Youngsters Shooting for the First Time

By Glen Wunderlich

Charter Member Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA)

While city slickers continue their cry to do something about guns, I must confess I agree with them.  I was up for the task, when our 8 year-old, twin, great granddaughters made the trek from the Detroit area to our Shiawassee County home.  The opportunity presented itself, as we found ourselves in the garage that routinely doubles as a shooting house for a 100-yard shooting range.

Learning to respect firearms and what they can do is a good first step and gun the NRA’s safety rules never get old in this regard.  Teaching a youngster to shoot a firearm properly requires a solid understanding of firearms safety and youngsters themselves.

The challenge was to keep things simple and safe for these first-time shooters. Eye protection, hearing protection and a firearm that doesn’t kick at all were introduced.  All shots would be taken from solid sandbag rests and I would operate the action of the Savage .17 HMR rifle topped with a good, clear scope.  It would be the youngsters’ responsibility to position, aim and fire the gun by themselves with direct supervision at a target exactly 75 yards downrange.  As an extra measure of safety, single loads only were used.

I know how competitive these kids are – especially between themselves, so when I offered $10 to the youngster that could produce the best shot on target, things got exciting real fast.

We flipped a coin to see who would go first at the bench.  The first shot was no shot at all; the unloaded firearm would be dry-fired, so that they could learn what it took for a good trigger squeeze.  Gun control starts here.

Since this firearm is used for pest control, it was sighted in already and known to be highly accurate.  The second trigger pull would be with a live round, but it wouldn’t count in the contest – no matter how good or bad the shot would be.  The final shot would be for the money and the closest to the center would win the jackpot.

There is no way a child can shoulder a gun engineered for adults, so the object was to learn the optic and the trigger, while the gun “held itself” solidly on the rest.  Eye relief is always problematic, because many first-time shooters must learn to position themselves at a proper distance from the ocular lens to get a full view downrange.  This is where teachers demonstrate the technique.

Surprisingly, Ava’s first shot was less than two inches from center with the practice shot and about one inch from perfect with the money shot.  Adalynn had her chance at the prize and came in a close second place.

Ava’s First-Ever Shots and Her Winner

After the payout, we popped a couple of reactive targets – water-filled cans at 50 yards and not a single miss!  Even though a total of only four shots for each young lady had been taken, it was enough for the challenge of introduction.

The girls had so much fun, they were already setting up another competition later in the year, when their older brother, Landon, could be present.

DC Project Message to Gun Control Groups

?We’re of Offense Now!

Indiana, PA – – The DC Project, Women for Gun Rights, a nationwide grassroots organization of women dedicated to safeguarding the Second Amendment, today released a new video titled, We’re on Offense Now. The educational video explains the truth about the demonization of gun owners and that misinformation about responsible gun ownership will no longer be tolerated.

“I have listened to their lies, and I have taken their punches, but I refuse to stay silent any longer,” declares Dianna Muller, Founder of the DC Project, at the beginning of the piece. “If we expect to preserve our Constitutional rights, we cannot continue to sit on the sidelines. We must speak up and have conversations today. The truth is powerful, so please share this video.”

We're On Offense Now

DC Project Advisory Board member Beth Walker discusses the organization’s reach and how it reflects every facet of women in America who own guns. “The individuals who are vocal gun control proponents have no idea what responsible firearms owners look like. They are surprised to learn that women own or even want guns. They simply cannot imagine that moms, daughters, and grandmas exercise their freedom to choose firearms as a way to defend themselves. Help us show them the truth with this video,” she asks.

