Three Black Bears Euthanized After Repeated Conflicts in Missoula Neighborhoods

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks trapped and euthanized three black bears in Missoula that were responsible for repeated conflicts in Missoula neighborhoods. The conflicts began last fall and picked up again first thing this spring.
FWP wildlife specialists reported that the female and two subadults began getting into garbage, bird feeders, garages, and other attractants last fall in Missoula’s Rattlesnake neighborhood, as well as in some temporary camps and tents along the Clark Fork River in Missoula.
FWP and local residents worked to secure attractants last fall, but even after the winter, the family group of bears remained in neighborhoods and around homes and local businesses in the middle of town, exhibiting bold behavior that indicates they were conditioned to these food sources.
Once bears become conditioned to garbage and other attractants, it is a habit that is very hard to break and causes human safety concerns. Unfortunately, when bears start showing extreme food conditioned behavior, the only way to prevent further conflict is through euthanization. Read more