Potterfields Donate $1 Million to NWTF

Columbia, MO — Larry and Brenda Potterfield of MidwayUSA recently donated $1 million to the National Wild Turkey Foundation to support youth shooting programs, including the JAKES Take Aim program.

The JAKES Take Aim program will provide opportunities for youths, ages 17 and under, to try shooting in a safe, fun environment. With the generous donation from the Potterfields, the NWTF aims to triple the annual number of youth shooting participants at its JAKES outreach events – from 50,000 to 150,000 youths – by 2014.

“Thanks to the generosity of Larry and Brenda Potterfield, more young people will have the chance to try shooting sports and may discover a passion that they will enjoy for the rest of their lives,” said George C. Thornton, NWTF CEO. “This program will be a step toward solidifying the future of shooting sports in America.”

Larry Potterfield, Founder and CEO of MidwayUSA, remarked, “Brenda and I believe in supporting youth programs that teach our next generation about shooting and shooting safety. The NWTF is doing a great job with our youth, who are the future of shooting, conservation and the outdoor industry. We are proud to help them change the future.”

For more information about the Potterfields or MidwayUSA, please visit www.midwayusa.com or call 1-800-243-3220.

For more information about the NWTF and the JAKES Take Aim program, please visit www.NWTF.org/Jakes.

Contact: Aaron Oelger (573) 447-5113

SAF Sues Holder, FBI Over Gun Rights Denial

BELLEVUE, WA – Acting on behalf of a Georgia resident and honorably discharged Vietnam War veteran, the Second Amendment Foundation today filed a lawsuit against Attorney General Eric Holder and the Federal Bureau of Investigation over enforcement of a federal statute that can deny gun rights to someone with a simple misdemeanor conviction on his record.

The lawsuit was filed in United States District Court for the District of Columbia. SAF and co-plaintiff Jefferson Wayne Schrader of Cleveland, GA are represented by attorney Alan Gura, who successfully argued both the Heller and McDonald cases before the U.S. Supreme Court.

In July 1968, Schrader, then 21, was found guilty of misdemeanor assault and battery relating to a fight involving a man who had previously assaulted him in Annapolis, MD. The altercation was observed by a police officer, who arrested Schrader, then an enlisted man in the Navy, stationed in Annapolis. The man he fought with was in a street gang that had attacked him for entering their “territory,” according to the complaint.

Schrader was ordered to pay a $100 fine and $9 court cost. He subsequently served a tour of duty in Vietnam and was eventually honorably discharged. However, in 2008 and again in 2009, Mr. Schrader was denied the opportunity to receive a shotgun as a gift, or to purchase a handgun for personal protection. He was advised by the FBI to dispose of or surrender any firearms he might have or face criminal prosecution.

“Schrader’s dilemma,” explained SAF Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb, “is that until recently, Maryland law did not set forth a maximum sentence for the crime of misdemeanor assault. Because of that, he is now being treated like a felon and his gun rights have been denied.

“No fair-minded person can tolerate gun control laws being applied this way,” he added. “Mr. Schrader’s case is a great example of why gun owners cannot trust government bureaucrats to enforce gun laws.”

Cabela’s Announces Launch of Branded Line of Log Homes and Cabin Kits

SIDNEY, Neb. – Cabela’s announced today the launch of a branded line of log homes and cabin kits to be manufactured by its corporate partner The Original Log Cabin Homes.

Available in January, the Cabela’s log homes and cabin kits will feature unique details in addition to the high-quality construction and exceptional value outdoor enthusiasts expect from the World’s Foremost Outfitter.

Made of either cedar, cypress or pine, with log diameters from 4 to 12 inches, the log homes and cabin kits will be available in standard models or custom designs for shipment throughout North America and other destinations around the world.

“Both Cabela’s and Original Log Cabin Homes have a deep appreciation for the great outdoors,” said Tommy Millner, Chief Executive Officer of Cabela’s. “And we’re sure to make a great team because we also share a commitment to customer satisfaction.”