We’re on Offense Now also features professional shooter and Venezuelan immigrant Gabby Franco. She saw first-hand what happened in her country when the right to bear arms was stripped from its citizens. “Anti-gun messaging drove the people of my homeland to accept the lies that convinced them to relinquish their freedoms. Their consent left my people unable to protect themselves from tyranny.” Read more

NSSF Statement on White House ATF Nomination, Gun Control Orders

NEWTOWN, Conn. — NSSF®, the firearm industry trade association, listened with keen interest to President Joe Biden’s nomination of Steve Dettelbach for Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). NSSF has long-advocated that the ATF needs a U.S. Senate-confirmed director, and that person must be an individual who will faithfully execute the duties of regulating the firearm industry in accordance with established laws and regulations. Any nominee for this position of public trust, that has direct oversight of how law-abiding Americans are able to exercise their Second Amendment rights, must be a person wedded to the rule of law, and one that will not politicize the ATF to advance a partisan gun control agenda that exceeds what is established in law by the U.S. Congress.

NSSF is committed to a thorough examination of Dettelbach’s record and qualifications and will listen carefully to his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee. NSSF has significant concerns regarding Dettelbach’s previous public statements supporting bans on Modern Sporting Rifles (MSRs), or AR-15 semiautomatic rifles, universal background checks, which are unworkable without a national firearm registry that is already forbidden by federal law, and extreme-risk protection orders, or so-called “red flag” laws, without protections for Due Process considerations. Dettelbach was also previously endorsed by the gun control group, Everytown for Gun Safety, for his support for policies restricting Second Amendment rights. Read more

ATF to Address “Definition of Frame or Receiver” Final Rule at FIC 2022

HARTFORD, CT – Yesterday, the Biden administration announced the final ruling for ATF 2021R-05, “Definition of ‘Frame or Receiver’ and Identification of Firearms.” Among its provisions, the ruling will effectively eliminate the distribution of “80% kits” and require FFLs and gunsmiths to serialize such firearms upon acquisition. The rule will go into effect 120 days from the date of publication in the Federal Register. The President also announced his nomination of Steve Dettelbach to serve as Director of ATF.

“This ruling will have significant regulatory and operational impacts on FFLs, gun owners and the entire firearms industry,” said Phil Milks, Orchid VP and Lead Attorney at FFL Law. “It’s imperative firearm manufacturers and retailers review the ruling in detail and evaluate their manufacturing, serialization and recordkeeping processes to ensure compliance when the new regulations go into effect. We urge FFLs to contact Orchid to learn more about this ruling and how it may affect their firearms business.”

Following the announcement, Orchid LLC and Williams Mullen’s Firearms Industry Group have organized a 90-minute discussion at the 2022 Firearms Industry Conference (FIC), to be held in Atlanta on April 26–27, in which ATF executives will review the new ruling and take moderated questions from conference attendees. Agency personnel will also be available during scheduled regulatory breakout sessions and private FFL/ATF meetings. Read more

USCCA Responds to Biden’s Gun Control Plan

The Administration Continues Down the Wrong Path Towards More Failed Gun Control Policies That do Little to Prevent Crime, Protect Families

West Bend, WI – The U.S. Concealed Carry Association (USCCA), which is one of the fastest growing organizations in the country advocating for responsibly-armed Americans, released the following statement after President Biden unveiled a new regulation aimed at so-called “ghost guns” and nominated Steve Dettelbach as the next director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF):

“It is deeply troubling to see President Biden once again nominate someone with an anti-gun record to serve as the new ATF Director. This, along with the Administration’s proposals with respect to so-called ‘ghost guns’ are just the latest evidence that the Biden Administration is more focused on restricting Americans’ God-given right to self-protection than targeting criminals and reducing violent crime. Nothing that the President is proposing today will make Americans safer in the face of skyrocketing crime because criminals by definition do not abide by the law. It’s disappointing that the President is doubling down on ineffective policies instead of supporting law-abiding Americans who simply want to protect themselves and their families,” stated Tim Schmidt, president and founder, the U.S. Concealed Carry Association.

President Biden’s previous choice for ATF Director, David Chipman, was withdrawn seven months ago after receiving major criticism from Senate Republicans and some moderate Democrats. The USCCA was outspoken in their opposition, noting how Chipman’s leadership could lead to further restriction of Americans’ inalienable right to self-defense. As the last two years saw record numbers of first-time gun owners, it is more important than ever for leaders to stand up for the rights of law-abiding gun owners.

