Category: Gun Control
What’s Wrong with Universal Background Checks?
The following was written by long-time 2A advocate Michael Bane.
I mean, who can oppose universal background checks? Well, me for one, but as I live in a UBC state, Colorado, it doesn’t make any difference.
However, in the fight against UBCs in Colorado in 2013, we all learned a lot about the concepts of universal background checks, and virtually all of it is bad.
For a start, UBCs really aren’t really designed to do what they say, that is, provide for a background check for every firearms sale. Rather, UBCs are designed to “criminalize” actions that we in the gun culture take for granted and are of quite literally no consequence.
The best way to sum up UBCs is that they are designed to change the definition of possession of a firearm from the current definition used by BATFE and pretty much everyone with more than three working brain cells — “ownership” — to “physical possession” of the firearm. Here’s how that would work under the UBC rules as drafted by Michael Bloomberg’s “law fare” group (which we were able to prove in Colorado).
I own a firearm, say a nice Glock 19. I know I own the firearm because 1) I paid for it and 2) it was transferred to me by an FFL dealer. You drop by the Secret Hidden Bunker and, in the course of the conversation, you ask to se my new Glock 19. Sure. I take it out of the safe and hand it to you. You ponder it for a few minutes, say, “Wow! It’s a Glock!” and hand it back to me.
Under sane laws, there was clearly no transfer of ownership of the Glock 19. I did not offer to sell it to you; you didn’t not offer to buy it; no filthy lucre changed hands. However, under the universal background check proposals that are being tossed around, in the above situation both my guest and I would be guilty of federal felonies:
- By handing my friend the Glock, my friend and I have executed a “transfer,” which under UBC laws can only be done by an FFL dealer. We are both guilty of an illegal transfer, even though there was no change of ownership of the firearm.
- When my friend hands me the gun back, we are now guilty of another illegal transfer.
Ridiculous, right? You betcha, but that is the real reason universal background checks are so dangerous. Think of how many time you have handled a gun that wasn’t yours, maybe at a match, maybe in a hunt camp, maybe because a friend was desperately in need of a self defense firearms. Those are everyday
occurrences in our world, and, once again, are of no consequence whatever.
So why would a UBC law be so worded? Because it is specifically designed to be a weapon to damage or destroy our culture, to make owning a gun harder and more legally dangerous to the owner.
It gets worse…much worse. The original Bloomberg-drafted law was so broad that even if you have a person house-sitting, or you are military and deployed, and your guns are all in a safe where the person minding your house does not have the combination, an illegal transfer — one for every gun in the safe — is deemed to have taken place. Notice that there has been no change in ownership and, in fact, the person minding the house does not have access to the guns…just by being on the property of the gun owners, the house-minder is now guilty of a federal felony.
Let’s say you and your spousal unit are not married but share a home…while you are not home there is an attempted break-in and your spousal unit picks up the bedside gun to defend himself or herself. Well, if the gun is yours, that is, if it was transferred to you through your FFL or has been in your ownership for a long time, your spousal unit is guilty of a federal felony and could well do more time in the slam than the person breaking in.
The message in the universal background law proposals is that firearms are so incredibly dangerous and scary that they must be regulated at an unprecedented level, with an equally unprecedented level of intrusion into peoples’ personal lives.
So what about those polls, the ones that show everyone in America wants background checks? Well, a zillion years ago when I was in college, my major professor had dual PhDs in Mass Communications and Statistical Analysis. In order to pass his advanced class, I had to create an “objective” survey to be sent out to students, compile the results and present them to the professor. The catch was I had to present the results in advance of sending out the survey. It looked like an objective survey, but it was designed from the ground up to get specific results. I set the curve with an A+.
If some stupid college student could do that, imagine what the professional pollsters can do! The short answer to the polls is how the question is asked. Generally, it is asked in these kinds of terms: Do you favorite a background check on all gun sales? Yeah, sure. But if the question is expanded to should you be able to give a gun to someone in your immediate family, loan a gun to a good friend for a hunting trip, try a friend’s gun at the range, etc., the “consensus” collapses.
Secondly, we heard endlessly during the Colorado battle that 40% of all firearms sales did not pass through an FFL dealer. This number was repeated ad nauseam on television, in the newspapers, on the Internet and on the floor of the Colorado Legislature. It seemed reasonable to us to ask where the number came from. All those voices shut up. Here’s why, from, hardly a conservative house organ:
“But that figure is based on an analysis of a nearly two-decade-old survey of less than 300 people that essentially asked participants whether they thought the guns they had acquired — and not necessarily purchased — came from a federally licensed dealer. And one of the authors of the report often cited as a source for the claim — Philip Cook of Duke University — told our friends at that he has “no idea” whether the “very old number” applies today or not. Even Vice President Joe Biden acknowledged that the statistic may not be accurate in a speech at a mayoral conference on Jan. 17. Biden prefaced his claim that “about 40 percent of the people who buy guns today do so outside the … background check system” by saying that ‘because of the lack of the ability of federal agencies to be able to even keep records, we can’t say with absolute certainty what I’m about to say is correct.’”
