NRA Files Suit Challenging Florida’s Newly-Enacted Anti-Gun Legislation

FAIRFAX, Va. – The National Rifle Association today announced that it has filed a lawsuit challenging the State of Florida’s newly-enacted ban on the purchase of firearms by young adults between the ages of 18-21.

Florida’s ban is an affront to the Second Amendment, as it totally eviscerates the right of law-abiding adults between the ages of 18 and 21 to keep and bear arms. The ban is particularly offensive with respect to young women, as women between the ages of 18 and 21 are much less likely to engage in violent crime than older members of the general population who are unaffected by the ban. Despite this fact, the State of Florida has enacted a sweeping law banning all young adults between the ages of 18 and 21 from purchasing any firearm from any source. Chris Cox, the Executive Director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action, stated, “Swift action is needed to prevent young adults in Florida from being treated as second-class citizens when it comes to the right to keep and bear arms.

We are confident that the courts will vindicate our view that Florida’s ban is a blatant violation of the Second Amendment.” The case is National Rifle Association of America, Inc. v. Bondi, and it has been filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Florida. Read more

SAF, ISRA Sue Housing Authority Over Gun Ban for Residents

BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation and Illinois State Rifle Association have filed a lawsuit in federal district court challenging the East St. Louis Housing Authority’s (ESLHA) ban on firearms possession by residents of government subsidized housing in that community.

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of an “N. Doe” resident who wishes to protect her identity, because she is, according to the lawsuit, “hiding from a violent domestic abuser.” Plaintiffs are represented by Glen Ellyn, Illinois attorney David Sigale, who has worked with both organizations in the past. They are asking for an injunction against enforcement of the no-guns rule at Auburn Terrace, a public housing facility.

“This isn’t the first time we’ve had to challenge such a regulation,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “It is simply unacceptable for citizens living in public housing to be denied their basic right to have a firearm for personal protection, and in this case, it is unconscionable.” Read more

Your Rights Under Fire

Rather than address the root causes of mass shootings, fix access to mental health care, reform the National Instant Background Check System (NICS), and allow for improved school and workplace security, gun control activists prefer to blame legal gun owners. They have launched a massive and coordinated campaign to roll back our legal self defense rights.  And it’s working!

Support for stricter gun laws is now at its highest point since 2000, surpassing even the weeks after Sandy Hook in 2012. We have recently been told by Michigan legislators and legislative staff that contacts to their offices in support of new gun control laws exceed opposition to new laws by a 9:1 margin. While the current pro-gun majority State House & State Senate help moderate the threat, it has stopped forward progress on our 2017 initiatives including permitless carry, enhanced concealed pistol licenses to allow carry in PFZs with advanced training, preemption enforcement, and a provisional CPL for 18-20 year olds.
Among very real gun control threats at the state level in Michigan are:
-The creation of “extreme risk protection orders” that allow the confiscation of firearms without due process.
-Requiring purchase permits for all long gun sales including private party sales and the addition of rifles and shotguns to Michigan’s firearms registry.
-Raising the age to 21 to purchase long guns.
-The expansion of gun free zones and a total ban on campus carry.
-New requirements on the storage of firearms in one’s home.

-State bans on magazines exceeding 10 rounds and other features of modern sporting rifles such as the AR-15.

Your state legislators need to hear from you immediately to help counter the gun control agenda!

You can find your state representative HERE.
You can find your state senator HERE.

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Florida Minimum-Age Firearm Proposal Impacts Hunting, Conservation

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Action Alert! Contact your state Senator and state Representative today and ask them to vote “NO” on legislation that would increase the age from 18 to 21 to purchase any firearm. Florida members can find their state delegate by using the Sportsmen’s Alliance Legislative Action Center.

Florida Gov. Rick Scott and legislators in both the Florida House and Senate are set to propose legislation that would prohibit the purchase of a long gun for anyone under the age of 21. The proposal will negatively impact the retention and participation of youth hunters, as well as funding of conservation.