“We believe the President and Congress should turn their attention to the real threat facing our communities: the explosion of violent crime and increasingly emboldened criminals. We challenge this Administration to start enforcing the laws we already have instead of creating new regulations that cripple law-abiding gun owners. The USCCA will continue to stand with and advocate for policies that empower more responsibly-armed Americans to be their family’s first line of defense, such as national concealed carry reciprocity,” concluded Schmidt.

As record numbers of Americans are awakened to their Second Amendment right, the USCCA has seen a simultaneous increase in demand for firearm safety, education and training courses, reaching over 625,000 members and more than 10,000 instructors across the country in the last year alone.

To learn more about the USCCA, visit their website here. To understand more about what the term “ghost gun” means, check out the USCCA’s blog post.

About the USCCA. The US Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) is an association of responsible, armed Americans whose members get exceptional self-defense education, lifesaving training, and self-defense liability insurance, preparing them for the before, during and after of a lawful act of self-defense. The USCCA is the largest, fastest-growing self-defense association dedicated to responsible gun owners.”

Firearms Policy Coalition “Rebukes” Proposed “Ghost Gun” Rule

Washington, D.C., April 12, 2022

Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) has released the following statement regarding President Biden’s new ban on self-built firearms and nomination of Steven Dettelbach, former U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio, to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF):

Today, President Biden continued his siege on the Second Amendment by announcing gun-control regulations targeting self-manufactured arms and confirming his intention to nominate Steven Dettelbach, an Everytown for Gun Safety-endorsed, anti-Second Amendment zealot to lead the ATF.

Biden’s proposed rule to eliminate so-called “ghost guns” would create an entirely new class of highly regulated items by redefining the term “firearm” to include a host of parts, and collections of parts ATF now considers “readily” convertible into functional firearms. This move calls into question the legality of an unknowable number of parts and kits purchased by peaceable people for decades.

The rule, which raises serious concerns about executive overreach and separation of powers, is yet another assault by the Biden administration on the rights and liberties of everyday gun owners. FPC condemns in the strongest terms this attack on the American tradition of home gunmaking and any effort to disarm or criminalize peaceable people.

Far from “clarifying” anything, the rulemaking tortures simple terms from law into multi-part definitions, with newly injected sub-terms like “readily” having their own lengthy definitions. This is clearly an attempt to sidestep Congress, as Biden even indicated in his remarks today.

The FPC legal team is evaluating the final rule for litigation options and will be seeking plaintiffs in the near future.

FPC also unequivocally opposes Biden’s nomination of Steven Dettelbach to lead the ATF. Dettelbach has led a career marked by proposals of radical gun-control measures, including semiautomatic firearm bans, the absurd expansion of mythical “gun-free zones,” and universal background checks. Dettelbach’s support comes from anti-rights organizations, and his nomination is nothing short of a stealth attempt by the Biden Administration to appoint someone with the same radical values as David Chipman, but without the extensive public paper trail.

Individuals who wish to help overturn the Biden administration’s abusive overreach of executive power and help defeat Dettelbach’s nomination can visit and join the FPC Grassroots Army at Read more

NSSF Response to Biden’s Gun Control Agenda

NEWTOWN, Conn. — The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF)®, the firearm industry trade association, listened with keen interest to President Joe Biden’s nomination of Steve Dettelbach for Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). NSSF has long-advocated that the ATF needs a U.S. Senate-confirmed director, and that person must be an individual who will faithfully execute the duties of regulating the firearm industry in accordance with established laws and regulations. Any nominee for this position of public trust, that has direct oversight of how law-abiding Americans are able to exercise their Second Amendment rights, must be a person wedded to the rule of law, and one that will not politicize the ATF to advance a partisan gun control agenda that exceeds what is established in law by the U.S. Congress.

