Warm Weather Game Prep Tips

Improperly field-dressing a deer and warm weather can impact the quality of venison warns Dr. Walter Cottrell, Pennsylvania Game Commission wildlife veterinarian.

“The first step in making sure that the venison reaches the table in the best possible condition is, sighting in and practicing with your sporting arm,” Dr. Cottrell said. “Coupling that with knowledgeable shot placement ensures a clean kill and minimal damage to edible parts of the animal.

“After properly tagging their deer, hunters should wear latex or nitrile gloves to remove the entrails. Care should be taken to remove entrails without rupturing them, and hunters should drain excess blood remaining in the cavity. Do not wash out the deer with water or in a creek. Wipe down the cavity with a dry cloth or paper towels, being careful to remove all visible blood and hair.”

Once entrails are removed, the deer should be taken from the field and cooled down as soon as possible. The cool-down process begins when you field-dress the deer. To hasten the cool-down process, skin the deer and hang the carcass in the shade, refrigerate it or place a bag of ice in the body cavity. Never place a deer carcass – with or without the hide on it – in direct sunlight.

For those who process the deer themselves, the first step – after tagging and field-dressing the deer – is to remove the hide, which comes off easier if the front legs are cut off at the elbows, and the rear legs are removed just below the knee joint, with a saw. Use a knife to cut the hide from where each leg was sawed off at the elbow, back to the body trunk. Cutting the rear legs just below the joint also makes it easier to hang a carcass on a gambrel or meat hooks. Hang the carcass by the large tendons on the back legs.

Next, the hide is pulled from the carcass, starting at the rear end and working downward toward the head. Peel it from the hind quarters first, then cut the tailbone and pull it down to the shoulders. Work the hide over the shoulders and pull it away from the legs. Finally, pull the hide down the neck as close to the base of the skull as possible, and then cut the head from the carcass with a clean saw. Remove all of the trachea.

The remaining hide-free carcass should be wiped off immediately. If you use water to clean the cavity or carcass, dry the meat immediately. Wet or damp meat spoils more quickly and is more prone to cultivate and nurture bacteria. Rinsing meat with water also can hasten the spread of bacteria. Inspect the carcass again for any blood and hair. It’s also a good idea to remove large fatty deposits to improve the quality of your meat. It helps lessen that “game taste” some people dislike about venison. Please note, though, that fat is removed from the carcass with greater ease after it has cooled.

Following these steps will prepare your carcass for hanging in a meat processor’s refrigerator, or quartering and placing it in your refrigerator. If the air temperature is above 50 degrees, hunters should get their carcass refrigerated as soon as possible.

“The bacterial load of a deer harvested in warm weather will multiply quickly, so it’s important to dress the deer as soon as possible, transport it from the field and remove the hide, and refrigerate the carcass,” Dr. Cottrell said. “Cooling the carcass will help prevent bacterial growth.”

Hunters who are interested in becoming more self-sufficient also can de-bone the carcass. The cuts are relatively simple and can be made while the deer is hanging or from a plastic sheet-covered table. An inexpensive plastic fluorescent light cover which can be purchased at any home supply store can be used for a cutting board. Deboning offers the advantage of allowing the hunter the ability to view all sides of the cut so any fat, damaged meat and bloody areas can be trimmed out before freezing.

First, remove the shoulders with a filleting knife. This can be done without cutting a bone, by cutting behind the shoulder-blade. Next, remove the meat from the shoulder with a filleting knife.

Hindquarters can be removed from the carcass next by using a saw or by cutting from the underside with a knife. If you plan to have steaks or jerky made from them, don’t make any further cuts.

Inside the body cavity, against the backbone, are the tenderloins, considered the best cut of meat on a deer. Use your hand, and a knife when necessary, to pull them free. Outside the cavity, along the backbone, are the loin muscles or back-straps, which also are outstanding cuts. Again, using a filleting knife and your fingers, slide the blade along the spine to separate each back-strap and then finish each piece by cutting in along the top of the ribs and under the muscle to the first cut you’ve made.