The Original Log Cabin Homes was founded in 1987 in Rocky Mount, N.C., with one goal in mind: to manufacture the best log houses in the world. The company’s extensive selection of log homes includes options to match almost any budget or aesthetic.

Its commitment to superior craftsmanship is an ideal match for Cabela’s, based in Sidney, Neb., since its founding in 1961, which is world renowned for its outstanding selection and excellent customer service.

“Thanks to this expanded partnership, Cabela’s customers will have exciting new options for log homes and cabin kits,” said Ernest Vesce, incoming President of The Original Log Cabin Homes. “We designed this line with the most passionate outdoor enthusiasts in mind.”

67-Year Member of Physicist’s Society Quits over Global Warming Hoax

For reasons that will soon become clear my former pride at being an APS Fellow all these years has been turned into shame, and I am forced, with no pleasure at all, to offer you my resignation from the Society.

It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried APS before it like a rogue wave. It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist…to find out how the scam has been covered up by scientists on the “take”, read what Harold Lewis writes about his attempts to actually debate the issues with the American Physical Society.

Lessons Learned from Archery "Accident"

By Glen Wunderlich
Outdoor Columnist
Member Professional Outdoor Media Association

A September 29th report of a Florida hunter being shot by an arrow is sad; being that it was the hunter’s friend who shot him makes it worse. The shooter said that he shot an arrow from his treestand into some palmetto bushes about 10 yards away, thinking it was a deer that was hidden by the bushes. Instead, his partner was shot through the forearm with the arrow passing through and puncturing his lower back.

Fish and Wildlife spokesman, Stan Kirkland, said of the incident: “If there’s any positives to take out of this, it’s the message that whether you’re hunting with a bow and arrow or a firearm, always identify your target.” No doubt, these are wise words. But, the mindset that led to this “accident” needs further review.

What was so important about the archer’s chance to kill a deer that he almost killed his hunting partner? Certainly it couldn’t have been antlers that compelled him to shoot into the bushes. It had to be simply the prospect of killing a deer. Any deer, no matter the odds.

As mentioned last week, a sportsman must pass on all but the best opportunities and never risks the long-term consequences of attempting low-percentage shots. The only conclusion that can be drawn from the hunter’s error is that he is no sportsman – given the true meaning of the word. After all, he had taken a shot at his friend – unintentional to be sure – but still he allowed his thoughts of success to overrule sense.

If the movement in the bushes had actually been a deer, just what part of the deer was his target? If he imagined a deer in front of him, he must have imagined a kill shot, too. Or, did he?

Most likely he was shooting for center mass, and in so doing, violated all rules of marksmanship afield. Spokesman Kirkland states the obvious when he said, “always identify your target.” But, what I am stating is that a sportsman, goes well beyond recognizing his target.

Anyone good at marksmanship, doesn’t just shoot at a target. There is a thought process that involves identifying a specific aiming point. The next step is to develop a keen level of concentration that permits focusing the crosshairs, other sighting device or technique to that precise location, while gently squeezing the trigger (or string release aid for most archers.) And, while pressure is slowly being applied to the trigger, the marksman is able to tell you exactly where the crosshairs, or chosen sights are, when the gun goes off or the arrow is released, because that’s what he was watching. A good shooter always knows precisely where his hold was when surprised by the moment of firing.

The Florida archer did none of this. Yet, had his target actually been a deer, what would have been the result is anybody’s guess. But, chances are there would have been one more wounded deer that would have gone to waste all because of a lack of ethical values.

We have to be better than the Florida archer or we run the risk of more backlash and loss of hunting privileges we currently enjoy. And, that’s no shot in the dark.

