Zinke, NWTF Celebrate Wildlife Restoration Act

DiBona, Zinke, Bird (left to right)

EDGEFIELD, S.C. — Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke held a press conference today formally announcing the release of $1.1 billion from the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act that will continue to support fish, wildlife and habitat conservation. This year marks the 80thanniversary of the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act.

Prior to the announcement, Zinke met privately with a group of hunting and conservation representatives which included two local National Wild Turkey Federation representatives; Fred Bird, regional director and Matt DiBona, district biologist.

“Secretary Zinke reiterated his strong support for our hunting and fishing traditions and said the Department of Interior is committed to managing our federal lands for the benefit and enjoyment of sportsmen and the general public,” DiBona said.

The Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act, which is commonly referred to as the Pittman-Robertson Act, was established in 1937 and imposes a tax on firearms, ammunition, archery and fishing equipment. Those funds are then returned to each state to manage wildlife and habitats. Read more

Summer maintenance under way at rural floodings in northern Lower Peninsula

In the mid-20th century, the Department of Natural Resources created floodings across northern Michigan to help provide suitable breeding habitat for waterfowl and furbearer species to help provide suitable breeding habitat for waterfowl and furbearer species after the loss of wetlands habitat over time. Today, the earthen berms and water-control structures used to create floodings require inspections, maintenance and, in some cases, complete removal of the structures.

“Summer months are the best time to complete maintenance work at managed floodings,” said DNR wildlife communications coordinator Katie Keen. “We can start drawing down water levels in the spring, and by summer we can get in and do the needed repairs or even remove infrastructure. In some cases, our goal is to expose the mud that had been underwater for years and let the new sunlight grow all sorts of great plants for wildlife.”

Most land surrounding each flooding is publicly owned and provides great access for hunters and trappers looking for standing water conditions to hunt or set a trap. Some locations will be flooded again by this fall and will be ready for fall waterfowl hunting or trapping activities. Other locations may have the dam structure completely removed, restoring the natural flow of the wetland complex.

Projects happening this summer in the northern Lower Peninsula include: Read more

Johnny Morris and Bass Pro Shops donating 40,000 rods and reels in nationwide effort to get more kids outside

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – Noted conservationist and Bass Pro Shops founder Johnny Morris is challenging families everywhere to get off the couch and head outdoors to discover the fun of fishing this summer. Bass Pro Shops is donating 40,000 rods and reels to nonprofit organizations that help kids from all backgrounds connect to the outdoors. The effort is part of Gone Fishing, a nationwide movement that aims to introduce the sport to families everywhere through donations, nonprofit partnerships and free catch-and-release ponds at Bass Pro Shops locations across North America on June 10-11 and 17-18.

Morris was inspired to create the initiative after reflecting on childhood memories of fishing with his family. These experiences helped shape his lifelong passion for the outdoors and wildlife conservation.

“The most special memories in life come from spending time in nature with those you care about. For me, it all started with fishing,” said Johnny Morris, who spent his boyhood summers fishing with his family on the beautiful rivers in Missouri’s Ozark mountains. “We want to help as many kids as we can discover the joy of fishing – on the ocean, in a lake or on a stream – so we’re donating thousands of fishing poles, inviting families to catch their first fish at Bass Pro Shops and encouraging everyone to take someone they love fishing this summer.”

National Donation Day

During a national donation day on Thursday, June 8, Bass Pro Shops is donating 40,000 rods and reels to nonprofit organizations that connect kids to the outdoors and help get more kids outside. Customers brought in their gently used rods and reels this spring in exchange for discounts on new gear. Bass Pro Shops refurbished each piece to ensure it was fish-ready for kids. In the last five years, Bass Pro Shops has donated more than 250,000 items to youth-focused nonprofit organizations including Boys and Girls Club and Boy Scouts of America. Read more

Events planned across Michigan for Free Fishing Weekend June 10-11

During the weekend of June 10-11 (Michigan’s annual #MiFreeFishingWeekend), give a kid the outdoors experience of a lifetime.

Everyone is invited to fish for free Saturday, June 10, and Sunday, June 11, for the 2017 Summer Free Fishing Weekend. A license is not required to fish those two days, but all other fishing regulations still apply.