The remainder of the carcass can be de-boned with a filleting knife. Try to trim fat from meat where you can and wipe off blood whenever it is encountered. De-boning can be done relatively quickly, but remember, every ounce of meat you remove increases your trimmings for sausage, bologna, meat sticks or other products. De-boned meat can be taken to a meat processor immediately, or frozen and taken later. Hindquarters may be frozen for processing later as jerky or dried venison. Steaks should be cut fresh. A link to a video on deboning in the field can be seen on our website (www.pgc.state.pa.us), by putting your cursor over “Wildlife” in the menu bar at the top of the homepage, then putting your cursor over “Wildlife Diseases” in the drop-down menu listing, and then clicking on “Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)” in the next drop-down menu listing. To view the video link, scroll down to “What Can Hunters Do,” and click on “Bone Out Your Meat!”

“It’s always a good idea to become self-sufficient as a hunter, because of the satisfaction you’ll derive from processing a deer all by yourself and the extra care and quality control you’ll provide,” noted Cal DuBrock, Pennsylvania Game Commission Bureau of Wildlife Management director. “It also broadens your hunting experience and makes you more conscious of where you need to place the crosshairs when you shoot.”

The Game Commission offers two free brochures on venison care and field-dressing deer. The first, “To Field Dress a Deer,” offers step-by-step instructions – with illustrations – on how to field-dress a deer. The second, “Venison Needn’t Be Pot Luck,” offers field-dressing instructions and cooking tips.

To assist hunters in getting the most of their wild game harvests, the Game Commission offers a two-disk series, produced by Jerry Chiappetta and featuring Certified Master Chef Milos Cihelka. These DVDs – “Wild Game Field Care and Cooking” and “Upland Game Birds, Small Game & Waterfowl” – show step-by-step the best care for game animals from the field to the table. The videos are available from the Game Commission’s website (www.pgc.state.pa.us). Put your cursor over “General Store,” then click on “Visit the Outdoor Shop,” choose “Pennsylvania Game Commission Outdoor Shop” in the lower left-hand corner, select “Merchandise,” then choose “Videos” and then scroll down to the DVD video you are interested in and complete the order form. Both DVDs sells for $18.87 (plus tax and shipping and handling).

Finally, for recipes that will make venison tastier, consider buying the Game Commission’s “Pennsylvania Game Cookbook” for $4.71 plus tax and a $1.25 for shipping and handling. The book and aforementioned free brochures are available by writing: Pennsylvania Game Commission, Dept. MS, 2001 Elmerton Ave., Harrisburg, PA 17110-9797.
Jerry Feaser (717) 705-6541 or PGCNews@state.pa.us

Youth Hunting Strong in Perry, Michigan

By Glen Wunderlich
Outdoor Columnist
Member Professional Outdoor Media Association

Relief from the exceedingly hot weather came just in time for the 7th Annual Perry Youth Hunt Extravaganza, sponsored by the Perry Sons of Amvets. Many dozens of youngsters showed off their deer, while two young ladies took 9 and 10-point bucks anyone would be proud of. All registered youth deer hunters received valuable prizes plus commemorative T-shirts.

Thanks to Sycamore Creek Taxidermy for the deer head mount, to BPI, Industries for getting us a good deal on your Optima muzzleloader, Smoky Dans for a deer processing certificate, Hunters’ Specialties for the donation of suitable gifts, and everyone else that pitched in – especially the entire participating membership of the Perry Sons of Amvets for working so hard all year and saving for this event.

Special thanks to Lynn Welch, Mark and Brad Ergen, Raedean and Heather Thomas, the parking lot control people, and all Sons of Amvets members that showed up to help.

DNRE Shooting Ranges Help Hunters Sight In

With the start of the fall hunting seasons, now is the time for hunters to sight in their bows, rifles and shotguns at one of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment’s staff-operated shooting ranges.