Deer-Vehicle Collision Frequency Up 21 Percent in Five Years

Deer-Vehicle Collision Frequency Up 21 Percent in Five Years
West Virginia Continues Domination of Collision Likelihood List

BLOOMINGTON, Ill., October 4, 2010 – While the number of miles driven by U.S. motorists over the past five years has increased just 2 percent, the number of deer-vehicle collisions in this country during that time has grown by ten times that amount.

Using its claims data, State Farm®, the nation’s leading auto insurer estimates 2.3 million collisions between deer and vehicles occurred in the U.S. during the two-year period between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2010. That’s 21.1 percent more than five years earlier. To put it another way, during your reading of this paragraph, a collision between a deer and vehicle will likely have taken place (they are much more likely during the last three months of the year and in the early evening).

Likelihood of Deer-Vehicle Collisions

For the fourth year in a row, West Virginia tops the list of those states where a driver is most likely to collide with a deer. Using its claims data in conjunction with state licensed driver counts from the Federal Highway Administration*, State Farm calculates the chances of a West Virginia driver striking a deer over the next 12 months at 1 in 42.

Iowa is second on the list. The likelihood of a licensed driver in Iowa striking a deer within the next year is 1 in 67. Michigan (1 in 70) is third. Fourth and fifth on the list are South Dakota (1 in 76) and Montana (1 in 82).

Pennsylvania is sixth, followed by North Dakota and Wisconsin. Arkansas and Minnesota round out the top 10.

The state in which deer-vehicle collisions are least likely is still Hawaii (1 in 13,011). The odds of a Hawaiian driver hitting a deer between now and 12 months from now are roughly equivalent to the odds of finding a pearl in an oyster shell.

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, deer-vehicle collisions in the U.S. cause about 200 fatalities each year.

The average property damage cost of these incidents was $3,103, up 1.7 percent from a year ago.

Avoiding Deer-Vehicle Collisions

These collisions are more frequent during the deer migration and mating season in October, November and December. The combination of growing deer populations and the displacement of deer habitat caused by urban sprawl are producing increasingly hazardous conditions for motorists and deer.

“State Farm has been committed to auto safety for several decades and that’s why we want to call attention to potential hazards like this one,” said Laurette Stiles, State Farm Vice President of Strategic Resources.

“We hope our updated information will inspire motorists to make safe decisions.”

Here are tips on how to reduce the chances that a deer-vehicle collision involving your vehicle will be part of the story we tell in next year’s version of this news release:

Be aware of posted deer crossing signs. These are placed in active deer crossing areas.

Remember that deer are most active between 6 and 9 p.m.

Use high beam headlamps as much as possible at night to illuminate the areas from which deer will enter roadways.

Keep in mind that deer generally travel in herds – if you see one, there is a strong possibility others are nearby.

Do not rely on car-mounted deer whistles.
If a deer collision seems inevitable, attempting to swerve out of the way could cause you to lose control of your vehicle or place you in the path of an oncoming vehicle.

*State Farm has changed its methodology for computing the likelihood of deer vehicle collisions, using number of licensed drivers instead of number of registered vehicles, thereby computing the likelihood a driver will collide with a deer over the next 12 months rather than the likelihood a vehicle will collide with a deer over the next 12 months.

Dick Luedke, (309)766-3635.

Chicago’s United Center Park Named Country’s Most Dangerous Neighborhood

BELLEVUE, WA – While the City of Chicago is currently in federal court stubbornly defending its new gun ordinance, data reveals that the city’s United Center Park is the most dangerous neighborhood in the country, a situation that reeks of hypocrisy, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

“The city’s new gun ordinance is deliberately designed to discourage citizens from obtaining handguns for personal protection,” noted CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “yet today’s news reveals citizens in at least one Windy City neighborhood are in desperate need of the training and tools to defend themselves. It is time for Chicago residents to demand that the city amend or abolish its new gun ordinance, and stop defending it in federal court.”

Gottlieb was referring to the city’s defense against a lawsuit filed by the Second Amendment Foundation – CCRKBA’s sister organization – that seeks to undo the new ordinance, which requires training and time on a gun range, but prohibits the operation of gun ranges in the city.

