s pledge that Nothing Shoots Flatter, Hits Harder, or is More Accurate®. Out of the box, the 6.5-300 Weatherby Magnum became the fastest 6.5mm cartridge in the world, achieving muzzle velocities up to 3,531 FPS. Immediately, competitive shooters and long-range hunters embraced the cartridge for its speed, match-grade accuracy and bone-crushing hydrostatic impact performance. Read more

NSSF Calls Foul on USFWS Director’s “Parting Shot” on Traditional Ammunition

NEWTOWN, Conn. — The National Shooting Sports Foundation® (NSSF®), the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industries, condemned the decision by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe banning the use of traditional ammunition on Service lands in just five years.

The parting shot, Director’s Order 219, was issued on the final full day of President Obama’s administration. The last-minute action revives an effort the administration undertook eight years ago to ban the use of traditional ammunition.

“This directive is irresponsible and driven not out of sound science but unchecked politics,” said Lawrence Keane, NSSF senior vice president and general counsel. “The timing alone is suspect. This directive was published without dialogue with industry, sportsmen and conservationists. The next director should immediately rescind this, and instead create policy based upon scientific evidence of population impacts with regard to the use of traditional ammunition.”

The order requires several initiatives to go into effect immediately. Regional Directors are to work with state agencies to ban the use of traditional ammunition. It also ends the use of traditional ammunition on Federal land, including National Parks, tribal lands and national wildlife refuges in order to mirror policies in states where traditional ammunition is already restricted. The order “expeditiously” bans traditional ammunition “when available information indicates” that lead is harmful to wildlife, without requirement of a scientific threshold on which to base that action.

It also requires creation of a timeline to restrict traditional ammunition for dove and upland bird hunting. Read more

Nosler Sub-Sonic Ballistic Tip

GW: This is great news for those shooters desiring to maximize effectiveness of the .300 Blackout in its sub-sonic configuration…

Bend, Ore –– Nosler®, Inc. announced today the addition of a long-awaited .30-220gr. bullet option to the company’s renowned Ballistic Tip® hunting bullet line. Only available previously in loaded ammunition, the new offering enters the line-up after overwhelming feedback from consumers to make the bullet available as a component for handloaders. This bullet was created to maximize effective terminal performance for the 300 AAC Blackout cartridge at sub-sonic velocities. At 1000fps, the Ballistic Tip® bullet reliably exhibits controlled, double-diameter expansion, 90% weight retention and 18″ of penetration in ballistic gelatin. Read more

Nosler Adds to AccuBond Bullet Line

Bend, Ore –– Nosler’s successful AccuBond® Long Range (ABLR) bullet line is welcoming two much anticipated bullets to the existing lineup with the 30-168gr and 338-265gr ABLR. The 30-168gr ABLR was designed to maximize downrange performance in cartridges with less than magnum case capacities, such as the ubiquitous 308 Winchester and 30-06. With a remarkable B.C. and moderate weight, this bullet will push the boundaries further than ever before.For .338 caliber enthusiasts, the long awaited 338-265gr ABLR is now part of the lineup as well. This bullet is the perfect complement to .338 cartridges with large case capacity, such as the recently introduced 33 Nosler, and is the ideal solution for long range shots. The 265gr ABLR also has high weight for caliber and a high BC, which produces exceptional external ballistics. Read more

The 22 Nosler – a Faster Cartridge for the AR-15

Bend, Ore—— Nosler Inc. announced today the release of the 22 Nosler®, a new cartridge designed to transform any standard AR-15 into the fastest, most powerful .22 caliber available for the platform, with the least amount of modification. The new addition to Nosler’s cartridge family, which also features optimized 6.5mm, 7mm, 30 caliber and .338 magnum class rounds, delivers 30% more energy and is nearly 300 fps faster than a 223 Remington/ 5.56 NATO.Born from the idea of creating the most powerful .22 caliber centerfire cartridge that would readily function in the AR platform, the 22 Nosler’s case design takes advantage of the AR-15’s unparalleled modularity, making the conversion from a standard 223 Remington/ 5.56 NATO to the 22 Nosler® simple, requiring only a swap of the upper to the new chambering and switching out to a 6.8 Rem SPC magazine. Read more

Starline Brass Kicks off New Year, New Gear Promotion

SEDALIA, MO – Starline has recently kicked off a “New Year, New Gear” Facebook and online giveaway. The promotion began on January 5, 2017 and will run for 8 weeks, with a fantastic Reloader’s Dream prize pack given away every two weeks for the first two months of 2017.Each of the four prize packs will include 500 Sierra bullets and 500 Starline cases of the winner’s choice. The first prize pack features a Hornady Case Prep Duo Tool. The second includes a Berry’s Brass Tumbler and Media Separator. The third prize pack will feature a MEC Marksman Metallic Press with Stand, and the final prize pack features a Dillon XL 650 loader with accessories.

Enter to win the first prize pack today. Visit https://www.facebook.com/StarlineBrass/ or www.starlinebrass.com/contest. Read more

Umarex ARX Ammo New for Air Rifles and Muzzleloaders

FORT SMITH, AR – Umarex® ARX® Ammunition represents the next generation of muzzleloading and airgun hunting technology. Precision-engineered at the pioneering PolyCase® Ammunition development lab, Umarex ARX ammo incorporates patent-pending innovation that enables extreme hunting performance. Constructed from an advanced polymer-copper matrix, the Umarex ARX SpeedBand™ and SpeedBelt™bullets will revolutionize terminal performance in both muzzleloading and airgun hunting.

PolyCase ARX technology acts as a force multiplier in muzzleloader and airgun ammunition, simultaneously dispersing kinetic energy both forward and laterally. ARX non-expanding ammo provides maximum hydraulic displacement and terminal energy transfer to targets. This high velocity, flat-shooting projectile provides exceptional performance in mid and big-bore air rifles when combined with Umarex SpeedBand or SpeedBelt polymer sabots.

Umarex ARX Ammunition elevates pre-charged pneumatic air rifle performance into the 21st century with four of the most popular air rifle chamberings. The groundbreaking Umarex SpeedBand sabot was developed for use with Umarex ARX bullets in .357, .40 and .45 caliber while the base-style SpeedBelt sabot was designed for use with .50 caliber Umarex ARX ammo and performs flawlessly in both muzzleloaders and the new Umarex Hammer™.50 caliber big bore air rifle. Read more

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