NRA: San Francisco Backs Down

National Rifle Association of America | 11250 Waples Mill Road | Fairfax, VA 22030San Francisco Backs Down: Facing a Lawsuit by the NRA, Mayor Breed Declares – We Won’t Blacklist NRA Contractors

FAIRFAX, Va.– The National Rifle Association of America declared victory in San Francisco today, after Mayor London Breed formally disavowed key provisions of a municipal resolution that signaled the blacklisting of contractors linked to the Second Amendment advocacy group.

On September 3, 2019, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, which is the legislative body for the City and County of San Francisco, unanimously approved a resolution that called for the City to investigate ties between its contractors and vendors and the NRA. The city declared the NRA was a “domestic terrorist organization.” Not surprisingly, the NRA sued.

On September 9, 2019, less than a week after the resolution was enacted, the NRA challenged it as government action adversely affecting its First Amendment rights. In its filing, the NRA called the resolution a “blacklisting” measure, and urged San Francisco’s federal court to “step in and instruct elected officials that freedom of speech means you cannot silence or punish those with whom you disagree.”

Late last week, rather than await “instruction” from a court, San Francisco Mayor London Breed backed down. In a formal memorandum to City officials, she declared that “no [municipal] department will take steps to restrict any contractor from doing business with the NRA or to restrict City contracting opportunities for any business that has any relationship with the NRA.” Read more

NSSF Praises States for Submission of Disqualifying Mental Health Records to NICS

WASHINGTON — The National Shooting Sports Foundation® (NSSF®) today is praising a milestone achievement of a 241 percent increase of state submissions of adjudicated mental health records to the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System database since the firearms industry launched the FixNICS® campaign in 2013. Just 1.7 million such records existed in the FBI’s database when NSSF began the campaign in 2013 to fix the background check system. Today, there are more than 5.6 million records.

“This remarkable achievement demonstrates the firearms industry’s commitment to real solutions for safer communities,” said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF Senior Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs and General Counsel. “The firearms industry conceived of the point-of-purchase instant background check system that exists today. We have spent years working successfully to fix the system so that it works as intended. We have improved the quality and accuracy of background checks by changing the law in 16 states and at the federal level. It is critical that our background checks are updated, accurate and reliable. Firearms retailers rely upon this system to be accurate to ensure firearms do not fall into the wrong hands. This milestone is what bipartisan common ground looks like. It is a development that we can all agree is good for the safety of our communities.”

A background check is only as good as the records in the database. That is why the firearms industry supports improving the current NICS system by increasing the number of prohibiting records states submit to the FBI databases, helping to prevent illegal transfers of firearms to those who are prohibited from owning firearms under current law. Including these missing records will help ensure more accurate and complete background checks.

State participation in the NICS system is voluntary because the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution does not allow the federal government to mandate the states to submit records. NSSF worked with 16 states to change laws to increase submissions of disqualifying records. NSSF also worked with U.S. Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) on the bipartisan FixNICS legislation that was signed into law by President Trump to require federal agencies to submit all disqualifying records, incentivizes states to improve their overall reporting and directs more federal funding to the accurate reporting of domestic violence records.

Several states still do not fully submit their disqualifying records to help keep firearms from falling into the hands of those prohibited by law from purchasing them. The firearms industry remains committed to real solutions like fixing the broken background check system to make our communities safe. Read more

CCRKBA: Dems Ramped-Up Gun Control Push

BELLEVUE, WA – Congressional Democrats “just don’t get it,” the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today after the House Judiciary Committee moved three gun control bills on party lines, including one to limit magazine capacity to 10 rounds.

“So far,” CCRRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb observed, “all Democrats have accomplished with their gun prohibition agenda is increase gun sales by 15 percent over the last month. This happens every time they introduce or pass new restrictions. They just don’t get it.”

He recalled how previous gun control crusades have accomplished only two things, neither of which Congressional Democrats care to admit. First, campaigns to erode the Second Amendment historically have sent increasing numbers of Americans to gun shops and sporting goods stores to buy firearms, often for the first time. Second, such efforts push people away from the Democratic Party, which no longer represents their values.

“Their attack on Second Amendment rights is really going to increase gun owner voter turnout in the 2020 elections,” Gottlieb predicted. “Remember the elections in 1994, 2000 and 2016. Those elections should serve as reminders that American gun owners are tired of being treated like second-class citizens. Read more

Walmart to End Handgun Ammo Sales

GW: Since Walmart’s decision to stop selling certain ammo will have no bearing on demand, this is good news for those outlets that will continue selling the same ammo, because they’ll get the business.

Following recent mass shootings, Walmart CEO Doug McMillon has announced the retail giant will stop the sale of handguns in Alaska, and stop selling handgun ammunition “once it sells out its current inventory.” Walmart is also asking customers not to carry firearms in stores in states with open carry laws unless they are authorized law enforcement officers. Walmart says it represents two percent of U.S. gun sales and around 20 percent of all ammunition sales. The sales numbers are expected to drop to about 6-9 percent when the change is enacted.

