Statement of Daniel Defense on its Motion to Dismiss in Torres v. Daniel Defense

BLACK CREEK, GA – On February 14th, Daniel Defense, manufacturer of the world’s finest firearms and accessories, followed through on our promise to vigorously defend our Company and our customers’ Second Amendment rights by filing a motion to dismiss the suit in Torres v. Daniel Defense in the United States District Court in Del Rio, Texas brought by Everytown Law and others.

The suit is simply another attempt by Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown group to promote their false narrative that someone other than the criminal is responsible for crime, and to continue their campaign to destroy lawful citizen access to firearms by suing manufacturers out of existence. Daniel Defense will strongly defend our customers’ rights to responsibly acquire and use our products. We look forward to continuing to support our loyal customers as we seek the immediate dismissal of all frivolous actions filed against us.

Everytown Law is a part of Everytown for Gun Safety, a national group committed to intensely attacking gun rights in just about every category of lawful use or supply, including eliminating sound legal protections for firearms manufacturers and dealers, and banning AR-15 rifles and common capacity magazines. Unfortunately, organizations like Everytown are committed to significantly eroding Second Amendment freedoms and are directly involved in Torres and similar lawsuits with the objective of nullifying clear federal law protecting the lawful right to manufacture firearms. Read more

SAF Files Amended Complaint Challenging New Jersey Gun Law

BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation has filed an amended complaint in its challenge of New Jersey’s revised gun permit law, adding one plaintiff and expanding its scope on so-called “sensitive places.” The case is now known as Koons v. Platkin.

SAF and its lawsuit partners are now joined by plaintiff Gil Tal. Other plaintiffs are the Firearms Policy Coalition, the Coalition of New Jersey Firearm Owners, New Jersey Second Amendment Society, and individual citizens Jeffrey M. Muller, Nicholas Gaudio and Ronald Koons, for whom the lawsuit is named. They are represented by attorney David Jensen of Beacon, New York. The case was previously known as Koons v. Reynolds. SAF was already granted a temporary restraining order by U.S. District Judge Renee Marie Bumb in Camden in that case.

The amended complaint was filed in U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey. Named as defendants are New Jersey Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and State Police Supt. Patrick Callahan, in their official capacities.

The specific additional “sensitive places” designations that are challenged in the amended lawsuit include parks, beaches, recreational facilities or playgrounds or areas owned or controlled by a state, county or local government unit, plus youth sports events, an airport or public transportation hub, and various health care facilities. These areas were designated “sensitive” because the New Jersey Legislature was determined to “continue minimizing the carry of handguns as much as possible,” the lawsuit notes. Read more

SAF Files for Emergency TRO in Challenge to Conn. Gun Law

BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation and its partners in a lawsuit challenging a Connecticut gun control law have filed an emergency motion for a temporary restraining order because a new rule published by the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives on firearms designation places thousands of Constitution State citizens in serious legal jeopardy.

SAF is joined by the Connecticut Citizens Defense League and three private citizens, Jennifer Hamilton, Michael Stiefel and Eddie Grant, Jr. They are represented by Connecticut attorneys Doug Dubitsky of North Windham, Craig C. Fishbein of Wallingford and Cameron L. Atkinson of Harwinton.

“When ATF published its new rule, redesignating a class of firearms known as ‘any other firearm’ or simply ‘others’ as either ‘rifles’ or ‘short barreled rifles’ depending on the barrel length, all of those guns suddenly fell within the state’s definition of an assault weapon,” noted SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “This immediately put thousands of owners of previously-classified ‘other’ firearms in harm’s way legally because now their possession is a felony.” Read more

NSSF Applauds Court Order to Block New Jersey’s Frivolous Lawsuit Law

For more information contact: Mark Oliva 202-220-1340

NSSF Applauds Court Order to Block New Jersey’s Frivolous Lawsuit Law

WASHINGTON, D.C. — NSSF®, The Firearm Industry Trade Association, welcomed the U.S. District Court of New Jersey’s preliminary injunction order to block a public nuisance law that was recently enacted by Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy. That law allowed frivolous and unconstitutional lawsuits against members of the firearm industry for the subsequent criminal misuse of a lawfully-sold firearm by remote third parties over whom members of the industry have no control. Judge Zahid Quraishi noted that the landmark 2005 Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) specifically protects against these baseless lawsuits that have no foundation in a basic understanding of tort law.

