Annual reports for seven Wetland Wonders available on DNR website
Annual reports for Michigan’s seven Wetland Wonders – detailing 2014-2015 hunting season results, habitat management activities and weekly waterfowl counts at each area, along with other information – are now available on the Department of Natural Resources website. To find the annual reports, visit and click on “The 7 Wonders” and then on “Updates & Counts.”
Michigan’s Wetland Wonders are the seven premier Managed Waterfowl Hunt Areas in the state: Fennville Farm Unit at the Allegan State Game Area (Allegan County), Fish Point State Wildlife Area (Tuscola County), St. Clair Flats State Wildlife Area on Harsens Island (St. Clair County), Muskegon County Wastewater Facility (Muskegon County), Nayanquing Point State Wildlife Area (Bay County), Pointe Mouillee State Game Area (Monroe and Wayne counties) and Shiawassee River State Game Area (Saginaw County).
These areas, scattered across the southern Lower Peninsula, were created in the 1960s to provide exceptional waterfowl hunting opportunities and are still managed today to provide waterfowl habitat for nesting and migration and for the benefit of other wetland-dependent wildlife. Since the beginning, these areas have been funded by hunting license fees and area use fees, but they are open for anyone to visit, use and enjoy most of the year. Read more