FPC Responds to Biden Administration’s Latest Assaults on Peaceable Americans
Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) issued the following statement Tuesday responding to an announcement by President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris detailing their latest assaults on peaceable Americans:
The Biden-Harris Administration’s Emerging Firearm Threats Task Force report has once again demonstrated their complete and manifest contempt for the People of the United States and their constitutionally protected rights, including the freedom of speech and right to keep and bear arms. This report is both evidence of the immoral agenda driven by these politicians and a warning to the American public.
Indeed, their report makes crystal clear that authoritarian politicians like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and federal agencies managed by their ideological ilk, fully intend to wildly increase their already pervasive surveillance of and control over our speech, our finances, and our lives. For them, there is no policy too abusive, no rule too restrictive, no censorship too broad, no company they would not coerce to implement their policy preferences, and no end that would not justify the means. If their policies were bricks, there is no road to hell these despotic and dangerous people would not pave with them. Read more