Threatened and endangered species feature: the cautious copperbelly water snake
By Jillian Farkas, DNR Wildlife Division
With binoculars in tow, I scouted the seemingly calm water in front of me. Slowly, and without a ripple, a sea monster-like head began to emerge from the water. With a duckweed disguise, the snake remained still, repeatedly flicking its tongue in my direction. To confirm identification of the species, I lunged towards the snake with long tongs, but it was just out of reach. Reacting to the threat of capture, the snake swiftly swam into the surrounding vegetation and escaped.
The copperbelly water snake is an exceptionally rare species in Michigan. These snakes are found in two distinct population segments in the United States – the north and south. The northern population remains federally listed as threatened, and its range includes southern Michigan, northwestern Ohio and northeastern Indiana. In Michigan, this species is listed as endangered and has only been documented at 13 sites in seven counties. However, recent surveys have revealed that the number of sites the species currently occupies has dwindled down to only four.
Copperbelly water snakes are harmless, non-poisonous, relatively large, semi-aquatic snakes that are often witnessed basking in the sun where they can effortlessly escape into water if bothered. They tend to live near shrub wetlands, wooded floodplains and slow-moving rivers. A hungry copperbelly will hunt a variety of prey, including tadpoles, frogs, salamanders, insect larvae and crayfish. Adults are dark black or brown on the top, with a vibrant orange-red underside. These snakes also have labial (lip) scales that are tinted slightly orange-red with darkened edges. In Michigan, northern water snakes, Kirtland’s snakes, queen snakes and northern red-bellied snakes look similar to, and might be mistaken for, the copperbelly water snake. Read more