HSS Instructional Video Shows How To Properly Hang A Ladder Stand

Danville, AL – Hanging a ladder stand sounds pretty simple. But doing it properly by keeping safety first and foremost isn’t always the way it is done. That’s why Hunter Safety System, the company dedicated to saving hunters’ lives, has launched a new instructional video specifically on this topic on the popular video-sharing website, YouTube.This new 7-minute, 30-second video addresses every detail of hanging a ladder stand and how to be safe the entire time. Staying connected 100-percent of the time is of paramount importance. You can’t fall but so far if you are connected at all times. In fact, during the course of the video, the HSS staff demonstrates various obstacles that could occur while setting up the stand that leads people to unconnect themselves. The video shows the safe and proper way to address these obstacles should you encounter them.

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Senate Unanimously Passes Outdoor REC Act

In an early holiday gift to the outdoor recreation community, the U.S. Senate unanimously and without amendment passed the Outdoor REC Act! The bill was led by Senators Cory Gardner (R-CO) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) with a total of 15 cosponsors. The bill unanimously passed the House November 14, where it was sponsored by Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA) and received bipartisan support, with 13 Republican and 12 Democrat cosponsors.

The bill will formally assess and analyze the outdoor recreation economy in the United States – which supports an estimated 6 million jobs and generates $646 billion in economic activity annually. Congress’ action is necessary to make sure the outdoor economy receives official government recognition for years to come. Federal agencies play an important role in outdoor recreation, managing lands and waters which host more than a billion recreation visits each year. The Outdoor REC Act will help shape good choices in allocating federal funds through the budget process and in investing private funds which enhance recreation on public lands and waters.

The bill now moves to the President’s desk, where it awaits his signature.

To read more, including text of the bill, click here.

Arrests for Transport, Release or Possession of Live Feral Pigs

16 Arrested in 3 States for Transport, Release or Possession of Live Feral PigsAlthough hunting feral pigs is legal, their live transport and release has been illegal in Alabama since 1997. An investigation by Conservation Officers in the Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries (WFF) has led to arrest warrants issued for 16 people in seven Alabama counties and two other states for the illegal transport, release or live possession of feral pigs. Read more

No Wolf Hunting in Michigan

This from Michigan United Conservation Clubs…

In some disappointing news, last week the Michigan Court of Appeals sided with the Humane Society of the United States and invalidated the Scientific Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, which we all worked so hard to initiate and pass in 2014. HSUS, through their Keep Michigan Wolves Protected front group, challenged the law in the Court of Claims, which upheld it. They appealed that ruling to the Court of Appeals, which ruled that the provision including free licenses for active military members was not related closely enough to scientific wildlife management to be included in the law, and struck the whole thing down.

We think they were in error on two points: 1) It is absurd to say that hunting and fishing licenses have no necessary connection with scientific wildlife management decisions when they literally fund the Department of Natural Resources in both implementing the scientific wildlife decisions of the Natural Resources Commission and the DNR’s time and research that goes into making those decisions. 2) Even if it was unrelated, the Michigan Constitution says that provisions of legislation found unconstitutional should be severed from the rest of the legislation, meaning that the ability of the NRC to make fisheries decisions and name game species using sound science should have been preserved, either way.

It is now up to the the Michigan Attorney General’s office, which represents the State in this case, to pursue an appeal to the Michigan Supreme Court. The AG’s office has been on top of this issue from the beginning and we hope they will continue to defend the State of Michigan’s ability to manage its fish and wildlife with sound science.

Help Michigan United Conservation Clubs defend your hunting rights by joining us at www.mucc.org/join_mucc!

Michigan’s 2016 Deer Status and CWD

By Glen Wunderlich

With only a few days remaining in Michigan’s firearms deer season, the unwelcome news of another deer infected with Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) appears to have been discovered.  A 1.5-year-old buck taken Wednesday, Nov. 16, in Clinton County’s Eagle Township is likely the ninth free-ranging deer in Michigan to test positive for CWD.  Preliminary tests by our DNR must still be confirmed pending tests by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Veterinary Services Laboratory in Ames, Iowa, to make the results conclusive.  The good news is that the suspect deer was taken within the core zone, although it expands the zone somewhat.

In speaking with wildlife biologist, Chad Fedewa, no expansion of the CWD management area will be considered until deer hunting seasons end.  “This latest suspect deer reinforces how critical hunters are in battling this disease,” said Chad Fedewa, DNR wildlife biologist. “We are counting on hunters to bring their deer in for testing so we have a better understanding about disease distribution. If this hunter had not followed the law, we would have no idea that the disease has traveled farther west.”

It remains critical that hunters have deer checked near this area referred to as Deer Management Unit (DMU) 333.

