Ammo Shortage Foretold

By Glen Wunderlich

You can’t always get what you want
But if you try sometimes, well, you might find
You get what you need”
…The Rolling Stones

No truer words were ever set to music – especially when they are applied to an ironic dilemma many gun enthusiasts now face.  Amid record profits in the gun industry, shooters of many disciplines find little solace in the unrelenting, upbeat news.  Competitive shooters, hunters, and plinkers everywhere are not able to get what they want. Read more

Supreme Court Reverses Devastating Decision to Forest Wildlife Habitat

Coraopolis, PA – The Ruffed Grouse Society applauds the U.S. Supreme Court in its decision to reverse a 9th Circuit Court ruling to further regulate forest management — a judgment that was potentially devastating to forest wildlife habitat. The reversal makes a strong statement against additional and unnecessary permitting of forest management practices and is good news for forest wildlife. Read more

Technical Difficulty with NY Magazine Ban

New York Governor Cuomo has realized that his hasty, knee-jerk reaction to ban magazines capable of holding more than seven rounds is ignorant, at best.  Now he knows the de facto ban has ruled out almost all magazines “but New Yorkers will still be required to keep no more than seven bullets in them.”

That’ll make the bad guys mend their ways.

Man, this guy’s a genius!  Not surprisingly, some people are up in arms…

A coalition of New York firearms groups and the National Rifle Association have filed suit in U.S. District Court in Buffalo against New York Governor Mario Cuomo, Attorney General Eric Schneidermann and others, asking for injunctive relief from the recently passed Secure Ammunition and Firearms Act (SAFE). The lawsuit also names State Police Commissioner Joseph A. D’Amico, Erie County District Attorney Frank A. Sedita and Lancaster Police Chief Gerald J. Gill. “Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature usurped the legislative and democratic process in passing these extreme anti-gun measures with no committee hearings and no public input,” said Chris W. Cox, executive director of NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action in a prepared statement. “This obvious disrespect for New Yorkers and their Second Amendment rights will not be tolerated.” The NRA is joined in the action by the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, the Westchester County Firearms Owners Association, Sportsmen’s Association for Firearms Education, New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association, Bedell Custom, Beikirch Ammunition Corporation, Blueline Tactical & Police Supply, and three individual citizens. No timetable announced – yet- for hearings on the suit.
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