Trade Show Boycott

In a surprise move, just weeks before the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show is to open, Reed Exhibitions, on Jan. 17, announced it was banning modern sporting rifles from the show. The show is the largest outdoor sports show in the United States and perhaps the world.

When the word spread at the firearms industry’s largest trade show, the Shooting Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show (sm), reaction among exhibitors and attendees was fierce.  More here…

Gun Control Worth Supporting

By Glen Wunderlich

While gun-control advocates scream for more gun laws, Americans are lining up to purchase firearms in unprecedented numbers.  Criminal background checks have been recorded with monthly figures topped only by successive months.  American citizens across the nation are arming themselves like never before.

With gun control in crosshairs of many, it seems appropriate to discuss the merits of gun control, but not in the traditional sense.  Law-abiding, responsible American gun owners – be they city dwellers or living off the grid – should be able to agree to two types of gun control:  1) Keeping guns inaccessible to those that shouldn’t have them, and 2) Hitting your target.

The first one is easy.  When not in use, guns should be locked up and a good gun safe will take care of that, but even trigger locks are better than nothing.

The second point can be problematic for new shooters, and Read more

Michigan Legislative Update

The Michigan Legislature began the 2013-2014 session at noon on Wednesday, January 9.  To date, three firearms related bills have been introduced.  MCRGO has asked for immediate consideration of all three bills.  The three will be taken up by the House Judiciary Committee this Wednesday, January 23.  MCRGO will testify in support of all three bills.  They are:
Senate Bill 49 (Casperson):  Prohibits the disclosure of Michigan firearms registration information and exempts such information from the Freedom of Information Act.
Senate Bill 60 (Green):  Corrects a flaw in HB 5225 of 2012 which eliminated the need to obtain a pistol purchase permit for a purchase from a Class 1 FFL but neglected to include Class 7 FFLs as well.
Senate Bill 63 (Pavlov):  Creates the “Firearms Freedom Act” which asserts that a personal firearm, a firearm accessory, or ammunition that is manufactured commercially or privately in Michigan and that remains within the borders of Michigan is not subject to federal law or federal regulation, including registration under the authority of Congress to regulate interstate commerce.

Fighting Fire with Fire in Michigan, Legislature Introduces Gun Owner Protection Legislation

As the Michigan state Senate finishes its second week of the new legislative session, pro-gun legislators have already begun to advocate for the rights of law-abiding gun owners.  State Senator Thomas Casperson (R-38) filed a bill that would keep the personal information of permit-to-purchase applicants confidential and exempt from Freedom of Information Act requests.  This bill, Senate Bill 49, has been scheduled for a hearing on Wednesday January 23 in the Senate Judiciary Committee at 8:30 am.

In other parts of the country, anti-gun media outlets abused their privileges under the Freedom of Information Act and have jeopardized the safety of law-abiding   citizens by publishing the names and addresses of registered gun owners.  Contrary to their claims, these media elites have not increased public safety.  Rather they have simply provided a map for criminals to use on their next burglary.  SB 49 would make sure that never happens in Michigan by exempting permit-to-purchase applications from Freedom of Information Act requests. Read more


ROCHESTER, New York, (January 15, 2013) –Crosman Corporation, long known for innovative, high quality products for the shooting sports, has introduced two new bows to its youth archery line. The Crosman Trapper™ youth compound bow and the Buggy Bow™ youth long bow each feature lightweight and compact designs that provide a comfortable advantage for students and beginning archers.
According to Crosman Product Manager, Tom Clark, “If you want to guarantee your young archer develops his or her skills with an appropriately sized and weighted bow, choose one of our new Crosman youth bows. Pick the Trapper compound bow if you wish to prepare your archer for action in the field, or, if target shooting is more your style, choose the classic design of the Buggy Bow long bow,” he said. Says Clark, “The Crosman Trapper is an excellent choice for the beginning archer. With the Trapper, you can “teach basic shooting technique with ease, and, because of the cam system and 65% let off, it works well for all body sizes.” Read more

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