Woods and Water Columnist, Herb Boldt, Dies

A fellow writer, Herb Boldt, with whom I had shared print space in The Argus-Press, has died at the age of 84.  Herb wrote a weekly column called “Woods and Water”.  He retired in 2005 and once commented that he had the greatest job in the world.

I agree, Herb.  In fact, it never seems to be a job at all.  Some of Herb’s work is below.



Too Close for Comfort

By Glen Wunderlich

Shortly before the start of firearms deer season, I had set up a portable blind within archery range of a brassica food plot. The one-person hideout was inconspicuously concealed in a row of brush and young trees facing the prevailing wind. Experience has shown that deer – especially the more mature, and thus more educated among the herd – can spot the hideouts immediately and shy away from them. But, the new blind would provide a potential opportunity to view activity from a different perspective. Read more

Blondes Go Hunting

A couple of Blondes go hunting and they get lost in the woods.
Remembering the universal distress signal of firing 3 shots, they fire 3 shots into the air and wait.  After an hour they fire 3 more shots.  Another hour goes by and still no one comes to help.

One Blonde turns to the other and says, “I hope somebody comes this time because these are my last three arrows.”

Thanksgiving Hunt

By Glen Wunderlich

Last evening’s hunt was filled with activity.  Deer began moving into the brassica plot in front of me at 150 yards at about 5 pm and the action continued past dark.  I wasn’t able to keep track of how many whitetails were on hand – kind of like counting fish in an aquarium – but they filtered in from all angles.

Near dark, one lone buck – a 7-inch spike buck – entered the area and remained into the darkness.

I am still holding off for a big buck and/or snow, whichever comes first.  With the mild weather coming this weekend, it looks like I’ll have to break out the Knight Revolution muzzleloader at next week’s end for the beginning of muzzleloader season next Friday.

It seems as though the mild weather has the deer in more of a content mood instead of the typical frenzied feeding mode this time of year.  It’s Michigan, however, and by January they’ll get a bit more desperate.

Much of the green foliage is still evident

Brassica Plot in Distance

Tonight and this weekend should be interesting because of all the anticipated fair-weather hunters moving deer.

Simplified Sighting In

By Glen Wunderlich

With firearms deer season upon us, many hunters will be sighting in their guns. Since there’s not a lot of time to waste, and ammunition is quite expensive, I am providing some tips to get the job done as economically as possible.

As mentioned in previous writings, a six-inch kill zone will be the standard from any shooting position in the field for deer. Read more

Practice Shooting the Right Way

By Glen Wunderlich

Bad luck seems to haunt some pretty good deer hunters who may very well deserve the tag “hard-luck” hunters. Even avid hunters can possess all the new gear and tactics, yet, when the moment of truth arrives, they are unable to make a good shot. And, a shot that is not good is bad in so many ways.

In the bad-shot scenario, the hunter should consider not only his prey, but also himself, as being lucky, if his errant shot misses his target completely. The animal escapes unscathed, courtesy of the inaccurate shot, and the hunter has no tracking chores.

If, however, such a hunter places his shot beyond the fringe of the fatal zone, he must begin to track his wounded quarry and the stark reality is that not all deer are recovered. Read more

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