Teachers – we hope you will participate in Deer Camp 2016 on Nov. 14!
New this year, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources has developed a Deer Camp event for students in second through fourth grades.
“We heard about northern schools who had created this special day where students participate in deer camp before they or their family members head out to an actual deer camp, and we thought why not share this great idea statewide,” said Kelly Carter, DNR Wildlife Division Public Outreach manager.
Teachers that sign up electronically will receive a packet outlining activities that touch on many different subjects, from science to math to English to art and even gym. In addition, there is a short video from DNR deer management specialist Chad Stewart to kick off the fun event.
The idea is that a teacher can use the various pieces throughout the entire day, or just for part of the day. Some schools even start the day with breakfast for the students. What a great idea – it really is like deer camp! Read more