Mecosta County Martiny State Game Area benefits from Michigan’s new hunting and fishing license structure

In Mecosta County, acres of public land at Martiny State Game Area are being utilized to their fullest potential through management activities made possible by Michigan’s new hunting and fishing license structure, which took effect earlier this year.
Under the new license structure, one big change is evident when hunters buy their first license of the year. A one-time base license, which includes a small game license, must be purchased before hunters can buy any other hunting license. The base license cost varies based upon age and residency; what doesn’t vary is the investment (from base license-generated revenue) in Michigan’s wildlife habitat.
“We are doing some really exciting work at the Martiny State Game Area,” said DNR wildlife biologist Pete Kailing. “Timber sales are the best way to hit the reset button on a forest, which really maximizes the wildlife value to the area.” Read more

Game Farm, CWD Concerns Rise at Boone and Crockett Club

MISSOULA, Mont.–Concerned about captive deer operations transmitting diseases to wild herds, the Boone and Crockett Club now officially supports state bans on commercial import and export of deer or elk.

The Club also opposes efforts to relax regulation of captive cervid breeding operations or to remove management authority over such operations from state wildlife agencies.
A full position statement, posted here, was passed at the Club’s December meeting.
The Club’s concerns were reinforced at the recent Whitetail Summit hosted by the Quality Deer Management Association (QDMA), the first summit to focus on key issues and challenges facing free-ranging white-tailed deer. Read more

Nikon Releases MONARCH 7 Custom XR Turret Riflescopes

MONARCH 7 RiflescopeNikon has announced the all-new MONARCH 7 riflescope series for 2014, featuring a 30mm main body tube construction and dual bullet drop compensation technologies for total long range shooting versatility.   The new flagship MONARCH 7 riflescope is offered in two variants—a 2.5-10×50 SF and 4-16×50 SF—both with locking side focus for parallax free sighting.  Each riflescope also features Nikon’s Custom XR Turret package along with a glass etched BDC reticle, providing shooters the option to either dial-in a particular distance on the crosshair, or to utilize the holdover points on Nikon’s BDC reticle.

Nikon Custom XR TurretsNikon Custom XR Turret riflescopes allow custom matching of the distances inscribed on the elevation dial to the specific ballistics of virtually any cartridge, load and environmental conditions. This made-to-order elevation turret dial replaces the factory MOA turret that comes with the MONARCH 7 Custom XR Turret riflescope.  A voucher that allows the purchaser to custom order one turret is included with each scope, while additional turrets for subsequent calibers or loads may be purchased separately. Read more

FBI Arrests Anti-Gun California Senator on Firearm Trafficking Charges

Being good Americans, we take the position that anyone who is arrested and charged with multiple crimes is innocent until proven guilty. That’s more than California state senator Leland Yee (D) has done for gun owners in the past. In August 2012, Yee said “no one will convince me it’s anything other than a joke to say that having multiple clips and semi-automatic weapons that can shoot 100 or more bullets at a time is necessary in this state or in this country, it’s ridiculous.”

Now, Yee has other things with which to concern himself, and none is a joking matter.

The San Jose Mercury-News reports that “Yee now is accused of consorting with notorious felons, accepting money for his cash-strapped political campaigns in exchange for favors and promising undercover FBI agents he could deliver connections to international gun runners.” Additionally, he “is depicted in a startling, 137-page FBI affidavit of repeatedly offering to broker illegal firearms sales in exchange for campaign contributions,” and he is “linked to a host of wrongdoing to pad his political war chest, charged with seven felonies in a case with two dozen defendants accused of everything from money laundering to murder-for-hire.”  Read more

Nebraska Governor Stands Up For Sportsmen, Veto’s Hunting Ban

Today, Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman vetoed a bill that would have banned Mountain lion hunting in Nebraska. The measure, LB 671, sought to remove the authority of the state’s wildlife management professionals in favor of legislative ban on mountain lion hunting.

In his veto message, Governor Heineman stated “Nebraskans expect responsible wildlife management. LB 671 eliminates an important tool used to accomplish it. The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission should retain the ability to determine those management actions which are necessary to protect both the health and safety of our citizens and the wildlife in our state. Removing the agency’s authority to manage mountain lions through hunting at this time is poor public policy.” Read more

MG Industries Now Shipping MARCK 15 in 7.62×39 Hydra Configuration

MGI 7.62×39 Configuration Allows Shooter to Use Standard AK-47 Magazines with No Modifications
OLD TOWN, ME – MG Industries, manufacturers of the MARCK 15 “Hydra” platform, a base system which the user can configure to any mission-specific rifle, announces that the well-known and respected 7.62×39 Hydra configuration in complete weapon system or as a conversion package is now shipping. The 7.62×39 Hydra configuration allows the shooter to use standard AK-47 magazines without modification. The complete weapon system comes in a standard pistol case. Read more

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