Trophy Fox Squirrel

By Glen Wunderlich

Charter Member Professional Outdoor Media Association

Michigan’s largest squirrel – the fox squirrel – is widely dispersed in the Lower Peninsula and throughout most of Eastern America with some exceptions.  They are common inhabitants of farm country with broadleaf woodlots to suburban areas with large trees.  They can become quite tame in city parks or where humans feed them – either voluntarily or otherwise; however, it is wise to treat them with caution, because they are still wild animals.

One particular whopper of a bushytail has become a regular visitor to one of my feeding stations and eats peacefully with the birds and rabbits.

Adult Fox Squirrel Owns the Feed

Unlike some bird-watching enthusiasts, who may devise means to keep them from their feeders, I welcome them with seed scattered on the ground.

The particular hefty fox squirrel mentioned probably weighs close to three pounds but it can scurry up a tree in a split second.  Recently, another fox squirrel came to the site, and when the “owner” of the fast food took notice, a furious chase began.  Friendly?  Tame?  Try to tell that to the stranger that was just agile enough to make it to Genessee County with its tail between its legs.

Sometimes the tables are turned in the wild when foxes, dogs, hawks, owls, or humans  are introduced into the equation.  Other times fox squirrel nestlings and young squirrels become prey to opossums or raccoons.  Red squirrels will also dominate areas where the two species intermix.

One trait often overlooked in squirrels is their keen sense of smell.  On a walking trail in the dead of winter with approximately eight inches of snow on the ground, I noticed a hole neatly bored through the white ground cover; closer inspection revealed bits of a nut casing strewn about.  They may not have the memory of elephants, but that sniffer makes up for it.

Squirrels will eat whatever is seasonal and available including insects, roots, mushrooms, fruit, buds, twig bark, bird eggs, small snakes, and of course nuts.  Farmers know about their penchant for corn, as well, because of the damage caused in adjacent corn fields.

Breeding seasons are typically in June and December.  Young ones are born without fur and are completely blind, thus rendered helpless and don’t open their eyes until about 40 to 45 days after birth.  However, in a matter of just three months, they gain their independence and no longer are relegated to any stay-home commands.

Hunting them can be challenging – especially in the early September season when deciduous trees are in full leaf.  But, find a lone hickory tree among the hardwoods and sit tight for some sure-fire action.  Actually, anywhere oaks, walnuts, or beech trees are present, so too will be squirrels.  A quiet, still morning or evening sit is certain to be interrupted by falling nut casings, as they are dropped through the leaves and onto the forest floor.  And, that presents the perfect opportunity to move slowly and undetected, while they are preoccupied.

In Michigan, squirrels are largely an untapped renewable resource by hunters.  But, if you want to introduce a youngster to the art of a good sneak in the woods with a .22 rimfire rifle, there’s no better way to do it.

Win a Hunt with Levi Morgan by Swhacker and TAC Vanes

>>Kelly Outdoor Products Group Sweepstakes Awards Two Winners a Hunt and Shooting Lesson with 13-time ASA Shooter of the Year, Levi Morgan

Atlanta, GA – Swhacker Broadheads and TAC Vanes, makers of exceptional archery products has announced a sweepstakes, open to all, for a hunt with professional archer/hunter, Levi Morgan.

“We partnered up with Swhacker Broadheads and TAC Vanes to give away two of the best whitetail hunts you could ever imagine. One in the Golden Triangle South Texas with Cactus Jack Ranch and then a rut hunt in our private spot in Illinois. Two incredible places, unbelievable whitetail hunting. I can’t wait to hang out with two lucky winners this fall,” said Morgan.

Starting May 20, fans can enter the contest online, and two lucky winners will be chosen and announced on August 17.

Sweepstakes entry is free and open to anyone.

1. Enter the contest online. Or, by copying and pasting this link into your browser: Read more

Pulsar Digex Digital Riflescopes

(MANSFIELD, TEXAS) – Pulsar is thrilled to release its newest line of digital riflescopes! The Digex comes in 2 models, the N450 and N455, and both feature a highly-detailed 1280×720 sensor with up to 600-yard detection range in complete darkness. Additionally, the Digex features built-in recording with sound, Picture-in-Picture digital zoom and Wi-Fi remote view with Stream vision compatibility for iOS and Android devices. The sole difference between the N450 and N455 is the IR Illuminator. The N455 has a 940nm IR that is invisible to the naked eye and has a 550-yard range. The N450 has an 850nm IR with 600-yard range, but the IR is visible

