D.C. Ordered to Pay $1M in Historic Gun Case

The District of Columbia has been ordered to pay  more than $1 million in attorneys’ fees as a result of the historic gun case of Heller vs D.C.

Dick Heller sued the city in 2003 over its ban on  handguns and the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the ban in June 2008,  saying it violated the Second Amendment.

A federal judge on Thursday issued an opinion  awarding Heller’s attorneys $1,137,072.27 in fees and expenses.   More here…

Castle Doctrine Means No Charges in Archery Killing

Somerset County, Pennsylvania District Attorney Jerry Spangler will not charge a man who   shot an intruder in self-defense with a bow and arrow, indicating that changes in the  state’s new Castle Doctrine supported his decision.

The intruder had been shot through the chest with an arrow near the front  steps to the man’s house.  The bad guy had a wooden club and was warned to leave; finally, he got the point.

Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/11361/1199563-100.stm#ixzz1hpI0xplQ

Home Invader Shot by Retired Cop in Warren

A retired police officer heard knocking at his door and thought maybe it was a package delivery.  Instead, it was an intruder, who had already entered.  He was greeted by gunfire, ran to a waiting car, which drove off.  The home invader was later found receiving attention at a Detroit hospital for gunshot wounds to his biceps and hand.  He also got attention from the police and will do some serious time.  More here…

Jesse Jackson Pushes Gun Control

“It is time to revive the ban on assault weapons,” and Jackson bemoans the fact that “more Americans now own a gun on their property than any time since 1993, and  for the first time, a majority of Americans are against a ban on assault rifles  and semiautomatics.”

It’s hard to tell where this rebel without a real job gets his figures, but it figures.  Never mind the fact that semi-automatic firearms are more prevalent than ever before, our nation’s murder rate is at a  47-year low, having decreased 52 percent since 1991.

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