Wildlife Land Trust Not to Be Trusted

The pitch sounds almost sounds palatable.  But, I wondered about the motive.  Here’s your answer…

This from the U.S. Sportsman’s Alliance.

If you have never heard of the Wildlife Land Trust, now could be a good time to take note. This project is a subsidiary of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), the country’s largest animal rights group.   This anti-hunting trust reported control or ownership of more than 100 “sanctuaries” in 38 states.

Hunting and trapping are prohibited on these sites, many of which are donated to the HSUS.  In fact, they boast that “recreational and commercial hunting and trapping will always be prohibited”.

Unfortunately, they garnered $5 million in donations last year alone for this trust.

Additional details, in case you want to determine if these anti-hunting properties are located near you, can be found at:  www.wlt.org. And in true HSUS fashion, you’ll spot a donation link if you go there.

Wolf Delisting Decision a Big Win for Sportsmen

(Columbus, Ohio) – The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced today that gray wolf populations in the Western Great Lakes region have exceeded recovery goals and should no longer be protected under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).  Once official, this move will return wolves to state management in Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and some portions of adjoining states.

In an even bigger victory for sportsmen, the Service also announced that it has reversed its previous view that two wolf species exist in the Western Great Lakes region.  Read more

Whackos Aided by White House to Sue over Wolf Delisting in Wyoming

“Somebody” at the White House made sure  that congressional “negotiators” withdrew a rider that would have prevented environmentalists to sue as part of a pending agreement to, once and for all, remove Wyomning wolves from the endangered species list.  It now appears as though the whackos will have veto power, once again.

As always, it will be emotion trumping science with the aid of any technicality that can be used advantageously.  And, these animal rightists, who claim to be helping animals, continue to drain governmental funds through lawsuit after lawsuit.

The give and take are part of the government’s $1 trillion spending bill.  Legislative approval is still needed for the agreement on Wyoming’s wolves.  More deatails at the link here…

HSUS Casts Dark Cloud Over American Agriculture in 2011

Courtesy of the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance/ www.ussportsmen.org.

The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), through its quest to become a mainstream organization, has again resorted to “backdoor” tactics by partnering with—or possibly forcing its agenda on—the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Those HSUS efforts to infiltrate USDA regulations were recently exposed on the floor of U.S. Capital with testimony by Senator Jerry Moran (R-Kansas).

Moran noted in his Nov. 2, 2011 comments that Read more

Obama Administration Grabs for Broader Powers

By Bill Horn, Director of Federal Affairs, U.S. Sportsman’s Alliance

In a controversial new policy, the Obama Administration plans to broaden the reach of the already far reaching federal Endangered Species Act (ESA).  The new policy will make it easier to list more species of fish and wildlife as “endangered or threatened” and more broadly impose the ESA’s many restrictions. Greater limitations on fishing and hunting, wildlife management, and public land access are a likely result. Read more

Ads Grab HSUS Attention—and Wrath

A real life David and Goliath story

A recent USA Today full-page ad went straight for the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) jugular vein and decried the multimillion dollar fund raising and animal rights organization for only giving one percent of the millions of dollars it rakes in annually to actual animal shelters. The ad, straight from an HSUS playbook with a sad looking puppy centered on the page, was sponsored by HumaneforPets.com. (click here for the ad) Read more

Obama Breaks Another Promise: Horsemeat is Back

I sure don’t know how many times I have consumed horsemeat.  But, I do remember when McDonald’s got in trouble for sneaking it into its burgers years ago – many years ago when I was a kid.  No, I am not horsing around.  I have a vivid memory regarding the horsemeat/fine announcement, although I have yet to find anything on the net referencing anything more than rumors.

I don’t recall the specific year, but I do remember where I was when I heard about it.  I was returning from Plumbrook Golf Course (in suburban Detroit) with my father, after caddying for him in a golf league event.  So, this would have put the matter on the calendar about 50 years ago.  The news came over the am radio in the car on the way home, that McDonalds had been fined for using horsemeat in its burgers.  Seems like the fine was $15,000 but I wouldn’t be on it.

Now, Obama has gone back on his campaign promise made to animal-rights whackos to keep horses from being slaughtered for meat.

Without getting into the debate about eating relatives of Mr. Ed, the point of this post is simple:  Obama lied – again when he said he would support “a permanent ban on horse slaughter and exports of horses for human consumption.”

Guess what administration stopped the practice of killing horses for food.  Yep, Bush did it when he stopped the funding of federal inspections in year 2006, thus ending the practice.


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