ICOtec® GC320 Electronic Predator Call/Decoy Combo

The ICOtec GC320 Predator Call/Decoy Combo utilizes our outstanding remote technology that connects to call unit from up to 300 yards with no line of sight required to activate the speaker and the decoy. The unit comes with 24 deadly call sounds, and you can play two calls simultaneously. Additionally you have the ability to activate the electronic decoy with the same remote control. ICOtec has developed this decoy with a speed control, LED light for night hunts, 2 quick change toppers and it has its own power source so it will not drain your call batteries. The AD400 Decoy is included with the GC320 caller.

Light weight, compact, easy to operate, superior quality audio calls, extreme long range remote, low power consumption, feature filled electronic decoy and one of the lowest prices available for a great call. The ICOtec GC320 is how predator calling was intended to be. ICOtec offers quality, performance and value. Dead Serious! Retail price around $150

Powderhook Launches Major App Update

LINCOLN, NE – Local, current information on hunting, fishing, and recreational shooting is now easier than ever to find with the newest Powderhook update. The Nebraska-based tech company has assembled nearly 10,000 outdoor events from many major NGO’s, retailers, state agencies and more and organized them in a new feature called “Discover.”

Here’s a breakdown of everything you’ll find in the newest release. As always, visit the App Store or Google Play to download or update the app.

Discover: Easily find an event or public hunting spot near you.

When people are out looking for stuff to do on the weekends, outdoor events usually aren’t on anyone’s radar. Why is that? People who host outdoor events are competing for attendees just like a movie theater, concert venue, sporting event or pretty much anything that a person can do to entertain themselves. This update and the API Powderhook has created for others to use changes that.

When it comes to creating new participants, it’s hard to know which event might trip which trigger. With the Powderhook update, we’ve not only begun to distribute our partner’s events to the top five event hosting websites on the internet, we compile them in a sortable feed for our users to access.

Public Spots
People are constantly looking for a new or better spot to go. Powderhook has always had one of the most complete public lands map available for free to anyone who downloads, but now we give users a cleaner ability to sort and configure search results. “I was headed up to Ohio last weekend and used the app to find a spot to go,” says app user Bobby Bostian. “It was great being able to hit the ‘Directions’ button and have it take me right to the spot. I also showed a couple hunters the ‘Discover’ section of the app and they were absolutely amazed at all of the public land that was available in their area.”

Duck band reporting system moves online

LAUREL, MARYLAND – Hunters fortunate enough to harvest a banded duck, goose or dove next hunting season will see a change in the way they report those bands to the United States Geological Survey. The call-in center that has been in place to record information has been replaced by an online tool at www.reportband.gov.

According to the USGS Patuxent Bird Banding Laboratory, which administers the bird-banding program in the United States, the toll-free number engraved on bands will still function, but will redirect callers to the website. Read more

Enter to Win ALPS OutdoorZ Raptor X Optics Pack on Facebook

In an effort to unite, promote and educate people on conservation initiatives, ALPS OutdoorZ is gearing up to give away FREE Raptor X optics packs through their “Capture Conservation” social campaign.

ALPS OutdoorZ is gearing up to launch their “Capture Conservation”social campaign on Facebook. The goal is to encourage members to share how they contribute to wildlife conservation through storytelling and photos. ALPS OutdoorZ knows there are endless ways to contribute to conservation. Whether it’s establishing food plots, providing clean water sources, supporting conservation organizations that help us protect our hunting traditions or by simply buying a hunting tag each season, ALPS OutdoorZ wants to promote and educate others to the fact that hunting truly is conservation.

With the support of RMEF, they will be announcing the campaign through a variety of media outlets that will be sent out to all RMEF members encouraging them to follow links to a pinned post on the ALPS OutdoorZ Facebook page. Participants enter to win a FREE Raptor X optics pack by commenting on the post, making sure to include the hash tag #CaptureConservation along with a summary of their conservation efforts. The campaign is open to all, not just members of the RMEF. Winners will be announced via Facebook two weeks after the start of the campaign. Click here to enter http://bit.ly/2s1QFdV.

