Natural Resources Commission approves year-round coyote hunting season in Michigan

The Natural Resources Commission, at its monthly meeting in Lansing, Michigan, earlier this month, approved new coyote and nighttime furbearer hunting regulations.

Effective immediately, coyote hunting season is open year-round in Michigan. Please note that dogs may not be used to hunt coyotes April 16 through July 7.

Nighttime hunting season dates now match the daytime hunting season dates by species. Coyote and opossum hunting are open year-round. Raccoon hunting is Oct. 1 through Jan. 31, and fox hunting runs Oct. 15 through March 1.

Raccoons, opossums, foxes and coyotes now may be taken at night with 3 and 4 buckshot. Nighttime furbearers can be taken with a bow and arrow, crossbow, a rimfire firearm .22 caliber or smaller, or a shotgun with loads other than buckshot larger than number 3, slug or cut shell. Centerfire rifles may not be used to take furbearers at night. Read more

NWTF Launches Wild Turkey Basics Microsite

EDGEFIELD, S.C. — The National Wild Turkey Federation’s webpage already is a viable resource for aspiring and experienced turkey hunters, but with the launch of its new Wild Turkey Basics microsite, the NWTF has established its site as the go-to, one-stop-shop for all things wild turkey.The Wild Turkey Basics page is designed to provide visitors with a wealth of information about the two turkey species: the North American wild turkey and the Ocellated turkey. The North American species has five subspecies including: the Eastern, Osceola, Rio Grande, Merriam’s and Gould’s. The Ocellated turkey is a completely unique species located in Mexico and parts of Central America. Read more

New Ameristep Warlock Blind

Kryptek™ Highlander™ camo pattern casts a visually magic spell on the new Ameristep Warlock.

New Oversized, Bow-hunter-friendly Ameristep Warlock Blind With NS3 Technology Performs A Total Disappearing Act

PLANO, IL- The Ameristep® 2016 line-up of ground blinds is full of incredible models to cover any hunting or photography situation – including 7 all-new designs. Suffice it to say that if you can’t find an Ameristep blind to fulfill your needs, you should probably focus more on, say…knitting.

Ameristep’s ALL-NEW Warlock Blind delivers anything a hunter could ask for, starting with its striking, high-tech Kryptek™ Highlander™ camo finish. Ample dimensions come next. With a footprint of 65″ X 65″ and a height of 72″, the Warlock Blind won’t rub you wrong. Big dudes, bow hunters, hunting couples, families and camera crews will all lend their enthusiastic support to the Ameristep Warlock. Read more

Senate Passes Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Priorities in Energy Legislation

April 20, 2016 (Washington, DC) – After five years and multiple attempts to pass a comprehensive sportsmen’s package of legislation through the U.S. Senate, a bipartisan amendment containing many provisions of great importance to the hunting and fishing conservation community was adopted with a vote of 97-0 under the Natural Resources Title of the Energy Policy Modernization Act (S. 2012).

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Pioneer Airbow Now In Production

BLOOMFIELD, New York — The groundbreaking Pioneer Airbow from Benjamin has been a hot topic among hunters since its unveiling in January and now it’s about to get real: the Airbow begins shipping this week. Customers who placed orders through the Crosman website before February 3 will be among the first to receive the highly anticipated hybrid hunting product that combines the ease-of-use and safety of compressed air with the primitive weapon excitement of archery.

The Airbow embodies some of the major advancements in air gun technology that have occurred in recent years. A pneumatic weapon designed, developed, and built in the USA, the Airbow is based on a technology first utillized in a weapon in the 15th century. The projectile is an arrow that, other than the removal of the nock, is no different than that used by traditional bowhunters. And the platform incorporates a stock, just like a rifle or crossbow.

An integrated pressure regulator enables consistent shots up to 450 feet per second (FPS). This equates to 168 foot pounds of energy (FPE), placing the Airbow in the same sub-200 FPE category and sub-100 yard effective range of other archery products.

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HSUS’s CEO May Be Coming to Your Town

This from

Humane Society of the United States CEO Wayne Pacelle has a new book coming out today called The Humane Economy. You don’t need to have read it to be familiar with his general goal: A “humane economy” to Wayne Pacelle is one that doesn’t use animals. After all, Pacelle has said, “I don’t want to see another cat or dog born” and he has been a vegan for about 30 years.

Pacelle’s book follows 2011’s The Bond—an odd title for a guy who said “There’s no special bond between me and other animals.” For that book, Vain Wayne started off with a dozen-city or so tour—before expanding it to a months-long, 100-city international tour. We went to one event and weren’t particularly impressed with the turnout.

If Pacelle is coming to a town near you, we encourage readers to show up and ask him a tough question. He’s slick—but we’d like to see him talk his way out of these. HSUS supporters deserve answers. And if you do ask him, take a video on your cell phone if you can.

