Ted Pleads Guilty

“I would never knowingly break any game laws,” said Ted Nugent. “I’m  afraid I was blindsided by this, and I sincerely apologize to everyone for  this.”

Said Magistrate Judge Michael Thompson “It (the “one-strike policy)  probably is not widely known, and if there is a side benefit to the  agreement reached here today – since apparently newspapers are interested in Mr.  Nugent and his doings – this probably will serve to alert a great many hunters  to that very issue and may, in fact, prevent violations in the future and court  activity for a whole slew of folks.”

More on Terrible Ted here…

Brownells Sponsors “Takin Bacon 2012” Hog Hunt Benefitting Wounded Veterans

Brownells – The World’s Largest Supplier of Firearms Accessories, Ammunition And Gunsmithing Tools™ – is proud to announce its recent sponsorship of the 2nd Annual Wounded Warrior Hog Hunt, held at Lay’s Lake Hunt Club, March 9-12, 2012.
The event, organized by Joel Pellicci and U.S. Special Operations personnel, welcomed 12 combat-wounded veterans to the 1,600-acre, hog-primed property, located near Myrtle Beach, SC.

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Michigan Senator is Key to Passage of Pro-Sportsmen Bill

The most significant pro-sportsmen’s legislation of the past 15 years is now in the U.S. Senate.  Michigan’s Senator Debbie Stabenow is one of a handful of Senators that can determine whether the bill makes it to President Barack Obama’s desk for his signature. Read more

Nugent’s Court Date Today

Ted Nugent, who signed a plea agreement April 14, agreed to pay a $10,000 fine and has agreed to a two-year probation,  including a special condition that he not hunt or fish in Alaska or Forest  Service properties for one year. He also agreed to create a public service  announcement that would be broadcast on his television show for one year.  The court hearing on the matter is today.  More here…

USSA Talks Sportsmen’s Rights on C-SPAN

(Columbus, Ohio)- On Friday, April 20, 2012 U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance Director of Federal Affairs, Bill Horn, appeared on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal discussing Sportsmen’s Rights, and H.R. 4089, the Sportsmen’s Heritage Act of 2012.
Click here to watch the program. Check local television listings for C-SPAN rebroadcasts of this program. (http://www.ussafoundation.org/page.redir?target=http%3a%2f%2fwww.ussportsmen.org%2fvideo%2fussa-talks-sportsmens-rights-h-r-4089-on-c-span%2f&srcid=8766&srctid=1&erid=11474281&trid=e8d896f8-10de-4859-a188-ec6489a14ea4)
Click here for information on H.R. 4089. (http://www.ussafoundation.org/page.redir?target=http%3a%2f%2fwww.ussportsmen.org%2flegislative-action%2fu-s-house-votes-to-protect-hunting-shooting-on-public-land%2f&srcid=8766&srctid=1&erid=11474281&trid=e8d896f8-10de-4859-a188-ec6489a14ea4)

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A Review of HR 4089 – Sportsman’s Heritage Act of 2012

By Glen Wunderlich

Known as the Sportsman’s Heritage Act of 2012, HR 4089 has passed the U.S. House of Representatives and, if it continues on its path to becoming law, it may be the most important piece of legislation on behalf of sportsmen and women in decades.   H.R. 4089 is actually the compilation of four bills, all designed to protect and enhance opportunities for recreational hunting, fishing and shooting: Read more

Uncle Ted in Trouble in Alaska

“They’ve got apparently some crazy law in Southeast (Alaska) that says if you even touch an animal with an arrow, it becomes your animal,”attorney Wayne Anthony Ross said by phone Friday. “He looked to see if he had hit it and didn’t believe that he’d hit it fatally.”  So, when Uncle Ted killed another bear, he was in violation of the relatively new law, which put him over the limit.  See Ted’s deal with authorities here…

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