In other words, the 40% number, which is still being batted around today, is total BS. The Colorado Bureau of Investigation laid on extra workers to handle the anticipated 40% increase after the law passed.
But…wait for it…wait for it…nothing happened. The real number of private sales was closer to 2-3% than the 40% lie. Most private transfers take place inside of families, which was carved out in the Colorado and which is carved out in the proposed national bill. The vast majority of firearms sales in the country, as many as 98%, already go through FFL dealers. You cannot buy guns on the Internet without the gun being delivered through a dealer. There is no “gun show loophole.” Private sales used to be a bigger thing. But as the hammer of liability laws has loomed larger and larger, private sales have dropped to a very small percentage of the overall number.
Finally, we come to the real reason the Left so badly wants universal background checks:
The system as described in the bills will not work without comprehensive, universal firearms registration.
The goal of a UBC is that the feds will know every time a gun changes hands, to track the movement of guns. But that information is fundamentally worthless if the fed doesn’t know where all the guns started their movement.
Here is the way that it will happen:
• Much like Captain Louis Renault in Casablanca — shocked…shocked I tell you! — to find gambling going on at Rick’s, the feds will be shocked…shocked I tell you!…to discover that there was not a huge flood of “private” sales.
• That data will likely be tossed into the Memory Hole, and the feds and the political stooges will announce that the real purpose of the UBC is to track the movement of guns so that the FBI can swoop in on the domestic terrorists and insurrectionists.
• Then, predictably, the FBI and their political stooges will announce that they can’t do their job of interdicting domestic terrorists and insurrectionist by trancing gun movements unless they know where every gun in the United States, be it 200 million or 400 million or a billion zillion guns, is right at this moment. If there were only a database of all the guns in America, the FBI could track down all the domestic terrorists and insurrectionists, for sure this time!
• Creating that database will require a bit of help from all the other acronym agencies and the Tech Oligarchs, but hey, it’s an EMERGENCY…violent domestic terrorists and insurrections are on the verge of overthrowing the duly elected socialist government of the Former United States of America…emergency measures have been declared. And when there’s an EMERGENCY, when emergency measures have been declared, Americans will queue up to surrender their rights, a la COVID-19. As you may remember from high school, “But it was alright, everything was alright, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.”
• Then, after an amazingly short period of time, all the political stooges will line up and chant in unison that the FBI’s magnificent database had failed, not because the FBI wasn’t super magnificent, but because there were just too many guns! Hmmmmmm…how might we fix that?
• Confiscations begin. If you’d like to know how that will happen, I refer you to Matt Bracken, author of the Enemies Foreign and Domestic trilogy, which is pretty much shaping up to be future history: “Team Tyranny won’t need to conduct many door-to-door gun raids. They’ll just lock you inside a digital gulag in your own house.”
All gun registration always lead to confiscation. That is the only reason for registrations in the first place. The reason the Left keeps chanting about universal background checks, even though there is no rational reason for such beyond what we already have, is because they represent a crucial first step to “groom” the nation for confiscations, the same way certain non-white parties in the United Kingdom groom you girls, and for the same reason.
We’re going to get screwed.
USCCA: President Biden’s “Wrong Path” on Firearms Regulation

CONTACT: Keeley Christensen
The Path Forward Should Be Focused on Supporting and Protecting Responsible, Law-abiding Americans — Not More Failed Regulation
West Bend, WI – The U.S. Concealed Carry Association (USCCA), which is one of the fastest-growing organizations in the country advocating for responsibly-armed Americans, said today that the new gun control measures proposed by President Biden would do virtually nothing to actually reduce crime or help more Americans keep their families safe.
Pointing to the record national gun sales over the last year and the explosion in demand among Americans of all backgrounds for firearms education and training, the USCCA said the President should be focused instead on supporting and protecting responsible, law-abiding Americans.
