Northern Michigan deer hunting headed for a comeback

This from the Michigan DNR…Sure hope they’re right.

You really don’t have to have a lot of gray in your hair to remember when deer hunting was largely a northern Michigan endeavor. There was a long tradition of going to deer camp somewhere north of Clare, and reports of traffic jams on northbound I-75 a couple of days prior to Nov. 15 were commonplace.

That trend changed through the 1990s, and somewhere around the turn of the century, the pattern reversed itself. More hunters spent more time – and killed more deer – in the southern third of the state than in the northern Lower and Upper peninsulas.

In 2002, for instance, Michigan hunters killed an estimated 35,000 bucks in the Upper Peninsula and 79,000 in the northern Lower Peninsula, while southern Michigan hunters killed 127,000 bucks – more than half the bucks taken in the state. That trend has continued.

But due to a combination of factors – including new license regulations and three mild winters in a row – northern Michigan deer hunting appears to be poised for a comeback. Read more

Deer Hunter Buying Habits Revealed

Even as hunter numbers rebound to participation levels not seen since the 1990s, whitetail deer hunting remains the most popular type of hunting in America. Roughly three-quarters of all U.S. hunters—more than 10 million men and women—deer hunt each fall. Many businesses and organizations strive to serve this community of outdoor enthusiasts and by understanding where they spend their money and what they actually buy, they are able to gain an edge on their competition. Fortunately, obtaining up-to-date, accurate data on this vibrant consumer market is easy with the The Southwick Deer Hunter Report. Read more

Deer Decoy Tactics


Position a buck decoy facing you so the real thing will be looking away when it approaches. (Bob Humphrey photo)

By Bob Humphrey
Want to play a trick or treat with the whitetails this Halloween? Use decoys to trick them into thinking there’s a treat.
Buck or Doe? Doe decoys might work most any time. Early in the season, the sight will put other deer at ease and may draw them nearer. During the rut a doe represents a potential mate, and a buck might approach, particularly if they can pick up olfactory signals like estrus scent.

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Top 125 Trophy Counties in the U.S.

 GW:  Anti-hunting whackos are sure hate this post, but who cares?  Certainly not the real conservationists – hunters – who want, and ensure, that healthy, stable populations of game exist in the first place.

MISSOULA, Mont. (Oct. 30, 2012) In commemoration of its 125th anniversary, Boone and Crockett Club has released an historic list of the Top 125 trophy counties across the U.S.  The list is based on Boone and Crockett big-game records/trophy data going back to 1830 and long used by conservationists to gauge outstanding habitat, strong recruitment of game animals into older age classes, sustainable harvest objectives and other elements of sound wildlife management and fair-chase hunting. Read more

Avoid “Good Enough” when Sighting In

By Glen Wunderlich

As a past shooting range officer, it became apparent that some people were not prepared to sight in their deer guns and had to settle for “close enough.”  That type of thinking, and ultimately results, can lead to unexplained misses afield.  Since the purpose of sighting in is to minimize human error while placing shots in small groups on target, let’s look at ways to get the job done properly. Read more

Lone Wolf Issues Notice: Rejected Overseas Product Hits Market

Edwards, IL – Lone Wolf Treestands has recently been made aware that rejected Lone Wolf product originally produced overseas sometime in 2010 is currently being made available for sale by XOP, Inc. of Dubuque, IA. All goods being sold by XOP as Lone Wolf product failed to meet Lone Wolf Treestands’s standards and were rejected by Lone Wolf Treestands. Therefore, these rejected products are in no way warrantied or supported by Lone Wolf Treestands. Read more

Rivers Edge Recalls Tree Stands

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. It is illegal to resell or attempt to resell a recalled consumer product.
Name of Product: Tree Stands for Hunters Read more

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