Second Amendment Lawsuit Lawsuit Challenging California’s “Assault Weapon” Ban Filed

Second Amendment Lawsuit Challenging California “Assault Weapon” Ban Filed in San Diego Federal Court

SAN DIEGO— Attorneys for three San Diego residents and one San Diego-based advocacy organization filed a federal lawsuit challenging California’s ban on so-called “assault weapons”. A copy of the motion and brief can be viewed or downloaded at .

“This District Court already ruled the state’s prohibition on the possession of large-capacity magazines is unconstitutional, and enjoined and prohibited enforcement of those provisions of the Code that would have prohibited their possession,” the plaintiffs say in their complaint. “Both implicit and explicit in this District Court’s ruling was the ability to use such magazines if otherwise lawfully possessed” in legally-possessed firearms. Read more

SAF: Philly Shootout Another “Dismal Failure” of Gun Control

BELLEVUE, WA – Wednesday’s shootout in Philadelphia that left six of that city’s courageous police officers injured stands as yet another example of the failure of gun control because the suspect in this case has been identified as having a lengthy criminal background that precluded him from possessing firearms, the Second Amendment Foundation said today.

“The suspect in Philadelphia has done time for drug and gun law violations, and other crimes,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “He’s a walking example of gun control failure and considering his background, we’re wondering why he was even on the streets. His presence in the community underscores the argument for judicial reform, and his ability to obtain firearms shows once again that gun control laws do not prevent determined criminals from getting their hands on guns.”

News reports say the suspect had an AR15 rifle and several handguns. Gottlieb noted that millions of honest citizens have such firearms, which were not designed for the military, and they have harmed nobody. Indeed, he added, private citizens have used such rifles to defend themselves and others from harm.

There was the case in Sutherland Springs, Texas where a private citizen used an AR15 to shoot a crazed mass killer who had opened fire in a nearby church, Gottlieb recalled. In a different case, an Oklahoma man used an AR15 to fatally shoot three home intruders. Last year in Colorado, he continued, a retired Alabama man camping in the Pike National Forest used two AR15 rifles to stop the suspect in a shooting spree. Read more

White House Reaches Out for Pro 2A Input

It has been confirmed that the White House has reached out to Second Amendment Foundation and The Citizen’s Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) chairman Alan Gottlieb to discuss the “current debate over recent mass shootings.” Gottlieb confirmed the conversations, saying “we talked about everything from background checks to banning semi-automatic firearms and magazines to red flag laws”

“We went,” he said, “through everything that’s been proposed.

According to Gottlieb, the administration appeared receptive to possible ways existing proposals could be changed to address 2A supporters’ concerns.

“It was a very good, positive conversation,” he said, “They want to address the problems of violence in our society and at the same time protect Second Amendment rights- without doing just lip service or symbolism. They’re looking for proposals that could work and not eradicate people’s freedom.”

“I’m glad they reached out,” he said, “they want to find solutions to these violent acts in ways that do not attack Second Amendment rights. They know opponents of gun rights are not friends of the administration or the Constitution.”

“They understand the issue well, and know how important gun owners are to the 2020 election results.”

Gottlieb says he considered the questions “really good,” with a special interest in “what the gun rights community could support, and what it couldn’t support.”

While Gottlieb was encouraged at the conversations, he reminded us that “politicians are sensitive to public opinion polls, and the public wants to pass something even after admitting it would not stop mass murders.”

Buckeye Firearms Association: Stop Making Killers Famous

While we don’t yet have all the facts on the mass murder in Dayton, we do know a lot about about these kind of horrible acts and the people who commit them.

Modern mass killers generally display three traits: 1) they suffer from severe depression, 2) they feel socially isolated, 3) they are pathologically narcissistic, convinced that they have been wronged or cheated by society. So they lash out to harm as many people as they can as a form of revenge and as a way to be noticed and taken seriously.

They kill to become famous. Read more

Federal Judge Rules in Favor of New Jersey Magazine Ban

A federal judge has ruled that the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit’s ruling that New Jersey Phil Murphy’s ban on 10-round magazines “reasonably fits the state’s interest in public safety.” Further, U. S. District Judge Peter G. Sheridan ruled the decision “resolves all legal issues in this case.”

The decision is seen as a crushing setback to the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs’ efforts to have the ban overturned. The Third Circuit, Sheridan wrote, “has issued a prejudicial decision that resolves all legal issues in this case and there remains no genuine disputes of material fact.” No word from the Association as to whether they will continue to appeal to the United States Supreme Court- or if there remains a clear path for such an appeal. As the group’s executive director, Scott Bach, said in January, the law “turns one million people into criminal with the stroke of a pen.”

SAF: Prohibitionists Re-Packaging Gun Control as Public Health Crisis

BELLEVUE, WA – The billionaire-supported gun prohibition movement has re-packaged its gun control agenda as a public health crisis, trying to convince the public that the cure to violent crime is to amputate the Second Amendment from the Bill of Rights, the Second Amendment Foundation said today.

“They couldn’t sell gun control as crime control,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “Then they couldn’t sell gun control as gun safety. Now they’re trying to convince the public that gun ownership is a public health issue.

“But this isn’t about public health,” he added. “This is all about politics. They’ve repackaged their agenda, but it’s the same old snake oil in a different bottle, and their strategy is right out of the gun control playbook.” Read more

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