“Organizations like the USCCA exist to help responsible Americans avoid danger, save lives and keep their families safe, and our elected leaders in Washington have an incredible obligation to pursue those same goals,” USCCA President and Founder Tim Schmidt said today. “That is why it’s deeply troubling to see the President and others in Washington calling for more failed laws and regulations. We need common-sense reforms, like national concealed carry reciprocity, that are grounded in reality rather than anti-gun political ideology, and a new path with the goal of keeping Americans safe by ensuring they can protect their families and loved ones at all times. Today’s announcement falls woefully short of meeting that goal.” Read more
SAF Warns Administration of Potential Litigation
BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation today warned the Biden Administration that if it steps over its legal authority with any executive action or order regarding the constitutionally-protected right to keep and bear arms, legal action is a certainty. GW: Oh, like they were not aware of how they are “infringing.” Go get ’em! This is how he is fighting for those that didn’t vote for him. Just like he said. Hoping the campaigner meets the real Joe Biden some day.
President Joe Biden has announced what an administration official calls “an initial set of actions” on gun control that include both executive and legislative action. His proposals will cover so-called “ghost guns,” a proposed national “red flag” law and incentives to the states to adopt similar state-level measures and change the designation of stabilizing braces, which are used by many shooters on AR15-type semiautomatic pistols.
“The devil will be in the details,” acknowledged SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “Our legal team will review them and we are prepared to file suit if Biden and his administration steps over their legal authority.”
Gottlieb recalled that Biden has been an ardent gun control advocate during his entire career on Capitol Hill. He included gun control as a major component of his presidential campaign last year, and published reports say he has met with representatives from gun prohibition advocacy groups since taking office.
“Nobody from the Biden administration has reached out to us or any other rights organization to my knowledge, which certainly clarifies Biden’s approach to firearms regulation,” Gottlieb said. “He came into office talking about unity, but he just declared war on tens of millions of law-abiding gun owners who have committed no crimes.”
Biden’s nomination of David Chipman to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is another alarming development, Gottlieb said. The nomination requires Senate confirmation.
“Joe Biden just nominated a man now working for the Giffords gun control lobbying group to head the agency responsible for gun law enforcement,” Gottlieb observed. “That’s not just a bad signal to gun owners. The president has essentially raised the black flag, and we see nothing positive for American gun owners or the firearms industry.”
The Second Amendment Foundation ( is the nation’s oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 700,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control.
Contact: Alan Gottlieb (425) 454-7012
Biden Announces Six “Initial Actions” to Address “Gun Violence”
With Vice President Kamala Harris and Attorney General Merrick Garland looking, President Joe Biden took to the White House Rose Garden to keep his campaign promise to anti-gun groups and issued six “initial actions” he says will combat gun violence. Labeling gun crimes a “public health crisis,” Biden insisted none of his actions “in any way impinges on the Second Amendment” calling Second Amendment proponents arguments “phony”.
Second Amendment organizations disagree. Biden stepped up that rhetoric, “no amendment to the Constitution is absolute.” Biden’s “initial actions” include directing the Justice Department to propose a rules to stop “ghost guns,” redefine pistol braces, propose action on community violence intervention, produce a pilot “red flag” law for all states, and issue to a report on gun trafficking.
If those weren’t enough, he announced his nomination of former ATF agent turned-anti-gun consultant David Chipman to head the ATF.
NSSF Condemns City of Gary, Ind., Scapegoating of Public Safety

NEWTOWN, Conn. – The National Shooting Sports Foundation®, the firearm industry trade association, strongly criticized the City of Gary, Ind., effort to revive its lawsuit against firearm manufacturers that seeks to hold members of the firearm industry legally responsible for the harm caused to the city by the actions of criminals who misuse firearms.
“The decision by elected officials in the City of Gary to try to breathe life back into this junk lawsuit after failing for two decades to litigate its case is unfathomable,” said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF® Senior Vice President and General Counsel. “The city has ignored the basic tenets of enforcing law and holding criminals accountable for their misdeeds. Instead, they’ve chosen to squander citizen tax dollars to pursue baseless claims that have been repeatedly thrown out of court in similar cases when municipalities attempted lawsuit abuse tactics. The firearm industry has been proactive and responsible in preventing the criminal and negligent misuse of firearms. The same cannot be said of the City of Gary.” Read more
SCOTUS Denies Review to NJ AG in SAF-Defense Distributed Case
BELLEVUE, WA – The U.S. Supreme Court has denied a petition for certiorari from New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewal in his effort to escape the jurisdiction of the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in the ongoing First Amendment case brought by Defense Distributed and the Second Amendment Foundation.
The Fifth Circuit had ruled unanimously that Grewal, because of his efforts to prevent distribution of materials related to the 3D printing of firearms, was subject to the jurisdiction of the Texas courts. Defense Distributed is headquartered in Texas.
“It’s not every day you beat a state attorney general at the Supreme Court,” observed SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb, “especially when he had been supported by other anti-gun state attorneys general from New York, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia and Washington, and the District of Columbia. This is a huge victory.”
