Bank of America Drops HSUS Card?

DiscovertheScamOn Monday we launched to ask Discover to reconsider its financial support of the deceptive Humane Society of the United States. It’s worth noting that a previous financial institution that supported HSUS apparently no longer does: Bank of America.

As recently as 2012, Bank of America had an affinity VISA card with HSUS. Today? No longer, as far as we can tell. BofA’s debit card page has VISA cards for sports teams and animal nonprofits such as Defenders of Wildlife and the National Wildlife Federation—but not HSUS. It appears BofA ended its relationship with HSUS last year—which is probably why HSUS is now working with Discover. There are a number of good reasons for any company not to work with HSUS—here are 15,750,000 reasons, for starters. If you haven’t already, sign the petition at and make your voice heard to Discover executives. We’ve received one reply so far from Discover, and we’ll keep you posted on any future ones.

Wetland Wonders Challenge

Seven lucky hunters will win over $1,500 in prizes just by hunting at Michigan’s seven Managed Waterfowl Hunt Areas this fall and winter. A new Wetland Wonders Challenge, sponsored by Consumers Energy, will begin Oct. 11 and continue through Jan. 31, 2015.

2013-2014 Wetland Wonders Challenge winners with prizesSeven winners will be chosen to win ultimate waterfowl hunting prize packages valued at $1,500, including a “golden ticket” for one first-choice pick at a Managed Waterfowl Hunt Area (MWHA) for the 2015-16 season (non-reserved). Other prizes include a Mossberg 835 camo waterfowl and turkey combo 12-gauge shotgun, Zink custom duck and goose calls, Avian X mallard and goose decoys, and waterfowl hunting gear. Contest partner Michigan United Conservation Clubs will select winners Feb. 9, 2015. Read more

EHD and Bluetongue Virus Having Minimal Impact on Deer in 2014

The Quality Deer Management Association (QDMA) is pleased to report that hemorrhagic disease (HD), including EHD and bluetongue virus, seems to have taken a summer vacation in 2014, and the danger of a serious outbreak this year has now passed. Transmitted by biting gnats, the disease usually hits deer hardest in late summer and early fall, especially in unusually hot, dry years.

“A small number of reports are trickling in from scattered states, but we’re not seeing any nationwide trends or large outbreaks this year,” said Dr. David Stallknecht with the Southeast Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study (SCWDS) at the University of Georgia. “This year is definitely below average so far.” Read more

EHD and Bluetongue Virus Expected to have Minimal Impact in 2014

The Quality Deer Management Association (QDMA) is pleased to report that hemorrhagic disease (HD), including EHD and bluetongue virus, seems to have taken a summer vacation in 2014, and the danger of a serious outbreak this year has now passed. Transmitted by biting gnats, the disease usually hits deer hardest in late summer and early fall, especially in unusually hot, dry years.

“A small number of reports are trickling in from scattered states, but we’re not seeing any nationwide trends or large outbreaks this year,” said Dr. David Stallknecht with the Southeast Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study (SCWDS) at the University of Georgia. “This year is definitely below average so far.” Read more

Caldwell Introduces The DeadShot Chairpod

The DeadShot ChairPod provides true benchrest accuracy from a single shooting unit. No need to bother with carrying chairs and separate rests out to the ground blind or the range to sight-in your weapon. The ChairPod provides all of that in one package; it has a comfortable heavy duty chair with a built in post and swing arm assembly that fully supports your weapon front and rear. Extend your effective shooting range by stabilizing the entire weight of your gun or crossbow with this convenient package.

The ChairPod holds your weapon securely in the ready position while freeing up hands for binoculars, rangefinder or warm pockets. The innovative multi bearing swing arm system provides smooth and stable movement from extreme angles left to right with minimal body movement and the chair silently spins 360

Longer Range & Tighter Patterns with Trulock Precision Hunter Chokes

An extended choke tube like the Precision Hunter offers a better pattern with fewer “holes” than a flush-mounted tube. The extended choke tube from Trulock also does a better job handling heavier payloads of shot and larger shot sizes. Pattern your shotgun with a Precision Hunter extended choke, and you will see that this choke tube will increase your effective barrel length while increasing muzzle velocity.

Read more

Sportsman Channel Partners with Bear Archery for Exclusive Giveaway

NEW BERLIN, WI – Sportsman Channel, the leader in outdoor television for American sportsmen and women, has announced a unique partnership with Bear Archery to promote and give away the new “Arena” bow. The sweepstakes will begin Wednesday, September 24 and run through Sunday, October 12. Participants are eligible by visiting to enter for a chance to win. Bear Archery will offer an exclusive first look at the “Arena” bow at on Thursday, September 25. Read more

Boycott Discover for its Support of HSUS


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We’ve launched a new site: And we have our first campaign. The credit card company Discover recently started a new affinity card to benefit the deceptively named Humane Society of the United States. For every $100 someone with one of these cards spends, Discover will donate between 1 and 20 cents to HSUS. That may not seem like much, but Discover expects it will add up to slightly over $1 million. In fact, according to the contract, Discover paid HSUS $150,000 up front in advance royalty payments. And HSUS gets $100 from Discover for every person that signs up for the program from an HSUS communication and spends $100 within the first three months.

But where will that money go? Discover may not like the answer, and the company’s decision-makers should know the following:

Please visit and pledge to boycott Discover until it cancels its support for one of America’s most deceptive charities. And please share on Discover’s Facebook page to reach out to its 1.5 million followers. Until Discover affirms that it will either end (or not renew) its partnership with HSUS, it’s time to find another credit card company.

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