“NSSF is pleased by today’s ruling because we know New Jersey’s law is unconstitutional as it is preempted by federal law,” said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF’s Senior Vice President and General Counsel. “The bottom line is that Congress specifically addressed these sorts of harassing and baseless lawsuits when PLCAA was passed with an overwhelming bipartisan majority and signed into law by President George W. Bush. The court correctly pointed out in its opinion that New Jersey’s law directly conflicts with the intention of Congress.” Read more

GOA Applauds Introduction of SHORT Act as ATF Pistol Ban Takes Effect

Washington, D.C. – Today, Gun Owners of America (GOA) is excited to support the introduction of the SHORT (Stop Harrassing Owners of Rifles Today) Act by Congressman Andrew Clyde (GA) and Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. (KS). This bill, which would remove the unconstitutional taxation, registration, and regulation in the National Firearms Act of Short-Barreled Rifles, Short-Barreled Shotguns, and those classified under “Any Other Weapons,” was introduced today to coincide with the formal publication of the ATF’s draconian pistol brace firearm ban, which will force Americans to destroy or register their approximately 40 million lawfully owned firearms.

Erich Pratt, GOA’s Senior Vice President, issued the following statement:

“Tens of millions of Americans are facing felony charges if they fail to comply with this executive fiat from the Biden Administration. This is the biggest gun grab in the history of our country, and we are fully committed to fighting this executive order at every turn.”

Aidan Johnston, GOA’s Director of Federal Affairs, added:

“The Stop Harassing Owners of Rifles Today (SHORT) Act will repeal elements of the archaic National Firearms Act, which the Biden ATF is using to justify their pistol ban and ‘amnesty registration’ plan — a policy change that affects millions of law-abiding gun owners and does nothing to curb rising crime. GOA is proud to support the SHORT Act, which will protect millions of gun owners, halt these anti-gun infringements, and restore liberty. GOA is grateful to Rep. Clyde and Senator Marshall for leading this No Compromise legislation to restore long-lost Second Amendment rights.”

Introduction of the bill was first covered by the Daily Caller, read more here.

GOA spokesmen are available for interviews. Gun Owners of America is a nonprofit grassroots lobbying organization dedicated to protecting the right to keep and bear arms without compromise. GOA represents over two million members and activists. For more information, visit GOA’s Press Center.

“Judge Shopping” by Illinois in Gun Ban Cases Backfires

BELLEVUE, WA – What appears to have been a blatant effort by the State of Illinois to go “judge shopping” to transfer several federal lawsuits challenging the new state law banning so-called “assault weapons” and their magazines has backfired, the Second Amendment Foundation said today.

“Our lawsuit and others have actually all been transferred to a very fair-minded judge,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “We anticipated the cases would eventually be consolidated, but instead of winding up with a judge who the state hoped would be unfavorable to Second Amendment issues, I believe we now have an unbiased judge.”

All of the cases have been assigned to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois. SAF’s case, filed with the Illinois State Rifle Association and Firearms Policy Coalition, is known as Harrel v. Raoul.

“This effort will likely come back to haunt Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker and Attorney General Kwame Raoul,” Gottlieb said. “The governor made a spectacle out of signing an extremist gun ban law, and we immediately challenged it in federal court. The attorney general is in the uncomfortable position of having to defend the law, and he’s also a defendant in the case. Their judge shopping efforts have backfired.” Read more

NSSF Files to Block Enforcement of Illinois Gun & Magazine Ban

WASHINGTON, D.C. — NSSF®, The Firearm Industry Trade Association, filed a motion for a preliminary injunction to block state authorities from enforcing HB 5471, the recently-enacted “Protect Illinois Communities Act,” which bans the sale of several hundred of the most commonly-owned semiautomatic rifles in America, including all rifles on the very popular Modern Sporting Rifle (MSR) platform. That same law also bans the possession of standard-capacity magazines and certain models of semiautomatic handguns. This unconstitutional law unquestionably violates the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Illinois citizens and the state should be enjoined immediately from enforcing it.