The DNRE oversees six shooting ranges in southern Michigan, including the Rose Lake Shooting Range in Bath (Clinton County); Sharonville Shooting Range in Grass Lake (Jackson County); Island Lake Shooting Range in Brighton (Livingston County); Ortonville Shooting Range in Ortonville (Lapeer County); Bald Mountain Shooting Range in Lake Orion (Oakland County) and Pontiac Lake Shooting Range in Waterford (Oakland County). An archery range is not available at Island Lake.

During October, Ortonville, Pontiac Lake, Rose Lake, and Sharonville ranges are open six days a week, closed Tuesdays. From Nov. 1 – 15, the ranges are open daily.

Hours at Ortonville and Pontiac Lake ranges are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Rose Lake and Sharonville ranges.

Range fees at Ortonville and Pontiac Lake are $4 per day for each shooter age 16 and older. Children under 16 are free. Rose Lake and Sharonville have no fee. The Bald Mountain and Island Lake ranges are operated under contract by Michigan Shooting Centers, LCC. Please contact Island Lake at 248-437-2784 and Bald Mountain at 248-693-0567, or visit their website www.mishoot.com/ for hours and fees.

For more information on DNRE operated shooting ranges, please call the ranges. The telephone numbers are:

Bald Mountain: 248-693-0567

Island Lake: 248-437-2784

Ortonville: 248-627-5569

Pontiac Lake: 248-666-5406

Rose Lake: 517-641-7801

Sharonville: 734-428-8035

Hunters are encouraged to check out Ortonville’s new 3-D archery range and Bald Mountain’s new sporting clays course. Please contact the ranges for more details.

Shooters are reminded to bring eye and ear protection and approved targets with either a bull’s eye pattern or a depiction of legal game. Shooters under age 16 must be directly supervised by an adult.

Information about the DNRE shooting ranges and other public and private shooting ranges can be found on the DNRE website at www.michigan.gov/shootingranges.

Crossbow Safety Advice

GW: Good advice for any state. And the bullet point about not loading an arrow while carrying the crossbow could have saved a life already this season, if it had been followed. A crossbow hunter stabbed his friend, who was walking ahead of him. When his friend stopped suddenly, his back was pierced and he bled to death.

RALEIGH, N.C. – With crossbows now legal for hunting in North Carolina, the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission’s Home From The Hunt campaign recommends some safety guidelines.

“Many of the safety considerations for using a crossbow are the same as a longbow or compound bow,” said Travis Casper, state assistant hunting education coordinator. “Or even a rifle, for that matter. Hunting safety is exercising caution, following manufacturer’s instructions, obeying regulations and putting into practice what you’ve learned in hunter education, no matter what you’re using.”

As with any method of hunting, always point your crossbow in a safe direction; only shoot after positively identifying your target and what’s beyond it. Know your crossbow’s capabilities and limitations, Casper advised.

He also stressed:

* Never carry a crossbow cocked and loaded with an arrow.
* Keep fingers and thumb below the rail at all times.
* When cocking, be sure that your foot is firmly planted in the cocking stirrup.
* Never dry-fire a crossbow (firing without an arrow can cause sudden breakage).

While using a tree stand, all hunters should maintain three points of contact when climbing up or down; wear a full body safety harness; and check belts, chains and attachment cords before use. With a crossbow in a tree stand, Casper said hunters should:

* Cock the crossbow on the ground before climbing.
* Load the crossbow only when in hunting position.
* Always use a haul line to raise or lower an unloaded crossbow.
* Keep the haul line away from the trigger mechanism – haul stock-first.
* Clear away any tree branches before taking a shot.

Dialing in the Crossbows

By Glen Wunderlich
Outdoor Columnist
Member Professional Outdoor Media Association

October 1st is opening day for archery deer hunters in all of Michigan and that means there is little time to finish necessary preparations. The yellow snow, provided by the local whitetail population in February, has been cold filtered and packaged neatly in 8-ounce pump-spray bottles for truly unique cover scent. Old treestands have been inspected and secured with new ratchet straps and new pull-up ropes. All that was left to complete prudent readiness was to sight in the new crossbows.

