Sound Suppressors in Michigan

This from Steven Dulan of MCRGO to clarify the ruling by Bill Schuette on Sound Suppressors in Michigan…

Opinion Number 7260 (available here: says, in summary:

“The possession, manufacture, or sale of a firearm silencer is permitted in Michigan under MCL 750.224(1)(b) if the person is licensed or approved to possess, manufacture, or sell such a device by the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, as required by MCL 750.224(3)(c). Possession, manufacture, or sale of a firearm silencer by an unlicensed or unapproved person is a felony, punishable by up to five years imprisonment under MCL 750.224(2).” Read more

Sound Suppressors Legal in Michigan

By Glen Wunderlich

Some four months ago, I wrote about Michigan’s prohibition on the use of sound
suppressors for firearms.  Unless an individual were in possession of a Title II firearms license for machine guns, sound suppressors, and destructive devices, that individual would be guilty of a felony by simply owning a sound suppressor. Not anymore.

Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette has issued a formal Attorney General Opinion stating that State law allows the use of noise suppressors by private citizens when authorized by the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.  Said Schuette, “Michigan citizens who comply with federal firearm regulations can use suppressors to protect their hearing and minimize noise disruptions in the surrounding areas.”  Schuette concludes in Attorney General Opinion 7260 that only Michigan residents in full compliance with federal laws may possess a federally-registered suppressor, also commonly referred to as a muffler or silencer. Possession of a suppressor without the proper federal authorization remains a five-year felony under Michigan law. Read more

HSUS Wants to Waste $170,000 Tax Dollars

This from the United States Sportsman’s Association reveals how lefties want to pay for deer contraceptives to control overpopulated deer at tax payers’ expense, while hunters are willing to pay the government to meet the same goal.  A well-placed bullet seems like the humane solution…GW


The Humane Society of the United States is pushing yet another deer contraceptive program in a national park that will cost U.S. taxpayers more than $170,000. The plan is being pushed by three U.S. Representatives.

The misinformed trio recently sent a letter to U.S. Department of the Interior Secretary Ken Salazar requesting that the National Park Service (NPS) consider a contraception project to control deer populations in Rock Creek Park. Ironically, the HSUS touts this as a pilot project, offers to cover only half the expense, and then claims great successes in other deer and horse contraceptive programs. How can it be a pilot test program if they claim to have done it before?  And just how “humane” is this type of program? Read more

USSA Director Testifies Before Congress on Federal Lands Bill

This from the USSA is relative to a way of thinking that honors the outdoors traditions so many of us enjoy.  Sure beats what the lefties are always pushing.  Here’s a little “push back”…GW

(Columbus,  OH) Protection of fishing, hunting, and shooting on our National Forests and  public lands is assured by H.R. 2834 (the Recreational Fishing and Hunting  Heritage and Opportunities Act), the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance Director of  Federal Affairs Bill Horn told Congress today.

Horn,  who testified before the House Natural Resources Committee, spoke in support of  the bill while explaining the details. He revealed how H.R. 2834 would solve several  public land access problems for anglers, hunters, trappers, and shooters. Read more

Beretta Enters Pocket Pistol Market

ACCOKEEK, MARYLAND — Beretta USA confirms recent internet rumors regarding its entry into the pocket 9mm pistol category with the introduction of the Beretta BU-9 Nano. Initial shipments of the much anticipated American-made pistol are slated to leave the Accokeek, Maryland factory beginning late October, and with a suggested retail price of $475, this next evolution pocket pistol will be hard to resist.

Unlike traditional pistols Read more

Archery Business Finds Growth Again

BIRMINGHAM, Alabama – Economy not improving fast enough for you? Take heart – there’s good news for bowhunters and everyone involved in the business of archery. The annual Archery Business bowhunting license sales survey results featured in the October 2011 issue of Archery Business found U.S. bowhunting license sales hit an all-time high in 2010 (an estimated 3.64 million). The survey also found the 2010 season posted the largest year-over-year growth (144,363 more than 2009) of any in the past 10 years.

The growth marks the eighth year in a row Read more

Whitetails Unlimited’s Trail Camera Contest

Here is your chance to share those amazing trail camera images.

Whitetails Unlimited Trail Camera Contest is back, and entries are already coming in.

“We get some fantastic images every year,” said Whitetails Unlimited Magazine editor Jeff Davis, “and we’re looking forward to seeing what our members have captured in the last 12 months. We get some unique photos, not all of which include deer. Trail cameras provide a window into the natural world and a view that most people never see, and everyone I know loves to look at these images. This is our chance to collect and share some of the best trail camera photos out there.”

Photos must be entered via the Whitetails Unlimited website Read more

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