Judge Postpones Oral Arguments in NSSF, SAAMI Suit to Stop California Microstamping Law

Oral arguments, originally scheduled to be heard today (Wednesday, May 7) in Fresno (CA) Superior Court, have been postponed until May 14 in the lawsuit brought by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) and the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute (SAAMI) on behalf of their members against the State of California to prevent enforcement of the state’s microstamping statute.

Michigan: Senate Committee Passes Youth Firearm Education Bill

Today, an important youth firearm education bill passed unanimously in the Michigan Senate Judiciary Committee.  House Bill 5085 now goes to the Senate floor for consideration.  Introduced by state Representative Phil Potvin (R-102), HB 5085 corrects an unduly burdensome restraint on youth firearm education by reasonably expanding the class of individuals who are allowed to supervise and instruct Michigan youth on the safe use of pistols.

Under current Michigan law, an individual who is under the age of 18 is prohibited from possessing a pistol “for the purposes of target practice or instruction in the safe use,” unless the “person’s parent or guardian is physically present and supervising the person.”  As a result, responsible family members, close friends, range instructors and youth organizations (e.g. Boy Scouts of America) are all effectively precluded from supervising and instructing on the safe use of a pistol in a controlled environment.

If enacted, HB 5085 would allow some of the aforementioned classes of individuals to provide pistol training and safety instruction to Michigan’s youth, while also ensuring that supervision is undertaken by a responsible adult.  HB 5085 achieves this goal by amending the current law to provide that an individual who is 21 years or older, has successfully completed a state certified pistol training course and has received parental authorization, may supervise and provide pistol instruction to a minor at a target range.

Please contact your state Senator today and encourage him or her to SUPPORT HB 5085, and to consider and vote on this bill as soon as possible.  Contact information for your state Senator can be found here.

Obama Administration Will Limit Exported Mags to 30 Round Capacities

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) reports  the U.S. State Department has made a “policy decision” to limit the export of 30 round and higher capacity magazines solely to government, law enforcement and military end users. The policy is expected to be posted to the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) website this week. NSSF will provide updates on this policy development as more information becomes available.

Obama Administration’s latest “Executive Action” aims to curb ammo imports

The BATFE sure doesn’t care about ballistics and Obama sure doesn’t care about the Second Amendment.

According to John Lott, the 5.45×39 is slightly narrower and a little longer than a .22 magnum.  If you want to see the illogic of banning the importation of the 5.45×39 compare it to the .44 magnum or the 38 special.

In inches 5.45 is about .21 inches, so that is less than half the diameter of the .44 inches magnum shell.  The 38 special is .359 inches in diameter.
The 39 millimeter length is 1.535 inches, while the .44 magnum is 1.61 inches (41 millimeters).  The .38 special is also slightly longer than the 5.45×39 — it is 1.55 inches long.

More details here…

Arizona Senate approves four pro-gun bills

• House Bill 2339 would allow gun owners with concealed-carry permits to bring  weapons into government buildings, unless security measures- including armed  guards, metal detectors and gun lockers- are in place. The measure, by Rep.  Brenda Barton, R-Payson, excludes public K-12 schools, community colleges and  universities. Gov. Jan Brewer vetoed a similar bill last year.

• House Bill 2338 would allow authorities to charge a person who’s accused of  wresting a gun away from someone else with aggravated assault. Doing so is  already a felony offense. Proponents said it is a preventative measure in case a  criminal were to take the gun of someone using it in self-defense. Democrats  said the measure is a waste of time because it rehashes what’s already a crime.  The bill was also sponsored by Barton.

• House Bill 2517, sponsored by Rep. Steve Smith, R-Maricopa, would impose  fines on cities, towns and their lawmakers who enforce gun ordinances more  strictly than the state’s own laws. The bill would impose a civil penalty of up  to $5,000 on city and town governments that violate the statute. It would also  allow the state to sue individual government officials, such as city councilors,  and would prohibit them from using public funds to defend themselves in court.

• House Bill 2483  would ban cities, counties and towns from restricting the  shooting of guns on private property. The bill was sponsored by Rep. John  Kavanagh, R-Fountain Hills.

Senators must still cast a roll-call vote on all bills.

Smart Gun Dumb Idea

Eric Holder explains how gun owners can enjoy their Second Amendment rights with “techno” guns costing over $1000 more each – never acknowledging that guns are used for defensive purposes millions of times each year.  Like it never happens.

The Washington Post has this piece on the concept to jack up gun prices so much, it will cause gun control – Washington style – because people will no longer be able to afford them.  Nothing new here.

Holder’s twisted logic is below:


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