Wisconsin Governor Signs Historic Right-to-Carry Legislation

Fairfax, VA. – Today, National Rifle Association (NRA) Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre and the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action Executive Director Chris W. Cox joined Governor Scott Walker as he signed the Wisconsin Personal Protection Act into law. This makes Wisconsin the 49th state to give law-abiding citizens an option to carry a concealed firearm for personal protection. Read more

Getting Even with Deer Flies

By Glen Wunderlich

At long last, this year’s healthy crop of mosquitos has dwindled to the point that at least for the time being, they are not as bothersome as they were immediately following our spring rains.  And, black flies have fizzled out, too.  But, there’s another vicious flying insect that emerges each summer that tops them all in the biting department:  the deer fly.

I recall my first encounter with the tormenters, Read more

Locals To Humane Society of the United States: Keep the money

July 08, 2011

The Humane Society of the United States offered a $5,000 grant to the local humane society in Columbus, Nebraska and the local society turned it down for fear of offending … just about everyone.

Critics have condemned the HSUS for pushing a variety of programs and legislation aimed at regulating some elements of animal agriculture, most especially involving the containment and other treatment of animals.  More here…

Keeping Deer Out of the Garden

Landowners face many problems when growing a garden, but none can be more frustrating than dealing with nuisance deer. In a single night, a few deer can devour a small garden that took a lot of hard work to prepare, plant and maintain.

Deer are most active after dark. This makes it very difficult for landowners to catch them in the act of damaging a garden. However, methods are available to discourage deer from visiting and damaging gardens. Read more

Camo Bait Corn for Cheaters


Camouflage is applied to just about anything these days – rifle stocks, bows, knife handles, even trucks.

But bait corn?

That’s right, camouflaged corn has been produced by at least two companies – one in Georgia and another in Michigan. Read more

SAF Files for Preliminary Injunction Against Illinois Carry Ban

BELLEVUE, WA – Capitalizing on its federal appeals court victory Wednesday in Ezell v. City of Chicago, the Second Amendment Foundation today moved for a preliminary injunction against the State of Illinois to prevent further enforcement of that state’s prohibitions on firearms carry in public by law-abiding citizens.

The motion was filed in U.S. District Court for the Central District of Illinois in Springfield. Joining SAF in this motion are Illinois Carry and four private citizens, Michael Moore, Charles Hooks, Peggy Fechter and Jon Maier. The underlying case is known as Moore v. Madigan. Read more

Chicago Loses Case Against Gun Ranges

BELLEVUE, WA – In a 3-0 ruling issued this morning, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit has reversed a lower court ruling and ordered that court to issue a preliminary injunction against the City of Chicago on behalf of the Second Amendment Foundation that prevents the city from banning gun ranges inside city limits. Read more

Ruger Tactital Tips Videos Expanded

Ruger Tactical Tips Videos, featuring Lt. Dave Spaulding (Ret’d), has gone into a second edition. The original video series included self-defense basics for responsible gun owners using handguns. The “Second Edition” is entitled Ruger Tactical Carbine Tips. Read more

Model 70 Featherweight Compact Introduced By Winchester Repeating Arms For 2011


With smaller-framed shooters and those who like a lightweight compact rifle in mind, Winchester Repeating Arms has introduced the Model 70 Featherweight Compact. The new rifle features a 20-inch barrel, a 13-inch length of pull, an overall length of 39 ½ inches and weighs just 6 ½ pounds. The Model 70 Compact is the perfect rifle for ladies, young shooters and those looking for a light-weight mountain rifle.

The Compact Model 70 action has Pre-’64 Controlled Round Feeding, the easy-to-use three position safety and a jeweled bolt body with a knurled bolt handle. The rifle also uses the M.O.A.™ Trigger System that is easily adjusted. The stock is a satin-finished checkered walnut with a Packmayr® Decelerator Pad. The rifle action is bedded and the barrel free-floated for exceptional accuracy.

The Model 70 Featherweight Compact comes in for popular calibers for 2011, 22.250 Rem., 243 Win., 7mm-08 Rem., and 308 Win.. Suggested retail price is $899.99.

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