New Power Scrape® All-Season Scrape Kit by TINK’S®

Covington, GA- Tink’s®, America’s #1 performing line of deer scents and lures introduces the new Power Scrape® All-Season Scrape Kit. The entire line is extensively tested, simple to use, and feature packed for every need. GET IN THE GAME when your season comes down to one opportunity, trust Tink’s!

Tink’s® has everything you are looking for this season to provide you every possible edge in the field and to be successful from early season all the way through the brutal cold of winter. The perfect lure and dispenser system in one convenient value pack that includes the trusted original Power Scrape® Starter, the all-new Power Scrape® Finisher, and a Tink’s Scrape Bomb Dripper. Read more

DNR duck banding showcased on ‘Discovering’

DNR crew banding a duckEfforts by a Michigan Department of Natural Resources crew to band ducks at the Portage Marsh in Delta County were showcased recently on an episode of “Discovering,” a weekly outdoors program produced by Brian Whitens and broadcast at on WLUC-TV6, Marquette.

The duck banding was part of the DNR’s goal to manage for sustainable populations of wildlife species. The DNR’s objective is to manage game populations to provide hunting and trapping opportunities while maintaining populations in balance with available habitat, land use practices and stakeholder values. Read more

Pheasant Forecast: 30 to 50 Percent Increases in Heart of Pheasant Range

St. Paul, Minn. – Pheasants Forever has released its 2015 Pheasant Hunting Forecast and based on late summer surveys, improved pheasant hunting opportunities will be found in all major pheasant hunting states. Boosted by mild weather and improved nesting habitat conditions, pheasant range hunting prospects appear to be the best in at least three years. Future prospects are far murkier, however, as the potential for big upland habitat losses loom.

Pheasant populations are led by South Dakota where their already substantial bird count showed a 42 percent jump over 2014. Iowa (up 37 percent), Kansas (up 51 percent), Minnesota (up 33 percent), and Nebraska (up 55 percent) also reported significant increases based on summer roadside survey counts. Pheasant counts are expected to improve greatly in North Dakota as well, with official results expected by mid-September. View the entire state-by-state outlook. Read more

Michigan’s Canada goose success story

It’s no secret that Michigan offers some of the best Canada goose hunting anywhere in the world. But many waterfowl hunters, whose perspective only covers the last 30 years or so, might have a hard flock of Canada geesetime believing it wasn’t always that way. Michigan’s resident Canada goose population – which produces the lion’s share of the annual harvest – was virtually nonexistent a century ago and not especially noteworthy five decades later.

“Back in the ’50s, it was a rare thing to see a Canada goose in this state,” said Barbara Avers, the waterfowl specialist with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. “It was rare for hunters to kill a goose. It was a pretty big deal. Read more

Yamaha Announces 2016 Viking and Viking VI SxS Vehicles

Enhanced Comfort Among Refinements for Industry’s Most Durable and Reliable Utility Side-by-Sides

KENNESAW, Ga. – – Yamaha Motor Corp., USA, introduces the new 2016 Viking and Viking VI Side-by-Side (SxS) vehicles, right on time for fall harvest and hunting seasons. With class-leading cab room and comfort, coupled with superior handling and off-road capability, Vikings are the toughest and hardest working utility-based vehicles that are also fun to drive. Read more

Randy Newberg, Hunter, Releases “Elk Hunting on Your Own” E-Guide

BOZEMAN, Mont. – One of America’s best known and trusted public land elk hunters, Randy Newberg, has made available a 32-page e-guide, called Elk Hunting on Your Own to help hunters understand the basics of finding and taking highly pressured elk on public lands. The guide is available for download at http://RandyNewberg.Com for $9.95, or free by using the promo code HT. This guide covers all the elk hunting basics – plus Newberg’s more advanced techniques he’s learned from years of hunting public lands. Chapters include: getting tags, finding places to hunt, Newberg’s notes of how to find these public land elk, how to use hunting pressure as an ally, his equipment list and much more. Read more

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