The report broadcast by the city’s NBC affiliate said that “anyone walking down Lake Street between Damen and Western has a 1 in 4 chance of being a victim of a crime.”

“How about people who live in that area,” Gottlieb wondered. “The city is throwing up all kinds of obstacles against people wanting to exercise their recently-restored Second Amendment rights. This is simply unconscionable.

“The Daley administration acts like a shepherd that doesn’t want any sheep dogs, yet expects the sheep to continue grazing amid hungry wolves,” he added. “Thousands of Chicago residents don’t consider themselves part of Mayor Daley’s flock, and they are tired of having Daley and the City Council pull wool over their eyes about personal safety and civil rights.

“Stubborn resistance is one thing,” Gottlieb concluded, “but defending an indefensible ordinance in the face of this revelation is not just stubbornness. It is malfeasance.”

With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is one of the nation’s premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization, the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the United States. The Citizens Committee can be reached by phone at (425) 454-4911, on the Internet at www.ccrkba.org or by email to InformationRequest@ccrkba.org.

Hornady Match Bullets Deliver Best Groups at 2010 IBS 1000 Yard Nationals

(Grand Island, Neb.) – Team Hornady® shooter Scott Fletcher relied on Hornady® .338 285 grain BTHP Match™ bullets to bring home a first place finish in the Heavy Gun (HG) group division of the 2010 IBS 1000-Yard Nationals in September. The new .338 285 grain BTHP bullets are built with an entirely new manufacturing process that reduces jacket concentricity to previously unattainable levels. “These bullets are specifically designed and built for long range use, and the jackets are the some of best I’ve ever seen,” said Joe Thielen, Project Engineer and avid 1000-yard bench rest competitor. “The changes we’ve made to our tooling, machines, and processes are really paying off.”

Fletcher described the weather conditions at the match as brutal, with 20 to 30-degree temperature shifts and steady 5 to 20-mph winds, with gusts to 40 mph. “These were predominately quartering headwinds with violent switches and let-offs,” he said. “I made no effort to read the wind other than to get the shots downrange as quickly as possible in a wind condition judged to be constant.” His efforts were impressive, posting a Thursday group of 9.166 inches; groups of 10.594 and 8.423 inches on Friday; and 8.409 inches on Saturday, for a 4-group average of 9.148 inches.

Hornady® spokesman Steve Johnson added, “Seeing our Match™ bullets perform as consistently as they do, especially in conditions as adverse as they were for Nationals, really gives testament to the fact that we are making THE BEST match bullets on the market, period.”

Founded in 1949, Hornady Manufacturing Company is a family owned business headquartered in Grand Island, Nebraska. Proudly manufacturing products that are “Made in the USA”, by over 300 employees, Hornady Manufacturing is a world leader in bullet, ammunition, reloading tool and accessory design and manufacture.

For further information regarding Hornady products visit the Hornady website. Media members who are interested in Hornady winning products for editorial review should contact Steve Johnson.

Steve Johnson, Hornady Manufacturing, sjohnson@hornady.com

Hiker in Grand Canyon Rescued Thanks to PLB

MUKILTEO, WA. – PLB Rentals, LLC announced that at approximately 8:29 AM on Friday October 1, 2010 a rented Personal Locator Beacon was activated in the Grand Canyon. The PLB was rented to a Denver, CO man who was backpacking in the Grand Canyon. The PLB distress signal containing location information was received by the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center (AFRCC) located at Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida. Within minutes the AFRCC contacted PLB Rentals, LLC, the emergency contact, and initiated rescue efforts with the National Park Service Search and Rescue group.

A search and rescue helicopter located a man and woman and confirmed the man was the person in distress who had activated the PLB but were unable to land. After dropping a note telling the couple that park rangers were on their way and telling the couple to stay put, the couple were later evacuated via helicopter from the south rim to a hospital in Flagstaff, AZ. The man is reportedly being treated for symptoms related to dehydration.