“NSSF filed this motion for a preliminary injunction because every day this unconstitutional law is on the books, law-abiding citizens are being denied their right to keep and bear arms of their choosing for self-defense and other lawful purposes,” said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF Senior Vice President and General Counsel. “This ban on MSRs and other commonly-owned rifles, standard-capacity magazines and certain handguns was passed in open defiance of the Supreme Court’s Bruen and Heller decisions. The Second Amendment protects the right of a citizen to freely approach a gun counter to legally purchase commonly-owned firearms, unless, as the Supreme Court held in Bruen, the state can prove its law is part of a historic, national tradition and heritage of banning such arms – something the state obviously cannot do.” Read more

NSSF Challenges Illinois’ Unconstitutional Gun and Magazine Ban

WASHINGTON, D.C. — NSSF®, The Firearm Industry Trade Association, along with several co-plaintiffs, filed a legal challenge seeking declaratory and injunctive relief to prevent Illinois from enforcing the recently enacted law that bans most semiautomatic firearms including Modern Sporting Rifles (MSRs), certain models of semiautomatic handguns and standard capacity magazines.

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed into law HB 5471, the “Protect Illinois Communities Act.” HB 5741 is among the nation’s most expansive gun control laws. It bans the sale of hundreds of models of rifles including commonly-owned MSRs, certain semiautomatic handguns and rifle magazines with a capacity greater than 10 cartridges and pistol magazines with a capacity greater than 15 cartridges. There are over 24.4 million MSRs in circulation today, more popular than the top selling Ford F-150, and tens of millions of standard-capacity magazines also in circulation.

“The Illinois gun ban law is an overreaching attempt to deny law-abiding Americans their fundamental and Constitutionally-protected Second Amendment rights,” said Lawrence G. Keane, Senior Vice President and General Counsel. “The U.S. Supreme has already recognized that semiautomatic rifles ‘traditionally have been widely accepted as lawful,’ and with over 24 million of these rifles in circulation today, they are clearly commonly-owned for lawful purposes, meeting the threshold set by the Supreme Court in its Heller decision. Semiautomatic handguns are overwhelmingly the choice of firearm for personal self-defense. This law is clearly unconstitutional and does nothing to punish the criminal. It only deprives law-abiding Americans from being able to exercise their full spectrum of Second Amendment rights.” Read more

SAF Files for Injunction in Illinois Gun Ban Case

Second Amendment Foundation

12500 NE Tenth Place · Bellevue, WA 98005

(425) 454-7012 · FAX (425) 451-3959 ·

BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation has filed a motion for preliminary injunction in its federal court challenge of the recently-signed ban on modern semiautomatic rifles and their ammunition magazines. The case is known as Harrel v. Raoul.

Joining SAF are the Illinois State Rifle Association, Firearms Policy Coalition, C4 Gun Store LLC, Marengo Guns, Inc. and a private citizen, Dane Harrel, for whom the case is named. They are represented by attorney David Sigale of Wheaton, Ill. The motion was filed in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois.

In their motion, plaintiffs note to the court, “The Supreme Court has now repeatedly said that the Second Amendment ‘protects the possession and use of weapons that are in common use at the time.’ The firearms and magazines Illinois recently banned certainly qualify for protection under this standard. The firearms include many of the most commonly owned firearms in the country and the magazines are integral for the operation of common firearms.”

“Thanks to last summer’s Supreme Court decision in the Bruen case,” noted SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb, “the defendants—in this case the State of Illinois—must justify the ban signed by Gov. J.B. Pritzker as being consistent with historical tradition rooted at the time the Constitution was ratified. They can’t possibly do so because the Bruen ruling clearly established there is no tradition of banning commonly possessed arms, and modern semi-auto rifles are owned by millions of citizens across the country.” Read more

CCRKBA to CA. Congresswoman Chu: ‘Law You Want Already Exists’

Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

12500 N.E. Tenth Place • Bellevue, WA 98005 •

BELLEVUE, WA – California Congresswoman Judy Chu, who represents the state’s 28th Congressional District, reportedly called for universal background checks in the wake of Saturday night’s tragic mass shooting in Monterey Park, telling CBS News it should have passed “a long time ago.”

“But in California,” noted Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, “that has been the law for quite some time. The gun allegedly used in this horrible attack is already illegal in the state. Yet, Rep. Chu is making statements suggesting her state needs more gun control when it is clear the laws she wants are already on the books, and they did not prevent the tragedy in Monterey Park.”

The congresswoman also was quoted in news reports demanding to know, “Why do we have so many guns in this country and even more on the horizon? It’s not right…Other countries don’t operate this way, and we should not either.”

“For a member of Congress to make such a remark is astonishing,” Gottlieb observed. “The right to keep and bear arms is enshrined in our Constitution, which she swore an oath to uphold when she took office. Surely she must realize our Second Amendment is a cornerstone of the Constitution and its Bill of Rights. Read more

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