Annual reports for seven Wetland Wonders available on DNR website

Annual reports for Michigan’s seven Wetland Wonders – detailing 2014-2015 hunting season results, habitat management activities and weekly waterfowl counts at each area, along with other information – are now available on the Department of Natural Resources website. To find the annual reports, visit and click on “The 7 Wonders” and then on “Updates & Counts.”

Michigan’s Wetland Wonders are the seven premier Managed Waterfowl Hunt Areas in the state: Fennville Farm Unit at the Allegan State Game Area (Allegan County), Fish Point State Wildlife Area (Tuscola County), St. Clair Flats State Wildlife Area on Harsens Island (St. Clair County), Muskegon County Wastewater Facility (Muskegon County), Nayanquing Point State Wildlife Area (Bay County), Pointe Mouillee State Game Area (Monroe and Wayne counties) and Shiawassee River State Game Area (Saginaw County).

These areas, scattered across the southern Lower Peninsula, were created in the 1960s to provide exceptional waterfowl hunting opportunities and are still managed today to provide waterfowl habitat for nesting and migration and for the benefit of other wetland-dependent wildlife. Since the beginning, these areas have been funded by hunting license fees and area use fees, but they are open for anyone to visit, use and enjoy most of the year. Read more

Hunter’s Specialties Brings Back the Field Champion Box Call

Hunter’s Specialties® brings back some of their classic favorite turkey calls for 2015 with the Retro Series Calls.

The Retro Series Field Champion Box Call has a moisture-resistant green camo finish and a Silencer Plus™ feature that locks the lid of the call during transport to prevent unwanted sounds. The Field Champion Box Call easily reproduces both hen and gobbler sounds and is a perfect addition to any hunter’s arsenal of calls.

The Retro Series Field Champion Box Call sells for a suggested retail price of $34.99. Read more

Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act of 2015

CSF’s President, Jeff Crane Testifies Before Congress  

March 12, 2015: Bill numbers change but the mission of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) and its valued conservation partners does not. S.405, titled The Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act of 2015, was introduced on February 5, by Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus (CSC) Members Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM), with the bipartisan Senate CSC leadership as original co-sponsors. Senate CSC leaders for the 114th Congress include: Co-Chairs Senator Jim Risch (R-ID) and Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), and Vice-Chairs Senator Deb Fischer (R-NE) and Senator Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND).


“The Bipartisan Sportsman’s Act is not only an access bill, but also a way to promote economic growth in our country. Sportsmen and women across the country spend billions of dollars each year on outdoor activities. In Alaska alone there are more than 125,000 individuals who engage in hunting each year. This economic activity not only helps local communities but aids conservation efforts as well,” said Senator Murkowski (R-AK). “This commonsense, bipartisan legislation supports conservation efforts while also improving access to recreational hunting and fishing on federal lands.”


“This widely supported, bipartisan bill will open more areas to hunting and fishing and grow America’s thriving outdoor recreation economy,” said Senator Heinrich (D-NM). “This is what brings us together. This is the one thing that is still bipartisan, the love of passing these traditions on from generation to generation. We need to make this sportsmen’s package happen. We need to do it in this Congress. We need to show people across the country that Washington can do the right thing [for sportsmen and women].” Read more

Bushnell Trophy Cam™ Aggressor HD in Realtree Xtra®

COLUMBUS, Georgia – The new 14MP Bushnell® Trophy Cam Aggressor HD, available in Realtree Xtra®, provides the reliability and ruggedness you want and need in a game camera. The super-fast 0.2-second trigger speed, extended nighttime photo range and 1-year battery life ensure you won’t miss that critical photo revealing the buck of a lifetime. Add in 14MP high-definition images and 1080p HD video with audio, and the Aggressor HD provides maximum clarity.

The Aggressor HD is available in two Low-Glow IR models and two No-Glow models with Black LEDs that are invisible to game and other hunters.

Features & Benefits

  • 0.2 second trigger speed to capture moving game
  • < 1 second recovery so you don’t miss the next shot
  • Improved nighttime images
  • Eight AA battery case provides up to one year of operation
  • 1080p HD video with sound
  • 14MP images

Hunter’s Specialties Introduces Two New Retro Series Diaphragm Calls

Hunter’s Specialties® Retro Series Diaphragm Calls combine the classic look of the popular H.S. Strut® calls from the past with the engineering advancements of the 21st century. Retro Series Diaphragm Calls use Hunter’s Specialties’ Premium Flex™ frames with Infinity Latex® to create a long-lasting and highly realistic sounding call. Two Retro Series Diaphragm Calls are available for 2015. The Split V II features two ultra-thin reeds for excellent yelps and purrs, and the Split V III features three ultra-thin reeds for excited cutting and yelping. The Split V II and Split V III calls sell for a suggested retail price of $8.99 each. Read more

SCI Provides Winning Arguments Against Constitutional Challenge to Three Antelope Rule

Posted by firstforwildlife on March 6, 2015 · Leave a Comment

3 antelope ruling dama gazelleSafari Club International played a pivotal role in a federal district court’s ruling that dismissed a constitutional challenge to the law that exempts the hunting of U.S. captive members of three exotic antelope species from permit and other Endangered Species Act requirements.  Based in great part on SCI’s arguments that the anti-hunting plaintiffs lacked standing to raise their constitutional claims, the D.C. federal district court dismissed the case on March 4, 2015.

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Winning bid for Montana moose license is three times the last record

HELENA, Mont. – A rare Shiras moose hunting license brought in a record $60,000 at a Ducks Unlimited auction last weekend by the Helena DU chapter during its annual dinner. Past moose licenses sold at auction for $15,000 to $20,000. Proceeds from the license sale will go to the moose conservation initiatives of Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks.

“We are blown away by the success of this auction for Montana habitat work. It was basically over in three minutes,” said Steve Christian, an organizer of the event and member of Montana DU state councils. “Our thanks go out to the people who participated in this auction and to our buyer, who is making a major contribution to Montana wildlife.”

DU won the right to auction off the license from MFWP. The license is good for the 2015 season anywhere in the state where people can legally hunt moose. Read more

PA Game Commission Releases Deer Harvest Estimates

Harvests decreased statewide in 2014-15, report shows.

The Pennsylvania Game Commission yesterday reported that, in the state’s 2014-15 seasons, hunters harvested an estimated 303,973 deer – a decrease of about 14 percent compared to the 2013-14 harvest of 352,920.

Hunters took 119,260 antlered deer in the 2014-15 seasons – a decrease of about 11 percent compared to the previous license year, when an estimated 134,280 bucks were taken. Also, hunters harvested an estimated 184,713 antlerless deer in 2014-15, which represents an about 16 percent decrease compared to the 218,640 antlerless deer taken in 2013-14.

“We put these numbers out each year and, whether there’s an increase or decrease in the harvest, people want to know why,” said Game Commission Executive Director R. Matthew Hough. “While it’s impossible to provide explanations with certainty, there were a couple of factors over the 2014-15 deer seasons that seem to have contributed to a decreased harvest.” Read more

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