Whether using a youth-model shotgun or a hunting rifle, Florida’s young adults are a key demographic of hunters that fund conservation through hunting license sales and the taxes that are paid on firearms and ammunition. The safety record of millions of young-adult hunters is exemplary. Maintaining their ranks in the hunting community is key to the future of conservation funding and hunting.

Further, 18 year olds are considered adults in the eyes of the law and fully vested in their constitutional rights, and both the Florida National Guard and the U.S. military accept people at age 18 into military service, commonly putting them in harm’s way. A 21-year-old age minimum sends a contradictory message that government will accept the wounding and ultimate sacrifice of young adults on foreign battlefields under the age of 21, but doesn’t trust them with a firearm in their own home or the fields of America.

“The current emotional and political climate concerning firearms is understandable, but this is a very complex, multi-faceted, issue,” said Evan Heusinkveld, president and CEO of Sportsmen’s Alliance. “Pushing reactionary legislation that doesn’t address the issue, but does trample the civil rights of millions of voting adults while also making it impossible for them to even duck hunt is not the answer.”

FixNICS: U.S. Senate to Address Firearms Background Checks

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Action Alert! Contact your senator today and ask them to vote “YES” on Senate Bill 2135 that will make the National Instant Criminal Background Check System more complete. You can contact your two U.S. senators by calling (202) 224-3121 and following the prompts or can email them using the Sportsmen’s Alliance Legislative Action Center.

The firearm industry and hunting organizations have united to support legislation to address deficiencies in the background-check system for the purchase of firearms. The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) was established 20 years ago to prevent those prohibited by law from obtaining a firearm. Unfortunately, the NICS system depends on states and the federal government to provide updates to the database, which has not always been done effectively.

To address this issue, the National Shooting Sports Foundation launched its Fix NICS initiative in 2013 to encourage and assist states to submit all appropriate disqualifying criminal and adjudicated mental health records. While the effort to Fix NICS has yielded a 200-percent increase in records submissions, the work is not done yet as many states still do not submit all appropriate records that would disqualify individuals from legally purchasing firearms.

Senate Bill 2135 provides incentives for states to submit up-to-date information to NICS and punishes agencies that fail to do so, while also holding the federal government accountable for including and processing those records in the background check system.

The “Fix NICS” act could be voted on in the U.S. Senate as early as this week.

All sportsmen want to make sure firearms are not sold to criminals and those with serious mental health problems. Please call your two U.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121 and ask them to support S.2135. Read more

Airgun Video Channels Feeling Anti-Gun Pressure

YouTube, Facebook are canceling, closing and suspending accounts that include shooting-related content. Airgun Wire editor Tom McHale says he’s getting “a continuous stream of reports on sites that are summarily shut down or have received ‘strikes’ that will ultimately lead to a permanent shutdown.” He’s following the story- closely- and will have a full report and suggestions for actions shooting enthusiasts can take in today’s edition of the Airgun Wire. If you’re not a subscriber, you can sign up for a subscription at

Dicks, Field & Stream Stop AR Sales, Call for “Common-sense Legislation”

Dick’s Sporting Goods (NYSE:DKS) along with its Field & Stream Stores have stopped selling AR-style rifles. The immediate cessation was announced yesterday by Dick’s CEO Edward W. Stack who also announced the stores would also no longer sell “high-capacity magazines or firearms to anyone under 21 years old. Stack also called for “common sense gun reform” along with regulations that would ban “assault style weapons,” raise the minimum age for firearms purchases to 21, and require universal background checks that included “relevant health information and previous interactions with the law.”
NSSF Responds to Dick’s Decision

We respect the right of all companies to make the decisions they believe are appropriate for their business. Nonetheless, we are disappointed by the decision of Dick’s Sporting Goods to stop selling modern sporting rifles at its 35 Field & Stream stores, to cease sales of certain magazines and to raise the purchase age to 21 for all firearms at all its stores. We note that the Dick’s Sporting Goods announcement acknowledges the vast majority of gun owners are responsible and law-abiding. Indeed, they are and should not be penalized for the actions of criminals.