“The couple backpacking in the Grand Canyon were experienced hikers but sometimes things go wrong”, said Kevin Stoltz, President of PLB Rentals, LLC. “Although nobody ever wants to have to activate a PLB, it’s nice to know that if you need help, you’ll get it. PLBs are the ultimate emergency rescue device and really do take the search out of search and rescue.”

The PLB activated was a McMurdo FastFind 210. Recently put into service at PLB Rentals, LLC, the FastFind 210 weighs in at just 5.5 oz and is about the size of a cell phone. Once activated, the PLB sends a serialized distress signal that is received by NOAA satellites. In addition, both GPS location data and LEOS (Low Earth Orbiting Satellites) Doppler location data is transmitted as part of the distress signal. NOAA then provides the distress signal information to the AFRCC who then coordinates the rescue efforts with the appropriate local Search and Rescue (SAR) agency.

PLB Rentals, LLC is the leading provider of on-line Personal Locator Beacon rentals in the U.S. Since 2003 PLB Rentals, LLC mission has been to provide an easy and inexpensive way to get PLBs in the hands of adventurers who might need them.
Kevin Stoltz
PLB Rentals, LLC

Sportsmen Defined

By Glen Wunderlich
Outdoor Columnist
Member Professional Outdoor Media Association

In recent years anti-hunting groups such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) have gotten a lot of press with their extreme antics matched only by their extreme causes. Fifty years ago, or even less, they were dismissed as lunatics; now they have found their way into mainstream conversations, political movements, and even legislative maneuvers that are aimed at ending all hunting under the premise that any hunting is inhumane. Although their monikers mask their intentions, conventional wisdom and the hunting fraternity understand all too well what’s really at stake.

Yet, another anti-hunting element prowls the woods, doing its best to restrict hunters’ access to both land and game. These opponents of fair chase, ethical practices, hard-working landowners, and law-abiding hunters look like any other sportsmen and women. They are, however, violators and the cumulative effect of their underhanded ways are no less harmful to the rights of lawful hunters than the fringe groups with which we are all too familiar.

Tactics employed by these scum are many: Trespassing, unlicensed hunting, illegal baiting, you name it and they do it. And, when they do, they steal from those of us who do their level best to follow the rules. As sportsmen and women, we should be even more outraged at these anti-hunters disguised as one of us.

Their overt methods of cheating should not be tolerated or we run the risk of more loss of rights. Sometimes, however, their approach is legal but just as destructive when they resort to unethical practices afield. And, archery season can be as troublesome – or more so – as any.

So, what is it that motivates the unethical among us to launch arrows well beyond one’s personal limits? What compels these anti hunters to shoot at moving or running game, when they can’t hit a stationary target consistently? However they rationalize their anti-hunting behavior doesn’t matter. They are still the enemy.

A sportsman is a person who can go home empty handed and be satisfied with the opportunity to be afield. Of course, bringing home a wall-hanger is certainly better, but he doesn’t risk the long-term consequences of attempting low-percentage shots no matter the prize.

Adopting certain principles leads to discipline afield, which translates into fairness to the quarry. If the goal in hunting is to bag game, then one may become a failure at sportsmanship. When a hunter becomes undisciplined by taking shots that are beyond one’s capability, taking shots at running deer, bad angle shots, etc, he crosses the line. If we choose to be sportsmen, we must pass on all but the best opportunities – those that we have a 90-percent or better chance of making. On this note, it’s best not to kid yourself.

A sportsman marvels at the sight of a fawn, a grouse, or even a squirrel, as they go about their daily business of survival. And, at the same time, he is totally prepared to take home his definition of a trophy. But, if luck doesn’t go his way, he believes his patience will be rewarded another day.
Make your goal to be satisfied with the outdoor experience that you are given no matter what the day may bring, and by definition, you will become a true sportsman.

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