The DNR has tested nearly 9,000 deer since the first free-ranging CWD-positive deer was found in May 2015; to date, eight cases of CWD have been confirmed.

With the discovery of this new suspect positive animal, hunters harvesting deer in three additional townships are strongly encouraged to have their deer checked. These townships are Portland and Danby townships in Ionia County and Roxand Township in Eaton County.

Since deer can be infected with the disease for many years without displaying symptoms, it’s best to have them checked.  Typically, hunters will not see any abnormal behavior, nor will they see anything askew in the process of field dressing.

In related news, the Rose Lake deer check station reports as of Wednesday, November 23 that over 900 deer have been checked.  Although the number is down from about 1,000 deer checked at this time last year, the addition of two check stations in the area may account for the lower amount.  However, the promising trend of bigger bodied animals and bigger racks continues.

At the Traverse City check station, wildlife biologist, Steve Griffith, reports that the count of deer checked is down some 26 percent compared to last year at this time, but attributes the decline somewhat to unfavorable weather conditions during the early portion of the season.  On a positive note, antler point restrictions in this 5-county zone, whereby bucks must have at least 3 antler points on a side (4 points on a side for second deer taken on restricted tags), are having the desired effect.  Generally, he states that body sizes are especially good, including that of fawns.

In spite of some dreaded news, we have that silver lining for which to be thankful.

New Book Shares Real Hunting Accident Investigations – and Lessons in Hunter Safety

GUILFORD, CT—The experts at Hunting and Shooting Related Consultants, LLC have written a book that brings readers to the scenes of 30 real life hunting accident investigations. Each chapter of Blood on The Leaves: Real Hunting Accident Investigations – And Lessons in Hunter Safety (Lyons Press, 336 pages, $16.95 paperback) ends with safety lessons to be learned from the incident covered. The book also covers a glossary of hunting terms, the history of hunter education and the role of hunting accident investigators.

With hunting season in full swing, the book is timely. Almost 50,000 volunteer instructors will teach hunting safety courses to more than 675,000 new hunters this year. These new hunters are learning the rules that make hunting as safe as it is. Unfortunately, every year a few will forget and someone will be injured or killed in a hunting related shooting incident. Read more

LockedOn 360 for Ladder Stands and Shooting Houses

Many outdoor products for hunters are marginally useful, but seldom make the difference between success and failure on a hunt.

When a product does make a real-world difference in your chances to bag a trophy, it stands out. This year, the best new difference-making product for deer hunters is the LockedOn 360.

The LockedOn 360 is an easy-to-install, easy-to-use device that provides the most secure rest available for shooting from a stand or permanent blind under real-world hunting conditions. When the moment of truth arrives for a hunter using a LockedOn 360, he has an exceptionally steady, secure rest and the ability to take a shot in any direction and at any angle at a moment’s notice.

It eliminates the need to take a shot from an awkward position, or having to take what amounts to an off-hand shot in a hurry. Read more

Suspect CWD deer harvested in Eagle Township, Clinton County MI

It’s critical that hunters have deer near this area checked.

A 1.5-year-old buck taken Wednesday, Nov. 16, in Clinton County’s Eagle Township is likely the ninth free-ranging deer in Michigan to test positive for chronic wasting disease (CWD).

A hunter took the animal within an area where deer check is mandatory and brought the deer to a Department of Natural Resources check station. Preliminary tests conducted by the DNR came back positive for CWD. The animal currently is being tested by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Veterinary Services Laboratory in Ames, Iowa, to finalize confirmation of the disease. Confirmation will take a couple weeks.

The DNR reminds hunters that bringing harvested deer to a DNR check station is critical to helping the state understand the extent of CWD in Michigan.

“This latest suspect deer reinforces how critical hunters are in battling this disease,” said Chad Fedewa, DNR wildlife biologist. “We are counting on hunters to bring their deer in for testing so we have a better understanding about disease distribution. If this hunter had not followed the law, we would have no idea that the disease has traveled farther west.”

The DNR has tested nearly 9,000 deer since the first free-ranging CWD-positive deer was found in May 2015; thus far, eight cases of CWD have been confirmed. This new suspect, if the disease is confirmed, would bring the total to nine. Read more

How the Wild Turkey Contributed to Thanksgiving

VTF&W photo by John Hal

The Thanksgiving turkeys on our tables this holiday originated from native wild turkeys whose populations have been restored across much of North America thanks to scientific wildlife management practices.

One of our native wildlife species historically played an important role on Thanksgiving Day. North America’s native wild turkeys were the ancestors of the Thanksgiving turkey on our dinner table.

Originally found only in the wild, turkeys now exist as meat-producing domesticated derivatives — the broad breasted white, broad breasted bronze, white Holland, bourbon red, and a host of other breeds – all of them descended from our native wild turkey. Read more

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