By Glen Wunderlich
With crow season in full swing, it’s time to do some swinging of our own. Our crow-active clan of shotgunners, Matt Arnold, Shawn Weaver, and I are heading afield for a summer hunt aimed at sharpening our wing shooting skills and reducing the local
population of aerial varmints. As always, experience gained over the years will be called upon but, since none of us has attained a high level of success, new techniques and equipment are always welcome.

Crow in Tilled Field
The calling is handled by the FoxPro FX3, and as long as batteries hold out, no mouth-blown calls are used. It may seem wise to carry a few hand-held calls in case the electronics fail, but in actuality, our crow calling seems to
be the crows’ best defense. For us, it is crow calling for dummies – electronically.
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