My friend, Joe, and I began the session shooting at a Block target from a benchrest. Crossbows have several advantages over vertical bows (and some shortcomings, as well) and one of them is the ability to be fired from a solid rest, as can be done with firearms. There is no better means to make critical sight adjustments than from a rest to minimize the human wobble factor. So, we began at 30 yards with 100-grain practice points.

The 30-yard mark used to be my maximum range with my vertical compound bow but no longer. In fact, I learned early on with the Horton Vision that shooting multiple arrows (or crossbolts, if you will) at the same target was a bad idea. (Don’t ask me how I learned.) Another thing I discovered was that the aluminum arrows, that came with the crossbow package, were slower than advertised. And, to top it off, one of the inserts with point attached was disengaged from the arrow and left inside the layered Block target. So that little bit of misfortune led to an upgrade with a new set of Carbon Express Red Hot crossbow arrows with built-in weight forward design.

When we weighed the new arrows, we found that they were somewhat lighter than advertised but all were within fractional grain differences. It was time to let ’em fly. Whack! A little scope adjustment and the next one was in the center of a 3-inch circle. And then the moment of truth: The first shot with my chosen NAP Spitfire, 100-grain expandable, 3-blade broadhead. No difference! A few more shots and the new broadhead had been promptly converted to a practice-only test device. It sure was hard on that expensive Block target, as a few cut layers of the material came loose behind it. Oh, well.

Joe was using a new Reign 100-grain broadhead and had similar results powered by his 352 feet-per-second Parker powerhouse. At 40 yards both of us used the third horizontal line on our range-finding reticles and kept all shots in the 3-inch circles.

Because neither of us anticipate a lot of hunting from the ground, it was onward and upward some 20 feet to a roomy tree ambush platform. We ranged the target at 30 yards and slammed the arrows into the tiny bull’s eyes. At 40 yards same thing. Of course, the tree fort has a shooting rail and all we had to do to duplicate results from the benchrest was to put a sandbag under the forearm section of the bows. Since 40 yards was more than a satisfactory distance for me, my testing was concluded. But Joe took it to the next level: 50 yards!

Once again, the arrows flew true. By using the fourth aiming line on the scope, Joe whistled 2 arrows one inch directly above the black circle on the target – still within our self-prescribed 6-inch kill zone.

Before we left, we staked out perimeters of 30 and 40 yards around the tree so that yardage estimates will not pose a problem.

This getting-ready business couldn’t have culminated more perfectly. All that is left is for the precision aspects of the new hunting tools to prove themselves afield.

Mossberg Introduces Tactical .22 Autoloading Rimfires

North Haven, CT – Mossberg International introduces the Tactical .22–an alternative firearm for those shooters and enthusiasts who want the look and feel of an AR-style .22 rimfire with an affordable price. With the rising costs of centerfire ammunition, the new Tactical .22 rimfires are a great choice for recreational shooters, as well as those searching for a cost-effective training platform.

The lightweight and fast-handling Tactical .22 parallels the look and feel of today’s AR-style rifle while being built around Mossberg International’s reliable .22autoloader. Taking cues from their proven 702 autoloader, the Tactical .22 matches an 18″ barrel to a quad rail forend allowing the operator to fit the rifle with lights, lasers or other tactical accessories. Two stock configurations will be offered in this series: a six-position adjustable and fixed stock. The six-position polymer stock adjusts the length of pull from 10-3/4″ – 14.5″ accommodating youth and smaller framed shooters up to adults. The fixed position stock has a standard 13″ LOP. The Tactical .22 is integrated with an A2-style carry handle and an adjustable rear sight aligned with a front post sight. The Picatinny handle mount is included, allowing versatility in scopes and other optics while providing the clearance necessary to utilize the AR-style sights. Other features included with the Tactical .22 are sling mounts and a ten round magazine.

MSRP: $276

Federal Premium Adds Swift A-Frame to Vital-Shok Handgun Hunting Line

ANOKA, Minnesota – September 20, 2010 – Federal Premium® adds the Swift® A-Frame® to its Vital-Shok™ handgun hunting ammunition line. The proven A-Frame gives hunters another bullet option sure to hold up in a variety of big game hunting situations. New offerings are now available.