Digex digital riflescopes also boast 1024×768 AMOLED displays, adaptability to external power supplies, 5 rifle profiles with 10 zero distances, variable electronic reticles, a stadiametric rangefinder and SumLight function to increase sensor sensitivity and allow passive observation. Read more

Scent Companies Call on Government Agencies to Catch Up with Technological Advances

Reliable Commercial Test for CWD Prions in Deer Scents Exists, Is in Wide Use

Scent Companies Call on Government Agencies to Catch up With Technological Advances

Ramsey, MN- A commercially available test that can be used to analyze deer urine for the presence of CWD prions before its distribution to the public has been in use by Wildlife Research Center® and Tink’s® for a year, and most of the major scent companies are also adopting this technology in 2020. Real Time Quaking Induced Conversion, RT-QuIC ™ for short, is a proven and reliable method for detecting the misfolded proteins that cause CWD. Read more

Fore Runner Ground Blinds Sale

Leon, IA- Fore Runner Blinds is the first portable soft-sided blind of its kind in the hunting industry. For a limited time, Fore Runner blinds are $100 off and FREE shipping! The blind was designed by hunters to hold up to harsh late season elements while being completely user friendly. Fore Runner blinds have an integrated hitch system, allowing them to be towed by your ATV or Side-By-Side. The wheels are designed to easily engage and disengage in a matter of minutes making the mobility of the Fore Runner blind the best in the industry. Once you get to your favorite hunting spot, just unhook from the ground blind and raise the wheels up.

The Fore Runner Ground Blind’s advanced durability is designed with an aluminum frame to withstand the wind and snow. This rigid, self-supporting aluminum frame will survive the harshest of elements. It’s because of this, you no longer need to secure your blind to the ground with tent stakes and tie-downs. It’s easy set-up with worry-free, minimal effort, allowing you to focus on the task at hand. When you need to move the blind there is no need to worry about fiberglass rods or hubs to collapse. Read more

New Wildgame Innovations Switch™ Game Scouting Cameras

Grand Prairie, TX –

Three buttons: that’s all it takes to get the Switch™ and Switch Lightsout™ cameras fully operational. This dummy-proof trail camera is the easiest setup we’ve ever created.

For over two decades, Wildgame Innovations has led the way in affordable trail cameras. With the Switch™ and Switch Lightsout™ cameras, we’ve addressed user comments by providing the simplest setup of any game camera on the market. Choose a capture mode, delay, setting and time zone and you’re done. The Switch™ and Switch Lightsout™ cameras capture crisp 12- megapixel images and 720p HD videos, and update the date and time automatically (even during Daylight Savings). Spend your time hunting, not setting up cameras, with the Switch™ and Switch Lightsout™ cameras.

The Switch™ is outfitted with high-intensity infrared LEDs, while the Switch™ Lightsout™ uses both invisible black infrared LEDs and the Lightsout™ invisible infrared LED flash. As a result, hunters will capture crisp and vivid high-definition photos and videos to help hone in on your next hunt.


Switch™ Features:

    • Extremely simple toggle switch user-interface for ease of setup
    • Automatically syncs date and time – self-corrects for daylight savings
    • Includes adjustable tree strap
    • Unique shape reduces footprint for easier concealment
    • 12 MP image and 720p video resolution
    • 21 Invisible black infrared LEDs
    • 65-foot range
    • Less than 1 second trigger speed
    • 15 second video length
    • Up to 32GB memory storage (SD card not included)
    • Uses 8 AA Batteries (not included)
    • MSRP: $59.99

Read more

Michigan: DNR Offers Temporary Hunter Safety Certificates for Eligible Online Students

Eligible online hunter education students will be able to hunt this spring despite the postponement of field day classes, which normally are required. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is providing temporary hunter education safety certificates to select online students who have not been able to attend a field day due to cancellations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Field days are the required final step in earning a Michigan DNR hunter education safety certificate for online students. Safety certificates are mandatory to purchase a Michigan hunting license. The face-to-face classes have been postponed as a result of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s “Stay Home, Stay Safe” Executive Order. Read more

Great Start to Turkey Season

By Glen Wunderlich

Charter Member Professional Outdoor Media Association

As we wade through these unprecedented times of trouble, a daily sameness has developed courtesy of the things we can no longer do.  Penned up, hemmed in, or locked down – whatever one calls it, we are all living it.  However, those of us living in rural America have the means to escape the madness of solitary existence, because our land offers the get-away we all crave.  There is always another chore to cross off the list.  And, then there’s hunting.