Members of our industry believe that unauthorized individuals should never have access to any firearm, of any kind, at any time. On behalf of our industry, NSSF supports effective solutions to achieve that goal, which is shared by all Americans. NSSF strongly supports and calls upon Congress to immediately pass the Fix NICS bill – named after our program of the same name – to increase the reporting of all disqualifying criminal and applicable mental health records to the FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) database to increase the effectiveness of the system on which our nation’s retailers depend. We will continue our work on that vitally important initiative, as well our other programs that work every day to help enhance public safety, including Project ChildSafe, the Don’t Lie for the Other Guy anti-straw purchasing program and Operation Secure Store programs that we conduct in cooperation with Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).

Minnesota State Rep. Linda Slocum Introduces Extreme Gun Ban Bill

The bill includes:

  • A 2-day waiting period on all firearm transactions
  • The total ban on all private sales and transfers, including for inheritance, family, curio and relics, and antique firearms
  • Complete registration of all firearms
  • Bans all “assault weapons”, bump stocks, and large-capacity magazines
  • Makes suppressors illegal again – possession is a felony
  • Requires all ammunition to be purchased in-person from a dealer – all ammunition sales will be tracked and registered
  • Prohibits persons delinquent in paying child support from possessing firearms

Current owners of “assault weapons” may keep them if they are registered and stored in line with newly defined local regulations – and inspected annually by the police. Read more

An Honest Perspective on the Gun Issue

Today,  the first installment in a series from Steve Scott.

As stories of the Parkland murders continue to dominate the news cycle, public sentiment is being manipulated in a new and most disturbing way. In the media – both social and mainstream – responsibility for the tragedy is being shifted from the mentally unbalanced-premeditating-murderer of 17 innocents to the National Rifle Association – an organization whose primary purpose is to preserve and protect our individual freedoms.  And, while reactionaries cry for more feel-good legislation, over two centuries ago a litany of revered statesmen spoke thoughtfully of the very circumstance we face today.  Viewed through the long lens of history, wisdom and perspective may be gleaned by those willing to learn.

“The Constitution shall never be construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.”
– Samuel Adams

The promise of the 2nd Amendment was neither a blank check nor demand loan.  There are conditions to the right to keep and bear arms and Adams’ “peaceable citizens of the United States” definition applies still today.  Peaceable citizens do not get in fights, abuse animals, make threats, and they certainly do not murder their teachers and classmates.  It is hard to argue that the mind of a perpetrator of mass murder is not defective.  And, though there were ample warning signs and opportunities to either stop or mitigate the Parkland atrocity, numerous systems failed and 17 people died.  Clearly, changes need to be made to avert future tragedies, but unalienable means unalienable. Second Amendment rights are non-negotiable for a reason.

“No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.”
– Thomas Jefferson

“To disarm the people…[i]s the most effectual way to enslave them.”
– George Mason

Jefferson knew “debarring” citizens of firearms was the critical first step towards the loss of individual liberties; Mason took the thought it to its natural conclusion.  He knew shackles and chains were not the only way to enslave a society.  Our 1st Amendment provides, among others, the unalienable right to speak, assemble, and worship as we see fit.  These are foundational freedoms – the loss of which would effectively enslave us to the will of tyrannical rulers.  It is no coincidence that the Founders placed equal importance on the individual freedom to defend one’s rights, one’s self from physical harm, and importantly, from those powers who might seek to take away those rights.   Ben Franklin expounded on this theme very clearly:

“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
– Benjamin Franklin

Ironically, one of the leaders on the other side of the American Revolution had similar thoughts on individual freedoms.