NSSF is committed to a thorough examination of Dettelbach’s record and qualifications and will listen carefully to his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee. NSSF has significant concerns regarding Dettelbach’s previous public statements supporting bans on Modern Sporting Rifles (MSRs), or AR-15 semiautomatic rifles, universal background checks, which are unworkable without a national firearm registry that is already forbidden by federal law, and extreme-risk protection orders, or so-called “red flag” laws, without protections for Due Process considerations. Dettelbach was also previously endorsed by the gun control group, Everytown for Gun Safety, for his support for policies restricting Second Amendment rights.

NSSF is also closely monitoring the submission of the Final Rule by the Department of Justice (DOJ) to redefine frames and receivers, which would significantly alter the sale and possession of not only personally-made firearms (PFMs) but numerous other types and models as well. NSSF will review the Final Rule carefully to see if DOJ listened and took into consideration the industry’s comments that were submitted. As proposed, this rule radically alters the manufacturing and compliance processes for manufacturers of traditional firearms, not just the making of incomplete, unfinished parts Congress has not chosen to regulate. Read more

CCRKBA: “Don’t Blame Guns for Sacramento”

BELLEVUE, WA – The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today said revelations that one of two suspects being held in connection with the deadly mass shooting in Sacramento was released from prison less than two months ago shows the problem in California isn’t guns, it’s prison system rules that allowed the man to be on the streets.

“Smiley Allen Martin has a criminal history dating back at least nine years,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “and he was doing a ten-year stretch for domestic violence and assault, yet thanks to the current credits system by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, here he was in Sacramento at 2 a.m. in the middle of mayhem. He’s now facing new charges of being a felon in possession of a firearm, and possession of a machine gun.

“Instead of Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg and others calling for more gun control,” he added, “they should be demanding prison reform that keeps violent criminals behind bars instead of allowing early release. Politicians who support such policies are perpetuating a system that ultimately poses more of a real danger to society than their imagined fears about private gun ownership.” Read more

CCRKBA: ‘Biden Should Reload His Brain Before Shooting Off His Mouth”

BELLEVUE, WA – The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today blasted President Joe Biden for shamelessly exploiting the tragic mass killing in Sacramento to further his gun prohibition agenda by calling for bans on so-called “ghost guns” and demanding background checks for all gun sales.

Six people died and a dozen more were wounded in the attack, which occurred just after 2 a.m. Sunday. Two brothers, one of whom was injured, are now in custody.

“Biden’s response to the Sacramento killings is little more than a shell game,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “He wants to ban ‘ghost guns’ without any evidence such a gun was involved. He wants to require background checks for all gun sales, but the individuals now in custody were prohibited persons who would never have undergone a background check in the first place. Biden wants to ban so-called ‘assault weapons and high-capacity magazines’ but police reports say they recovered an illegally-altered stolen handgun that fires like a machine gun, which is already illegal. He wants to repeal gun manufacturers’ protection from liability, which would have had no impact on stopping this violent act, and the president knows it. Read more

Court Rules Against New Jersey in 3-D Gun Ban Case

BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation and Defense Distributed today are celebrating a court victory in a long-running battle to allow online publication of information related to the 3D printing of firearms, thanks to a ruling by the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that returns claims against the New Jersey attorney general (NJAG) to its jurisdiction.

A district court order had wrongly severed the case against the NJAG, from a lawsuit filed by the plaintiffs, and transferring it to a federal court in New Jersey. Today’s ruling in the Fifth Circuit directs the district court in Texas to “request retransfer from its counterpart in New Jersey.”

“It’s a huge victory for us,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb, “because New Jersey wanted to be severed from our legal action in their effort to prevent publication of the information by Defense Distributed, thus violating the company’s and SAF’s First Amendment rights to promote the exercise of Second Amendment rights.”

This effort began when anti-gun-rights attorneys general, led by Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson, filed suit in the Western District of Washington to enjoin the State Department from authorizing the release of Defense Distributed’s files on the internet under a settlement from a previous SAF and Defense Distributed lawsuit. That effort was an offshoot of attempts by then-New Jersey AG Gurbir Grewal and several of his peers to prevent the plaintiffs’ distribution of materials related to the 3D printing of firearms. Read more

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