Michigan Improves Wildlife Management
By Glen Wunderlich
When Michigan’s new hunting and fishing license structure was introduced, along with increases in license fees, reactions were predictably mixed. With jaundiced eyes, many of us took a wait-and-see attitude.
With the cost of food and fuel at all-time highs, who wants to pay more for anything? Nobody. Government, on the other hand, likes to employ code words and phrases, such as “investments in the future” to soothe our trepidation. “Grants” is another word which meets with widespread approval from those on the receiving end but raises suspicion from those funding them – and, in this instance, it’s the outdoors enthusiasts that pay to hunt and fish.
Michigan’s Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has expanded its efforts to do what it said it would do with our money through the issuance of wildlife habitat grants, specifically designed to enhance food and cover for deer on private land. Again, this is only one means cited in a dizzying array of grant programs available to applicants, but evidence of the new thinking has already materialized. Read more