New Deception Series decoys are collapsible

New Deception Series decoys are collapsible, much like every mallard they’ll fool.Baldwin, WI- Lucky Duck Premium Decoys prides itself in creating innovative and quality hunting products that generate more success in the field. 2017 is no different with the introduction of their new Deception Series, which are the most durable, lightweight, and portable decoys to hit the market.

Each set comes with 4 drakes and 2 hens, in four different body styles. They are made with ultra realistic EVA plastic and can withstand the punishment of today’s waterfowler. This decoy series is ideal for any walk-in hunter because they easily collapse and fit into a backpack, saving on space. You will be able to fit more decoys in each slotted bag. In addition, all 6 decoys have a weighted keel, anchor hook, and special slots to allow them to face in different directions when hunting a strong current.

The Deception Series is available for $59.99, and currently shipping to dealers. Some suppliers that are carrying this product include: Scheels, Cabela’s, Rogers Sporting Goods, and Mack’s Prairie Wings. If you visit www.luckyduck.com/dealer-locator, you can find a dealer nearest you.

Click on this link to watch a video on the Deception Series.

Deer Private Land Assistance Network grant application period opens

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources today announced that the application period has opened for the Deer Private Land Assistance Network (Deer PLAN) grant program. It is designed to support private-land deer habitat improvement projects in the northern Lower Peninsula.

The Deer PLAN program is funded by the state’s Deer Range Improvement Program funds. In 2018, a total of $50,000 will be made available. The focus area will include private lands in the following counties: Alcona, Alpena, Crawford, Montmorency, Oscoda and Presque Isle. Funds will be allocated across these six counties based on a competitive grant application scoring process. Read more

Swagger Bipods Bring Steady Shooting to Fields, Stands, and Blinds

Swagger’s exclusive Crazy Legs Technology allows the All-Terrain Bipod legs to flex and move as a hunter shifts his point of aim. The Crazy Legs springs provide support but also respond to pressure, allowing the crosshair to remain steady, even as the hunter adjusts to game movement. Crazy Legs Technology also means the legs can hyper-extend to adapt to any shooting position, including prone, kneeling or standing. Read more

Michigan DNR conservation officer recruits begin rigorous journey

Candidates will be pushed to their limits as 8th Recruit School begins SundayTwenty-five candidates will try to make the grade as Michigan Department of Natural Resources conservation officers when the 8th Conservation Officer Recruit School gets under way Sunday, July 16, in Lansing.Recruits face 23 weeks of intensive training that taxes their bodies, minds and spirits. This year’s class is composed of 18 men and seven women. Four candidates are from the Upper Peninsula, 18 are from the Lower Peninsula and three are from out of state.

The DNR will provide weekly blogs that offer a closer look at life in this year’s Conservation Officer Recruit School. The blogs highlight weekly training events and challenges. You can subscribe to the blogs, which also will be posted on the Michigan DNR Facebook page.

“These men and women have the chance to be part of something special, but they have to earn it,” said Gary Hagler, chief of DNR’s Law Enforcement Division. “Anyone who wears the green and gray uniform of a Michigan conservation officer must carry on our 130-year tradition of service and excellence. Those who have what it takes can look forward to an exciting, rewarding career protecting Michigan’s natural resources and the people who enjoy them. But it all starts at Recruit School.” Read more

NSSF Sportsmen/Sportswomen Survey

Your input helps shape the outdoor industry

The National Shooting Sports Foundation® (NSSF®), the trade association for the firearms and outdoors industry, is conducting the following consumer study in an effort to better understand sportsmen’s and sportswomen’s hunting and target shooting participation.

Your individual responses will remain fully confidential and will not be shared with anyone for any reason and you will not be contacted as a result of taking this survey.

Manufacturers, retailers, state wildlife agencies and industry organizations rely on feedback from outdoor enthusiasts to shape future programs, products and wildlife restoration efforts so your input is extremely valuable and we appreciate you completing this survey in its entirety.


For additional information on National Shooting Sports Foundation, please visit www.nssf.org

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