With a backpack full of gear and enough coffee to float a boat, and my trusty shotgun slung over my shoulder, I began the walk in darkness with a full bevy of stars overhead.  The yellow-orange sliver of moon to the east stopped me in my tracks – sort of a smelling-of-roses moment that I had to take in and appreciate.  If this was confinement, it was good.

In the darkness I stepped off 28 yards and poked my lone hen decoy into the soft earth.  The tight confines of my portable blind would provide an open window to a world unaffected by the hysteria that we’ve all come to know in one way or the other.

A hard frost had descended upon the sprouting legume vegetation of the field before me and the welcome comfort of the propane heater and hot coffee melted the crispy beginning in short order.  The annoying sounds of jets flying overhead and the typical din of highway traffic were non-existent; only the melodious yodeling of myriad robins whistling their favorite springtime tunes could be heard.

The large blind allowed for a tripod and camera to be my sidekicks and the remaining gear was positioned strategically within reach.  I made mental notes of certain trees – measured from the blind with a rangefinder – as limits for any ethical shots.

It didn’t take long for the action to heat up.  A single hen came from the woods, noticed the decoy and strolled past.  Then another followed and finally another hen entered the destination field, and this one was content to hunt and peck in the vicinity.  Oh, yeah.  A live decoy!

Without a sound an adult gobbler debuted and focused his attention on the single hen.  Fanned out, puffed up and strutting back and forth, the energetic male used every trick in the book to gain a response from a potential mate – all to no avail, as the unimpressed hen vanished into cover.  The minute she left, the gobbler’s attention was entirely directed to my rubber trickster.

I recognized the young, adult bird from scouting episodes because of a certain style of its beard hanging to one side and the one-inch spurs it was sporting.  Being opening day, I would let this guy continue his involuntary dance routine to his heart’s desire in hopes that he’d survive for another season.

I even messed with his brain a bit by scratching out a few hen calls when he wasn’t too close to me just to elicit a few gobbles.  Although it wouldn’t usually be wise to run the risk of detection, I didn’t care.  And, he didn’t get it.

The bird never really figured out that decoy and hung around me for quite a while.  But, when he strolled by my hideout a mere 10 feet away, we made eye contact.  With that, the young gobbler did the double-time step right out of view.

Soon thereafter, four jakes (one year-old males) got up enough nerve to court the rubber princess and were eventually numb to its lack of reciprocation.  When they finally left my presence, I hiked away in the early afternoon.

What a morning!  It’s already been a good season.

Turkey on the Menu

By Glen Wunderlich

Charter Member Professional Outdoor Media Association

One pull of the shotgun’s trigger reminded me just how potent turkey loads are.  Even though the Winchester Long Beard 12-gauge ammo contains less shot than typical, shoulder-pounding shells designed specifically for turkeys, it packs one heck of a punch.  Nonetheless, with opening day of turkey season around the corner, it was time to take my medicine.

Fortunately, the EOTech optic sitting atop my scattergun, made short work of the sighting-in session, thus minimizing shoulder abuse.  It just isn’t fun!

With that out of the way, I packed  my portable blind and headed afield to set it up.  Even though it will stand out like a beacon in the night to the whitetails, turkeys on the other hand just don’t see the conspicuous traps for what they are.

This season is shaping up as a unique one, as I’ve observed a group of 11 birds growing up together.  One adult hen and her offspring were once a tightly knit assembly of drumsticks but have since become scattered about.  The six males in the family unit always seemed to have promoted instability, as they chased each other in games of hierarchy.

But, now they have been pushed aside and chased away by bullies with beards.  Full-fledged gobblers now run with their chosen circle of hens, and that took some doing.  Just last week, two adult males were in mixed-martial-arts mania jumping into the air kicking and flapping.  When the aerobatics were complete, one gobbler finished the foray by running the loser out of sight.  Like everything else in life, there are winners and losers.

In the midst of the Corvid-19 pandemic chaos, I will head afield before dawn to watch and listen to the wild world waking up.  A little coffee, some welcome warmth from the propane heater, a cushioned seat and all the paraphernalia any turkey hunter could desire will be at my disposal.

There I will listen with my old ears and will remain hidden from the reality of the world’s troubles.  Within the confines of the blind, I will be one with my thoughts  – wherever they may lead.  What more could a person want?  Oh, sure a turkey dinner would be a nice reward but I may just prolong the adventure this time around.

A Gobbler Ventures into the Danger Zone

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