These two days make up #MiFreeFishingWeekend – an annual effort celebrated since 1986 to promote Michigan’s world-class fishing opportunities. While many individuals and families will head out to fish for free on their own, the DNR points out that there are numerous organized events scheduled throughout the state to celebrate the weekend, too. Some of these events include: Read more

Annual lake sturgeon survey in St. Clair River’s North Channel set to begin June 1

Floats used during St Clair River’s sturgeon setline surveyThe Michigan Department of Natural Resources will conduct its annual lake sturgeon survey in the North Channel of the St. Clair River near Algonac beginning June 1 and continuing through June 22.

“The St. Clair River’s lake sturgeon population is one of the largest and healthiest in the entire Great Lakes Region,” said Todd Wills, the DNR’s Lake Huron-Lake Erie Area fisheries research manager. “This survey is an essential part of the DNR’s efforts to assess the status and trends in this unique resource. All lake sturgeon captured during our survey are tagged and released. Anglers can help us by reporting the capture of tagged lake sturgeon by visiting michigan.gov/taggedfish.” Read more

Michigan bass anglers ready for the weekend

Bass fishing has a long history with sport anglers in Michigan

The Saturday before Memorial Day is especially significant to two groups of bass anglers – those who fish tournaments and those who like to eat bass.

That’s because anglers can now fish for both species of bass – largemouth and smallmouth — year-round in Michigan, as long as they release them immediately, until the “possession season” arrives later this summer. Read more

State record for bigmouth buffalo broken by same angler nearly nine years later

Roy Beasley holding new state record bigmouth buffaloThe Michigan Department of Natural Resources recently confirmed a new state-record fish for bigmouth buffalo. This marks the first state-record fish caught in 2017 – and it was caught by an angler who held the previous state record for bigmouth buffalo from 2008.The new record fish was caught by Roy Beasley of Madison Heights, Michigan, in the River Raisin (Monroe County) Saturday, May 13, at 11 a.m. Beasley was bowfishing. The fish weighed 27 pounds and measured 35.25 inches. Read more

Michigan: DNR Requests Assistance in Containing Fish Virus Outbreak

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is requesting the assistance of anglers and the bait industry in containing the recent outbreak of viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSv) in the St. Clair River/Lake Erie corridor so it doesn’t spread to other waters.

Cold water temperatures are allowing VHSv to continue to affect fish from the St. Clair River to Lake Erie.

“Water temperatures continue to be well below 65 degrees Fahrenheit, creating conditions that allow for VHSv to keep spreading in the fish community,” said Gary Whelan, DNR Fisheries Division research program manager. “Extended forecasts indicate temperatures will continue to be cool, so we need to make sure anglers and the baitfish industry are aware of actions they can take to help prevent the spread of VHSv to new waters outside of this corridor.”

Anglers are asked to refrain from harvesting minnows for personal use within the borders of St. Clair, Macomb, Wayne and Monroe counties until further notice from the DNR. Those who fish should not move any live fish between water bodies and dispose of bait properly after use. Boaters should make sure their bilges and live wells are emptied prior to leaving a boat launch and all equipment is cleaned and disinfected after use. Read more

Michigan DNR’s Stream Fish Population Trend Viewer updated with fresh content

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources Monday announced the annual update to its web application designed to inform the public on local and regional trends in abundance, growth and survival of important fish populations in selected streams across Michigan is complete.

The application was developed and launched by the DNR in 2014 and summarizes data collected from a network of fish population survey sites, with data for some sites going back to 1947.

“The Stream Fish Population Trend Viewer features more than 40 streams that represent a range of conditions in terms of stream size, temperature and Great Lakes access,” said DNR fisheries research biologist Troy Zorn. “The focus is on streams with long-term data and naturally reproducing populations of trout, Great Lakes salmonids or smallmouth bass to provide users with information on self-sustaining fish populations around the state.” Read more

MI DNR creel clerks to collect angler information this summer

DNR creel clerks to collect angler information this summer

As this year’s open-water fishing season gets under way, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources reminds anglers that Fisheries Division personnel are at lakes, rivers and Great Lakes ports collecting fishing data from anglers.

DNR creel clerks will be stationed at boat launches and piers around the state asking anglers questions as they return from fishing trips. Information will be requested on trip length, target species and number and type of fish caught. In some cases, creel clerks may ask to measure or weigh fish and to take scale or other body parts for aging. These data are key information in the DNR’s management of the state’s fisheries resource.

“The DNR appreciates anglers’ cooperation with these interviews, and it will only take a couple of minutes to answer the questions,” said DNR fisheries biologist Tracy Kolb. “This program helps us gather information that is critical in managing the state’s fisheries and is used in every aspect of our management efforts.” Read more

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