Handgun hunters know the Swift A-Frame for its toughness. Its bonding process ensures the jacket and core will hold together to get great penetration and ideal weight retention. This translates to great stopping power on big game.

“The A-Frame is a great addition to our handgun hunting lineup,” said Brand Director Rick Stoeckel. “It has a reputation, and a proven track record, as a first-class bullet. It will give hunters another great option for their favorite handgun.”

The A-Frame gets controlled expansion on impact. And this bonded-lead hollow point will be available in popular handgun hunting calibers from .357 Mag to .500 S&W.

Available Now

Part No. Description

P357SA .357 Magnum 180-grain Swift A-Frame 1130 fps

P41SA .41 Rem. Magnum 210-grain Swift A-Frame 1270 fps

P44SA .44 Rem. Magnum 280-grain Swift A-Frame 1170 fps

P454SA .454 Casull 300-grain Swift A-Frame 1520 fps

P460SA .460 S&W 300-grain Swift A-Frame 1750 fps

P500SA .500 S&W 325-grain Swift A-Frame 1800 fps

For more information on the new Vital-Shok A-Frame offerings, and the entire Federal Premium line, visit www.federalpremium.com.

Perry Youth Hunt Extravaganza 2010

By Glen Wunderlich
Outdoor Columnist
Member Professional Outdoor Media Association

This weekend is a big one for any Michigan youth deer hunter, because they have their own special season. And, the little town of Perry celebrates the occasion in a big way hosting the 7th annual Perry Youth Hunt Extravaganza. You’ll find all the necessary details below.

While many traditional American values are going the way of the streetcar, not so in this case. In fact, hunting ages have been lowered in recent years, and for the first year, youths as low as 10 years of age can even hunt with crossbows (firearms cannot be used until they reach 12 years of age, and then, only on private land.) Our youth hunters and those across the nation have proved that they are actually safer than the adults, too.

We members of the Perry Sons of Amvets have worked hard since last year’s Youth Hunt saving 10 percent of our dinner and breakfast event proceeds and put them to work for the kids. It’s commitment and dedication to carry on the great Michigan hunting heritage that speaks volumes and it’s unrivaled anywhere else in Michigan. There are no entry fees, no qualifications to bag a deer – only enthusiastic youngsters that want to hunt.

The 7th Annual Perry Youth Hunt Extravaganza is an event whereby young hunters are provided with an opportunity to display deer taken in the two-day Youth Firearm Deer Season, September 25 and 26 and the chance to win valuable prizes. The Youth Firearms Deer Season is open on all lands in Michigan.

A youth 10 to 16 years of age with a firearm or combination license may take an antlered or antlerless deer during this special two-day season. Archery and junior archery licenses are not valid for this hunt. The bag limit for the season is one deer.

Youths 10 and 11 are restricted to archery-only hunting. Youths 12 and 13 can use firearms but are restricted to firearm hunting on private land only. All youth hunters must wear Hunter Orange and must be accompanied by an adult at least 18 years of age or older. An adult accompanying a youth firearm deer hunter cannot possess or carry a firearm or bow and arrow and does not need a deer hunting license. It is unlawful to use bait during this season.

Deer may be brought to the Perry VFW at 601 S. Main St, Perry, MI 48872 beginning at 10 am each day to register for the prize drawing on Sunday. It is not necessary to harvest a deer to be eligible for the prize drawing; only a valid deer hunting license is required to register, but unsuccessful hunters will only be registered between 7 pm and 8 pm Sunday.

Prizes are provided equally to successful and unsuccessful participants on Sunday beginning at approximately 8:30 pm. Local businesses and individuals are encouraged to support this worthwhile event through charitable contributions. The Perry Youth Hunt Extravaganza is a function of the Perry Sons of AMVETS Post 4064 and all gifts and donations are tax deductible. Discounts for goods and/or services being offered by businesses are not considered as prizes.

Donations are to be sent to or dropped off at the Perry VFW c/o Glen Wunderlich. Make sure to mark them Perry Youth Hunt. Checks are to be made payable to Perry Sons of Amvets.

