TETRA Hearing Introduces Land Management Program

Nashville, Tennessee
As outdoorsmen and women, conservationists and hunters are true stewards of the land. This dirt is one of god’s great gifts we all hold near and dear, grow our roots, and preserve, because he certainly isn’t making any more of it. As we advance from season to season, the term ‘Off-Season’ has become a thing of the past. The work you put in today yields results for tomorrow. Whether you’re a waterfowler, wing shooter, whitetail hunter or turkey chaser… we know what it takes to put in the work and keep them coming back.
We are proud to announce our LAND MANAGEMENT Program by TETRA Hearing™. Designed to protect against the harsh sounds you may encounter on the farm, your regular occupation or even knocking out that “honey-do” list around the house. We encounter loud sounds during every one of these activities that fall within sound levels that are damaging to the ear. Chainsaws, tractors, grinders, chippers, etc., all exceed 85 decibels (dB SPL) and are known to damage human hearing.
The LAND MANAGEMENT Program was built to block the dangerous noise above the safe hearing threshold. But as soon as you stop, they will allow you to communicate normally (or even better). This eliminates the need to put them in and take them out constantly. As an example, let’s say you’re cutting firewood or removing trees for a food plot on your property. While the chainsaw is in use, our AlphaShield Compression Technology®limits the overall noise to a safe level so your ears are protected. But when you stop the saw, our Specialized Target Optimization (STO)™ technology makes voices and other ambient noises sound crisp, clear, and natural, even though the products are still in your ear canal.
The LAND MANAGEMENT Program is now available as an add-on program or can be integrated into a new set of SHIELD Series devices.
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