Is HSUS Bad for the Environment?

This from www.HumaneWatch.orgDart

The US has 100 times more deer today than it did 100 years ago. That’s a good thing, whether you like wildlife watching or enjoy venison, but it has brought challenges, such as deer-car collisions, which damage property and can even kill people. But another challenge is environmental.

All those deer eat vegetation—3,000 pounds a year per animal. This can have a detrimental effect on the flora, as Al Cambrone writes in The Wall Street Journal, and the fauna—more deer means fewer songbirds. Read more

Anti-Hunting Senator Takes Another Run at Nebraska Mountain Lion Ban

Despite having already suffered multiple defeats in his quest to ban mountain lion hunting in Nebraska, Senator Ernie Chambers has again surfaced with another attempt to ban the season.

With little more than a week to go in the 2014 legislative session, Senator Chambers filed a motion yesterday to yet again vote to over-ride the governor’s veto on LB 671, the mountain lion ban, despite previous attempts failing twice last week. Because the previous attempts to overturn the veto both failed, it’s up to Senate Speaker Greg Adams whether to suspend the rules to grant Senator Chamber’s another attempt. Read more

Bushnell Introduces A Professional Grade Red Dot In Its Elite Tactical Line


  • Overland Park, Kan. – Bushnell, an industry leader in high performance sports optics for 65 years, has introduced the first red dot sight in its Elite Tactical line. The new Elite Tactical CQTS (Close Quarters Tactical Sight) is a fixed power illuminated red dot system designed for quick target acquisition and rapid deployment on any firearm equipped with a Picatinny rail or Weaver-style base. Read more

Pope & Young Club Issues Position Statement on Fair Chase and Canned Hunting

Chatfield, MN  – – The Pope & Young Club is proud of the “Fair Chase” ethics it has implemented, fought for and defended since 1961.  The Club and its membership steadfastly support and promote the North American Wildlife Conservation Model.  This model faces a serious threat from today’s captive cervid industry. The practices of “canned” hunting, transporting and selling “farm raised” cervids threaten the very existence of North American Big Game and hunting as we know it. Read more

Expected Announcement From U.S. FWS Will Close Elephant Imports From Zimbabwe, Tanzania

Washington, D.C. – Statement By Safari Club International President Craig Kauffman   “Safari Club International’s advocacy team is alerting the international conservation community that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is expected to soon announce a new policy to reject all elephant ivory imports from Zimbabwe and Tanzania. It is unknown precisely when the decision by the U.S. FWS will occur, but SCI will do everything in its power to fight this reckless decision that has no basis in law, science, or conservation policy. Read more

Nebraska Legislature Upholds Governor’s Veto of An Unjustified Attempt To Ban Mountain Lion Hunting

On April 2,  sportsmen-friendly legislators upheld Governor Heineman’s veto of Nebraska L 671, and, in so doing, protected the future of successful science-based natural resource management, while also upholding the integrity of Nebraska’s state constitution. While Nebraska L 671 would have done nothing to help the mountain lion population or any other species of wildlife in the state, it would have undermined the future of hunting and fishing in America’s heartland. Read more

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