Dove Lethality Study, More in Latest LSON

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department recently released a multi-year study on lead versus nontoxic load and their lethality on dove.

The report came to some very interesting conclusions; mainly the type of shot used has no statistical difference when it comes to killing dove. To read more about what the study found, pick up a copy of Lone Star Outdoor News, available today online at and on newsstands. Read more

The Good with the Bad: Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act

GW:  It’s a shame that our elected officials must stoop to borrowing from future generations as a get-along policy to get what they want.  This is the best we can do?  If any of them had a bit of intestinal fortitude to stand up and just defund the EPA, we wouldn’t have to go along with the rest of the nonsense.


The National Shooting Sports Foundation supports the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act for FY15 and strongly encourages a Yes vote.

Though no bill is perfect, the NSSF supports this legislation because it protects the rights of hunters and sportsmen, not Washington bureaucrats, to choose the ammunition they want for hunting and target shooting, by preventing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from banning traditional ammunition made with lead components (95% of all ammunition made and sold).

NSSF encourages you to contact your member of Congress at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vote YES on the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act (H.R. 83).

More on the subject can be found here…

Why Do Some People Reload Their Own Ammo?

GW:  I’m into handloading (not reloading, thank you), because my home-brewed ammo cannot be found in stores.  For example, try to find a 300-grain tipped Barnes in a .45-70 round.  You won’t find it, because it would be dangerous to sell to someone who may put it in a conventional tube-fed long gun.  It could exploded in the magazine under recoil!  However, for a single-shot firearm, such as a Thompson/Center Contender, no problem. 

Plus, it can be loaded longer to, thus closer to the lands in the bore – again, something factory ammo cannot duplicate, because factory ammo must fit in everything, and therefore, must be shorter.  This factors into the accuracy equation, as well, because in my opinion, loading rounds closer to the firearm’s lands produces consistent accuracy.

  And, finally, making ammo that is less expensive, as in the above example is totally irrelevant, because it does not exist anywhere else on Earth.

FERNANDINA BEACH, Fla. — While today’s gun store shelves are filled with all manner of ammunition for every caliber and every type of shooting, many shooters are not content to go with over-the-counter production ammo. Many, in fact, prefer to handload their own cartridges. But there are many reasons for reloading and recently polled recreational shooters and hunters to find out exactly what the top reasons are.


By far, the top response was to save on the expense of buying production ammunition, which can sometimes cost several dollars a round. In fact, 85 percent of those surveyed cited “to save money” as the main reason they handloaded.


Sixty-seven percent of those polled cited improving accuracy as a top reason, while 44 percent do it to obtain calibers or loads that are hard to find in stores. Lastly, 30 percent reload to reduce waste and 15 percent cited other, unspecified reasons for handloading. Respondents could chose more than one answer as many have multiple motivations for loading their own ammunition. Read more

SilencerCo Launches Ammunition

SilencerCo Launches Best-in-Class Harvester Subsonic Ammunition Line

WEST VALLEY CITY, UTAH – SilencerCo, the industry leader in firearm suppression products and technology, today unveiled its new line of Harvester Subsonic 300 BLK high performance ammunition, designed for optimal performance in silencer-equipped firearms. The ammunition gives shooters exceptional accuracy and enhanced noise reduction without sacrificing the terminal performance hunters and marksmen expect.

Silencer-optimized Harvester Subsonic 300 BLK rounds enable groups in the sub-Minute of Angle (MOA) range, or less than 1 inch per 100 yards of distance to target. The ammo combines this best-in-class accuracy with the stopping power of a 220 grain projectile, plus unrivaled sound suppression. Read more

Lapua Announces New Products for 2015

GW:  Some new offerings from a truly quality ammo manufacturer…

Few cartridges have generated as much immediate interest as the 300 Blackout. Standardized by AAC, this diminutive cartridge is derived from the 223 Remington. Intended specifically for use in suppressed firearms, the versatility of the Blackout has appealed to a much broader range of shooters than just the audience for which it was originally designed. Intended to drive 220 grain bullets at subsonic velocities, the switch to lightweight bullets such as the 125 grain offerings delivers performance very similar to the venerable 7.62×39 cartridge.