The Defense Distributed case has always been about the First Amendment, Gottlieb observed. He recalled how Grewal had moved to dismiss the SAF/Defense Distributed lawsuit filed in the Western District of Texas “for lack of personal jurisdiction.” But the Fifth Circuit appellate ruling placed Grewal’s efforts squarely under that circuit’s jurisdiction and the SCOTUS allowed that to stand.
“Anti-gun attorneys general need to be held accountable for threatening gun owners and the firearms industry,” Gottlieb stated, “and that includes efforts to prevent distribution of information relating to 3D printing. Grewal tried to enjoin national distribution of Defense Distributed’s files on the Internet.
“This is one of several cases against the State of New Jersey and Grewal in which SAF is involved,” he continued. “We’re also suing the state, with several other parties, over the state’s capricious carry laws and gun purchase permitting process.”
The next move in the SAF-Defense Distributed case is their injunction request at the Federal District court, where plaintiffs will pursue their injunction request. Read more
CCRKBA: Poll Shows Voters Smarter Than Anti-Gun Democrats
BELLEVUE, WA – A brand new Rasmussen survey indicates that 64 percent of likely U.S. voters say “it’s not possible to completely prevent mass shootings,” and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms says this is proof voters are smarter than Joe Biden and his anti-gun Democrat colleagues on Capitol Hill.
“We’re not surprised that a majority of likely voters have this one figured out better than Biden,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “After Georgia and Colorado, fewer than one in four (23%) believe mass shootings can be completely prevented, and those voters must live in the same fantasy land as the president and his Congressional comrades.”
The Rasmussen survey shows 51 percent of voters don’t believe stricter gun control laws would help prevent mass shootings. Only 39 percent think tougher laws are the answer, the survey said. A majority (49%) also thinks the United States does not need stricter gun laws, the poll revealed, while 46 percent think the country needs tougher laws.
“As one might expect,” Gottlieb observed, “Democrats by a 77 percent margin favor stricter gun control laws, but 71 percent of Republicans are against tougher laws, and so are 60 percent of Independent voters, according to the survey. Read more
SAF, Partners Challenge NJ Gun Laws in Federal Lawsuit
BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation today filed a federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the state’s restrictive gun laws, alleging in a 28-page complaint that “New Jersey laws…unconstitutionally restrict the acquisition of firearms.”
SAF is joined by the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs, Inc., the New Jersey Second Amendment Society, the Coalition of New Jersey Firearms Owners, the Firearms Policy Coalition, Bob’s Little Sport Shop, Inc., and three private citizens. They are represented by attorneys David H. Thompson, Peter A. Patterson and Joseph O. Masterman at Cooper & Kirk, PLLC in Washington, D.C., Daniel L. Schmutter at Hartman & Winnicki, P.C. in Ridgewood, N.J. and David D. Jensen at David Jensen & Associates, Beacon, N.Y.
The lawsuit is known as Kendrick v. Grewal.
Named as defendants in the complaint, which was filed in U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey, are New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal, State Police Supt. Patrick J. Callahan, Bridgeton Police Chief Michael Giamari, Harrison Township Police Chief Ronald A. Cundey and Glassboro Police Chief John Polillo, in their official capacities.
“This legal action has been a long time coming, ever since Carol Bowne of Berlin Township was murdered in her own driveway in 2015 while waiting for her firearm permit to be processed,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “The hoops one must go through and waits one must endure, plus the fees attached has resulted in a complicated process that delays approval far beyond what existing state law allows. Read more
California Forced to Comply in Sharp v. Becerra Rifle Registration Case
BELLEVUE, WA – After two years of litigation over a botched computer program to register so-called “assault weapons” in California, a settlement has been reached between the state and all parties involved, the Second Amendment Foundation revealed.
The case is known as Sharp v. Becerra. In 2016, the California Legislature created a new “assault weapon” classification requiring registration. But there was a problem with the online registration process that prevented gun owners from actually complying before the July 1, 2018 deadline, so a lawsuit was filed by several parties including SAF, the Firearms Policy Coalition, Calguns Foundation, Firearm Policy Foundation and the Madison Society Foundation, along with several private citizens.
“Under this agreement,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb, “California must reopen the registration process for all individuals who possessed eligible firearms, and reimburse all plaintiffs. California DOJ is required to announce the re-opened registration period and provide notice to other known gun rights groups and law firms. This requirement especially applies to every person who called or emailed the DOJ to complain about being unable to register before or after the original deadline. The department must also conduct a public outreach campaign to notify the public about the reopened registration period.
“It’s fair to say our lawsuit prevented guns from being banned and confiscated, and their owners from being prosecuted,” he stated. Read more