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.” – William Pitt (the Younger)

An American statesman and British Prime Minister on opposite sides of a seismic conflict both recognized the same fundamental truth.  In the wake of Parkland virtually everyone agrees “something” should be done, but what and at what cost? It is never necessary to give up freedoms for the sake of a little temporary safety.   And would surrendering some of our 2nd Amendment rights yield society even temporary safety?  History’s conclusion is a clear “no”.

 “The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes…. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”
– Thomas Jefferson

What was true in the 18th Century rings true today.  When citizens are denied their God-given right to proportional self-defense, the odds in the struggle between good and evil move decidedly in the favor of evil.  Citizens rendered defenseless by well-intentioned but short-sighted legislation banning firearms are significantly more likely to become victims of crime than constituents of jurisdictions that do not infringe 2nd Amendment freedoms.  It is no coincidence U.S. cities such as Chicago and Washington D.C. – cities with the most stringent restrictions on firearms – consistently report the highest incidence of gun violence.

Yet America’s problem remains, as our lack of empathy prevents engagement in any meaningful dialogue.

Tragedies like Parkland are a call to arms for both pro and anti-gunners to take extreme positions.  We demonize the opposition with no attempt to understand each other’s perspective and motivation.  Is it any wonder we are no closer to figuring out a solution?

The majority of people on the anti-gun side are not unreasonable.  They do not want to take our guns for fun or spite. They are good people who only want the violence to stop.  To their way of thinking, removing guns from society is the simplest way to achieve that end.  But neither the problems we face nor their solutions are simple.

Today’s public debate barely mentions the causation for a generation of mass murderers.  In addition to a mental health screening system that is clearly failing, discipline, family values, and personal responsibility are lacking in many households today.  The desensitization to human suffering and death promulgated by Hollywood and the video game industry are also issues we must address as a society in order to slow and eventually put an end to this epidemic of violence; but, that discussion is not likely to happen – not when liberal leaders pushing for more governmental control know it is much more effective to juxtapose dead children with an AR 15 and spent cases.

This is why so many of us stand with the NRA and fight like hell to protect the 2nd Amendment. I do not know the final answer to solving America’s gun violence problem but I do kow banning the modern sporting rifle is not.   History has proven the most important step in subjugating a nation is to take away its citizens’ ability to fight tyranny, which is often done under the guise of protecting children.

 “The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.” 
– Adolf HitlerMein Kampf

Can we all agree on at least this one thing?  #neveragain

— Steve Scott

Steve Scott is a reformed attorney, long-time university instructor, and producer and host of the Safari Hunter’s Journal and Outdoor Guide television series on air and online. (Editor’s note: Steve’s also going to be editing our new outfitters news service, but you had to read all the way through to know that).  www.SteveScott.TV

CCRKBA: Government Failures in Fla. Not the Fault of Gun Rights


BELLEVUE, WA — The devastating revelation that a sheriff’s deputy stood outside while students were being murdered inside a Florida high school shows that the government failed massively, and efforts to blame gun rights for the tragedy are dishonest and insane, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said.

“Since last week’s horror in Parkland,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “the country has learned that the authorities had multiple warnings about the shooting suspect and repeatedly failed to act. The gun-free school zones law failed. And yet anti-gunners want to blame firearms and penalize law-abiding gun owners.

“Honest citizens and the Second Amendment are through being the national whipping boy for these abysmal failures,” he stated. “For years, we have endured the efforts of anti-gun elitists and their political lap dogs to erode our rights and hold honest gun owners responsible for crimes they didn’t commit. We have been slandered, marginalized and demonized.

“The feel-good fakery of gun control and gun-free zones has been exposed in the aftermath of the Parkland tragedy,” he said. “Enough is enough.

“Treating good people like criminals and creating victim disarmament zones such as schools, shopping malls, theaters and office buildings must cease,” he added. “The simple truth is that criminals and crazy people do not obey gun control laws. Read more

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