This makes the 300 Blackout potent enough for a wide range of shooting tasks, from certain tactical applications to many short range hunting situations involving medium sized game. The ability for many 5.56mm/223 systems to be switched over to the 300 Blackout, merely by changing barrels makes this an incredibly versatile combination. Read more

12th Hodgdon® Annual Manual© Features Imr® Enduron™ Technology Powders

Shawnee KS- Hodgdon® The Brand that’s True presents the 2015 Annual Manual©. Now in its 12 consecutive year this 8 1/2″ by 11″ magazine style publication is still jam packed with Hodgdon®, IMR® and Winchester® powder brands and reloading information. This manual has the widest variety of pistol and rifle cartridge reloading data on the planet with well over 5,000 loads.

Featured in the 2015 Annual are the new IMR® Enduron™ Technology powders that include IMR4166™, IMR4451™ and IMR7977™. Each powder has a built-in copper fouling reducer, are insensitive to temperature extremes, have small sized grains for easy flow with an ideal loading density and have no ingredients considered harmful to the environment. There is extensive information for all three powders; data for forty-one rifle cartridges and articles from some of the top industry writers. Read more

2015 Outdoor Life/Field & Stream Deer & Turkey Expos’ Schedule

PEWAUKEE WI- A host of new features and activities highlight the 2015 Outdoor Life/Field & Stream deer-and-turkey-hunting consumer expos. In addition, Louisville, Michigan and Illinois expos have been moved to more favorable dates, but otherwise it is steady-as-they-go for these popular events.

The 2015 schedule:

• Jan. 30-31 & Feb. 1 LOUISVILLE DEER & TURKEY EXPO (2nd), Kentucky Exposition Center (State Fairgrounds), Louisville, KY

• February 13-14-15 MICHIGAN DEER & TURKEY EXPO (29th), The SUMMIT Sports & Ice Complex, Dimondale, MI (SW side of Lansing).

• February 20-21-22 ILLINOIS DEER & TURKEY EXPO (25th), Prairie Capital Convention Center, Springfield, IL.

• March 13-14-15 OHIO DEER & TURKEY EXPO (23rd), Bricker Bldg, Ohio Expo Center (State Fairgrounds), Columbus, OH

• April 10-11-12 WISCONSIN DEER & TURKEY EXPO (31st), Alliant Energy Center of Dane County, Madison, WI Read more

Long Beard® XR™ Sets New World Record in NWTF Still Target Competition


 GW:  I’m a believer and since taking a gobbler with this stuff last spring, I’ll stick with it.  The best patterning shotgun ammo ever and the price beats the competition, too.

EAST ALTON, Ill. (November 25, 2014) –Fall is officially here…the World Series is over, professional and college football games are in full swing, and competitors in the National Wild Turkey Federation’s Still Target Competition have set world records with Winchester® Long Beard XR turkey ammunition. Not just once, but three times, and in Long Beard XR’s first year of competition.

It’s safe to say Winchester rose to the top of the innovation platform yet again by dominating competitive and hi-dense loads. Winning the 12-gauge Open Division and winning the 12-gauge Hunter Division with 54 pellets in a three-inch circle at a distance of 40 yards, is impressive to say the least, but setting a new world record knocks it out of the park. Introduced in 2014, Long Beard XR quickly became a turkey slamming game changer while turning hunters into true believers.

12 Gauge Hunter: Bobby Sears (Hazelhurst, GA), new world record holder
12 Gauge Open: Scott Kirsch (Plainfield, IN)

“We knew we had something truly innovative with Long Beard XR,” said Brett Flaugher, Winchester Ammunition vice president of marketing, sales and strategy. “To be able to see our product completely dominate the competition, shatter the current record and set a brand new world record, makes us very proud.”

Be on the lookout in 2015 for Long Beard XR Magnum loads featuring Shot-Lok™ technology, offering the tightest patterns and longest shot capability of any lead turkey load in history. It will be available in 12 gauge, 3 inch, 1 7/8 ounce shot and 12 gauge, 3 ½ inch, 2 1/8 ounce shot both in shot sizes 4, 5 and 6.

Read more

CORBON Offers Cyber Weekend Sale Starting On Black Friday

CORBON will be holding a cyber weekend sale beginning Friday Nov. 28th at 12:01 AM thru Monday Dec 1st at 11:59 PM. All weekend specials will be available on our website at

Purchase $100 worth of ammunition or gift certificates and get a free T shirt and free shipping. A $200 purchase gets you a free T shirt and a box of .223 ammunition plus free shipping. $300 or more gets you a free T shirt, a box of .223 ammunition free shipping and a gift valued at $20. Read more

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