ROBAR GLOCK Trigger Kits

ROBAR now offers Glock Trigger kits. The ROBAR Glock Trigger Smooth, performed on customer-supplied parts, the ROBAR Glock OEM Trigger Kit with Glock Trigger Shoe and the GlockKraft Flat Face Trigger with NP3, Glock Trigger bar.
More information on the GlockKraft Trigger:
Flat-faced triggers have become very popular in the last few years for good reason. The unique geometry of a flat-faced trigger give shooters consistent finger placement on the trigger for every shot. GlockKraft’s Defensive Applications Trigger (D.A.T) is an American made aftermarket defensive trigger designed to improve a shooter’s accuracy and provide a positive feel with their firearm via a flat-faced design. D.A.T’s unique attributes allow for a perceived lighter pull-weight while reducing pre-ignition push and increased first-shot splits. The maximum amount of pre-travel has been removed without eliminating any of the O.E.M factory safeties as confirmed by a third-party manufacturer. Read more