Opening Day Success

Opening day began with fog heavy enough to severly limit sight lines for the first hour or so.

Mid-Michigan Opening Day Fog

But Joe Reynolds was able to hear an approaching deer but the fog was cover enough for the whitetail to vanish.  Within a short time, however, the healty 8-pointer gave Joe a quartering-to-him angle, and the 325-grain tipped Barnes put the whammy on the opening-morning buck, penetrating well over 14 inches, breaking ribs in and out, and exiting.  The mortally wounded deer lived for about 5 seconds after the pull of the trigger.

Joe Reynold's Opening-Day 8-Point Buck

So, now it’s on to day two.

We’ll Hear the Sunrise

By Glen Wunderlich

The game face is on. Getting ready is over. It’s the eve of opening day of firearms deer season state-wide and it’s no time for liver and onions. Or, any other concoction that could erupt like Ol’ Faithful in the midst of prime time.

It’s early to bed and early to rise. Early enough to be ahead of the other guy. Nothing like sipping a home-brewed coffee from the Thermos while imagining in the dark.

Yes, we’ll be able to hear the sunrise, even if we can’t see it.


NSSF Study: Hunters Donate 11 Million Venison Meals

Food banks and individuals are thankful for such generosity…

NEWTOWN, Conn., Nov. 14, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — When you’re passing the turkey and stuffing around the Thanksgiving dinner table, here’s a story to tell–one that would not be possible without the thoughtfulness and generosity of hunters.

A new study commissioned by the National Shooting Sports Foundation and conducted by Mile Creek Communications reveals that last year 11 million meals were provided to the less fortunate through donations of venison by hunters. Nearly 2.8 million pounds of game meat Read more

Michigan’s Deer Opener to see Less Hunters

So, opening day is on a Tuesday and you can’t make it.  Too bad for you.  Maybe you can get your friends to hold off on taking that wallhanger.  Right!  And, maybe they are just keeping your seat warm in the blind…

Heated Insoles Available at Bass Pro Shops

Stand Up To The Cold With ThermaCELL® Heated Insoles Available At Bass Pro Shops

Imagine yourself outdoors in wintery conditions, trying to focus on the task at hand despite the constant reminder of the bitter cold. You want to endure, but the piercing cold is nipping away at your feet, making it difficult to focus on your work, your fishing line or the trophy buck that could show up at any minute. ThermaCELL Heated Insoles are the solution that will transform how you spend time outdoors, whether for work or play. Read more

Judge Accepts RMEF Motion in Oregon Wolf Lawsuit

MISSOULA, Mont.-The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation has learned that an Oregon court has agreed to consider in its final ruling the RMEF motion outlining the need for science-based, state regulated wolf management. The court is reviewing the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s authority to manage and control wolves as part of a state-approved plan. Read more

Hunting Memories from Afield

By Glen Wunderlich

Firearms deer season opens Tuesday and hundreds of thousands of hopeful hunters will depart to all corners of Michigan in search of the elusive whitetail. Some will travel hundreds of miles, and some will remain close to home. But, all will be making memories that last long after the season ends. Looking back over four decades of deer hunting, here are some recollections of hunts past. Read more

Animal Rights and Wrongs

While hunting can have unexpected dangers such as tripping over roots and rocks as you trek, the real dangers facing hunters these days is the animal rights lobby who are trying to stop hunting and trapping all together. While you’ve been hunting and scouting for deer or other animals, these groups have been scheming, developing, and working to pass legislation, and to win political favors and public opinion, to prevent you from ever hunting again. Some of the most dangerous groups are listed below. Read more

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