WSF Directing $7.815 Million for Wild Sheep

Bozeman, MT. – For its fiscal year 2023-24, the Wild Sheep Foundation’s (WSF) will direct a record $7.815 Million for wild sheep conservation, management, and advocacy.

On August 31, WSF’s Board of Directors unanimously approved a record $1.6 Million in Grant-In-Aid funding requested through its chapter and affiliate network for wild sheep conservation and management projects.

“Our Grant-in-Aid allocations keep growing every year,” said Gray N. Thornton, President and CEO of the Wild Sheep Foundation. ” This $1.6M represents 68% of WSF’s budgeted $2.302 Million in total Grant-In-Aid for the fiscal year and 45% of our planned $3.495 Million in Mission Programs Funding in addition to state, provincial, and tribal conservation permits sold at the Foundation’s annual Sheep Show® convention. Read more

Make the Wind an Ally with the Scent Thief Wafer

Experience the future of scent control with the Scent Thief® Wafer, the best companion to Scent Thief Field Spray. This innovation revolutionizes hunting with No Smell Technology™ and allows hunters to use the wind to their advantage.

The Scent Thief Wafer is designed for field usage, using natural forces to give hunters the predator advantage. Simply hang the wafer downwind on a tree branch above a climbing stand or in a bush next to a blind. Let the wind carry its scent-blocking power far and wide to create an impenetrable “No Smell Area,” concealing your presence from even the keenest noses. Read more

Swagger Bipods QD Series, Ideal for Western Hunting

For many hunters, kicking off another big game season is spent traveling to the western United States to hunt screaming bull elk or a monster mule deer. Whether hiking up and down the majestic Rocky Mountains, trekking through the plains, or foothills farther north, the hunt will be demanding. In sharp contrast to deer hunting, hunters cannot sit in a treestand or blind and wait for the game to come into close range. Western hunting requires packing a firearm and a large backpack full of all the essential gear the hunter may need. To make it more challenging, the hunter must travel the rough terrain until they find an animal, get into close range, and find an area where they can make the shot. Read more

Beat The October Lull With Big & J LIQUID LUCK

The October lull is one of the most dreaded times for a whitetail deer hunter. After coming out of their summer feeding patterns, bucks begin to change everything about their daily routine. During the first three weeks of October, both bucks and does seem to take a pause before the pre-rut kicks in during the last week of October and into the first week of November. The pause in buck behavior is often referred to as the October lull. Read more

RMEF Announces Agreement with Ruffed Grouse Society, American Woodcock Society

MISSOULA, Mont. — Help is on the way for elk, ruffed grouse, woodcock, turkey, whitetail deer and many other wildlife species across the Great Lakes and Appalachian States.

The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and the Ruffed Grouse Society & American Woodcock Society (RGS & AWS) entered into a three-year conservation agreement to maintain and enhance habitat within priority areas across Kentucky, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia and Wisconsin, while improving hunting opportunities. Read more

Hardin County man fatally shot while coyote hunting

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is investigating a fatal hunting incident that occurred Sunday night in northern Hardin County.

Mark Arends, 53, of Alden, was hunting coyotes with friends on private land approximately two miles north of Alden. The hunters were separated by several hundred yards when, around 8 p.m., Arends was struck by a single rifle shot. The incident remains under investigation. Read more

Michigan Expanded Pheasant Release Program

Michigan’s pheasant release program is continuing to grow. There is a lot we are excited about, so get ready to hit the fields and explore Michigan’s diverse landscapes like never before.

What’s new for 2023

  1. Three times more rooster pheasants: Compared to last year, we’re releasing three times more rooster pheasants, ensuring a higher chance of thrilling encounters during your hunts.
  2. Four new release sites: We’re expanding our release locations to include Cass City, Crane Pond, Dansville and Stanton state game areas. These new sites offer fresh opportunities to discover the beauty of Michigan’s wilderness.
  3. December releases: For those of you who can’t get enough of the hunt, we’ve added extra releases in December on state game areas with open pheasant hunting seasons. Extend your season and make more memories! Read more

Roundup Mule Deer Management Hunt Scheduled to Begin Late November

Licenses go on sale November 1 at 5 a.m.

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks and the City of Roundup have scheduled an archery-only mule deer hunt in and around Roundup to reduce the number of urban deer. Fifty either-sex mule deer licenses for this hunt will go on sale Wednesday, Nov. 1, beginning at 5 a.m. online and at any FWP license provider and will be limited to two per person. The licenses are available for residents and non-residents. A current Conservation License and Bow & Arrow License is required for purchase. Read more

NBEF’s Shot Placement Tools

The National Bowhunter Education Foundation (NBEF) continues to be at the forefront of enhancing the bowhunting experience, offering an array of educational tools designed to increase success and safety for bowhunters. These educational aids are designed to improve shot accuracy for quicker harvests and game recovery.

Advanced Anatomy and Shot Placement Guides for Whitetail DeerTurkeyElk and Black Bear Each guide offers transparent overlays and accompanying text specific to the respective species, for both firearm hunters and bowhunters. These guides are essential resources for hunting guides, hunter education instructors and informed hunters, ensuring ethical and precise shot placement for successful hunts. Part of the International Bowhunter Education Program Hunter Responsibility Series. Suggested retail price: $12.50 each. Read more

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