Five Questions for Wayne Pacelle:

  1. How can you justify HSUS sticking over $100 million into Caribbean investments between 2012 and 2014 when animals are suffering now?
  2. Why should anyone trust a man who, when asked if he envisioned a future without pets, said, “If I had my personal view perhaps that might take hold. In fact, I don’t want to see another cat or dog born.” (Note: If Wayne tries to dismiss these quotes as “things on the Internet,” they come from a published book.)
  3. You criticize companies for being motivated by profit—yet you yourself recently bought a house for over $1 million in cash and have made over $4 million in compensation from HSUS over your tenure. Aren’t you motivated by money as well?
  4. Whenever we tell people that HSUS has nothing to do with your local “humane society,” most people are completely surprised. How can you honestly claim that your members are aware of the difference?
  5. Whenever there’s a natural disaster HSUS’s fundraising kicks into high gear. You raised over $2 million off of Hurricane Sandy, but only spent one-third of that on Sandy relief. How do you justify the slick, emotional marketing when you know the money will likely not be used for that specific issue?


Pacelle’s tour schedule (may be updated periodically): Read more

Knight & Hale Floods Its YouTube Channel With Content For Turkey Hunters

YouTube Channel With Content For Turkey Hunters
Knight & Hale’s YouTube Channel features calling how-to videos, hunting tips and setup secrets for diehard turkey hunters.Birmingham, AL – Knight & Hale® Game Calls, a legendary call maker known for its dedication to creating calls that produce the most life-like wildlife sounds, has created a YouTube channel devoted to providing diehard hunters with real-world tips and tactics, in addition to a multitude of how-to videos for mastering each call in the Knight & Hale lineup. And for spring, it’s all about talking turkey.

As a turkey hunter, one of the most difficult challenges we face on nearly every setup is self-doubt. Am I close enough to that gobbling tom, or should I get closer? Am I calling too much, or am I not calling enough? What call should I be using in this situation? Does my calling sound right? What are my calls actually saying to other turkeys? Read more

Natural Resources Commission Okays Year-Round Coyote Hunting

The Natural Resources Commission unanimously approved an amendment to the Wildlife Conservation Order to allow year-round coyote hunting and allowing the use of #3 and #4 buckshot at night. Both were MUCC resolutions sponsored by the Michigan Trappers and Predator Callers Association. Special recognition is due to MTPCA president Dale Hendershot and past president John Caretti, who have testified at the NRC on behalf of their organization urging consideration and adoption of these provisions for years. MUCC also testified in support of the provisions.

The new coyote regulations expand daytime coyote hunting year round, nighttime coyote hunting with an artificial light year round, and includes the use of #3 and #4 buckshot. However, it’s important to note that the quiet period restricting the use of hounds to hunt coyotes between April 16 and July 7 is maintained, and the order did not affect coyote trapping regulations.

In recent results from the Michigan Predator-Prey Study in the Upper Peninsula, coyotes had more impact on deer than other predator species in the study area, accounting for 22% of the identifiable deer kills in the study area. However, that is one factor of many factors, including habitat, that affect deer populations. The expanded regulations aren’t expected, nor designed, to be a solution to the coyote problem or deer numbers on their own. It’s simply another tool in the toolbox that hunters can use to more effectively manage coyotes in their local areas.

Still, this is a significant expansion of hunting opportunity. The Humane Society of the United States fought against these changes, testifying at multiple NRC meetings against them and using many of the same misleading and outright untrue arguments that they use in every attack on expanded hunting opportunities, from wolves to urban and suburban deer. But sound science won the day; even they couldn’t argue that this change will negatively impact the hunted species.

And it’s always a good thing when sound science beats HSUS.

Michigan’s Turkey Seasons Start Monday

Spring turkey season in Michigan opens Monday, April 18!  If you haven’t purchased a license yet, you still have a chance to hunt one of the many seasons in both April and May – check out the list of available licenses. Spring turkey hunting licenses are $15 and available anywhere DNR licenses are sold or online at E-License.

Don’t forget, anyone can hunt turkeys in Michigan. You can buy a Hunt 234 license over the counter at any time from now through the end of the season, which gives you 30 days of chasing turkeys in May.

Every resident and non-resident must purchase an annual base license before purchasing additional hunting licenses.

The Spring Turkey Digest has hunt units and seasons dates. For frequently asked questions, watch our 2016 spring turkey hunting regulations video. If you need further assistance, call 517-284-WILD (9453).

Maine Supreme Court Sides with Sportsmen

After nearly a year and a half of fighting in court, and more than $100,000 spent, sportsmen in Maine were victorious today against a lawsuit brought by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). Today’s victory was the latest in a long line of victories by the Maine Wildlife Conservation Council and the Sportsmen’s Alliance in this case.

In early 2015, Maine Superior Court Justice Joyce Wheeler sided with sportsmen and dismissed a lawsuit aimed at silencing Maine’s wildlife professionals on grounds that it was moot. Today’s Supreme Judicial Court ruling upheld that decision, effectively ending the issue. Read more

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