If you have any questions, contact Chairman Glen Wunderlich during daytime hours only at (517) 404-7737 or via email at glenway@acd.net. Come join the fun and excitement and support the future of a great Michigan heritage.

CCRKBA Rips Obama Appointment to UN

BELLEVUE, WA – The appointment of anti-gun rights former Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels as an alternate representative to the United Nations has removed any doubt about the Obama administration’s intentions regarding global gun control initiatives, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

Nickels, a founding member of Mayors Against Illegal Guns and the author of Seattle’s failed attempt to override Washington’s state firearms preemption statute, was sworn in Wednesday to “help represent the United States in the UN assembly,” according to the Seattle Times.

“Putting an extremist gun banner in any position to represent this country at the United Nations amounts to renting a billboard for advertising against the Second Amendment,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “While he was Seattle’s mayor, Greg Nickels supported every anti-gun scheme put forth by Washington CeaseFire, the Northwest’s most active gun prohibition lobby.

“Nickels is a gun ban proponent,” he continued, “so his appointment as an alternate to the UN is a clear signal of Barack Obama’s intention to rubber stamp the UN’s global gun ban agenda. We had to sue Nickels while he was still Seattle’s mayor to overturn his illegal city parks gun ban. Now he gets to push his anti-gun philosophy on a world scale. It hardly seems a coincidence that Nickels has been appointed by the Obama administration at a time when the UN is considering treaties and initiatives that pose a serious threat to the Second Amendment.”

Nickels was turned out of office in 2009, which was something of a feat in a liberal enclave like Seattle, Gottlieb recalled. His defeat in the primary demonstrated the degree of alienation voters felt from a politician who once epitomized the Seattle liberal establishment.

“By naming Greg Nickels as an alternate representative at the UN,” Gottlieb stated, “President Obama has essentially told America’s 85 million gun owners that their firearm civil rights are in jeopardy. Nickels cannot be counted on to defend the Second Amendment because he would like to see it erased from the Constitution.”

Grouse Hunting Tips Revealed

“Serious Grouse Hunting: Book 1” is about one thing: Improving your ruffed grouse hunting. New tips on finding habitat and parsing the habitat you do find, walking-up grouse (with and without a dog), getting grouse to flush, the best ways to get a shot, gun and shell choices, modern gear pros and cons, and much more. Serious Grouse Hunting takes a 70-year old conversation about grouse hunting and brings it into the 21st Century.

All bird hunters will enjoy this book, and those who aren’t yet Serious about grouse hunting will be after reading it!

Readers will:

* Improve grouse hunting abilities
* Understand countless new hunting strategies and age-old secrets with easy-to-understand illustrations and entertaining, down-to-earth explanations
* Learn how to harness the power of technologies like Google Earth to advance hunting skills
* Discover which time-honored grouse hunting tactics are now debunked

“We wrote this book for several reasons,” explained author Jay Kumar. “One is we love to grouse-hunt. Two is that we wish we’d read a book like this, and since no one had written one, we did. Three, the how-to info in the sport seriously needed updating. And a fourth reason is that we’re eternal students of the sport, and really want this book to start some new conversations about grouse hunting and upland hunting generally. We’ll keep those conversations going at our website, SeriousBirdHunting.com. We just can’t get enough bird hunting info, and we know we’re not alone!”

Co-author Brendan Haines added, “As Serious Bird Hunters, we love hammering ditch chickens just like everyone else. But to us, ruffed grouse hunting is the pinnacle of serious bird hunting. If you hunt grouse, you may not agree with everything in the book but should learn at least one thing that will help you bag more birds. If you haven’t hunted grouse yet, reading this book will make you want to.”

“Serious Grouse Hunting: Book 1″ has 200+ pages with photos and illustrations. Available now for purchase atwww.SeriousBirdHunting.com, the cover price is $29.95 – much cheaper than hiring a guide for the day and hunters will learn much more from the book. In fact, grouse books were selling for more than $20 two decades ago!

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