Don’t forget: New fishing license required April 1

The Department of Natural Resources reminds anglers that a new fishing license season begins Tuesday, April 1, which coincides with the new regulation cycle. All 2013 fishing licenses are good through March 31, 2014.
Michigan’s fishing licenses were restructured March 1. Anglers now have five options when making their purchases:

  • Resident Annual – $26
  • Nonresident Annual – $76
  • Senior Annual (for residents age 65 or older) – $11
  • 24-hour (resident or nonresident) – $10
  • 72-hour (resident or nonresident) – $30 Read more

Michigan Bear Hunters Association Donates $100,000 to Citizens for Professional Wildlife Management

Donation Will Help Petition Drive to Protect Hunting Rights

Gaylord, MI–When anti-hunters tried to take away the right to hunt bears by attacking bear hunting methods in 1996, the Michigan conservation community banded together to defeat them by passing Proposal G, and a big part of its success was a large donation by the Michigan Bear Hunters Association (MBHA). At their annual convention on March 22 at Treetops Resort in Gaylord, the Michigan Bear Hunters Association once again stepped up financially to defend hunting rights by announcing a $100,000 donation to Citizens for Professional Wildlife Management (CPWM). Read more

HSUS Plays Hide and Seek with Donations

This from

A sharp-eyed reader pointed us to something buried in HSUS’s latest tax return, covering the year 2012. On page 32, HSUS states that it made an “investment” total $25.7 million in the “Central American and the Caribbean” region. We went back to HSUS’s 2009, 2010, and 2011 tax returns. There were no reported investments of any kind abroad.

Strange? We think so.

Where exactly is this $26 million “invested”? It turns out HSUS funneled mega-bucks to several funds located in the Cayman Islands. You know, the secretive place where people stuff their secretive money. Bond villain-type stuffsecretive . Read more

Bushnell EQUINOX Z Product Line Features Three New Digital Night Vision Monoculars

Overland Park, KanBushnell,  an industry leader in high performance sports optics for more than 65  years, has introduced three new night vision optics in the EQUINOX™  Z product line. The digital night vision units are  available in three configurations with a host of features, including  digital zoom, image capture and video recording.

Available in 3x  30mm, 4.5x  40mm and 6x  50mm monocular configurations, the EQUINOX Z product  line is loaded with features. Each monocular is constructed with a  rugged, water-resistant housing, features a 1-3x digital zoom,  adjustable IR settings and daytime color viewing. In addition, each  unit is powered with AA batteries for added convenience and cost  savings. Read more

Things Are Tough All Over

By Glen Wunderlich

On a recent visit to Corunna Mills, where the best bird seed at the best price can be found just south of town, I paused to chat with young Samantha Demerly behind the counter.  The grain elevator’s only source of heat – a corn-burning contraption with the BTUs of a hair dryer – had given out, leaving one tough school-aged youngster in a position to qualify for extreme-duty pay.  There she was, dressed in clothes fit for a Mt. Everest summit, while cheerfully carrying out her assigned duties.

I mentioned that this whole winter experience will be something she’ll be able to relate to her grandchildren many years from now.  I can hear her now:  “It was below zero, no heat, and the ink pens were so cold that they wouldn’t write.  You had to be tough in my day.”

Ah, yes, the winter of 2013/14 will require no exaggeration to have become one to remember.  Beginning with the severe ice storm and its omnipresent remnants to record snowfalls and sub-zero temperatures lingering for what has seemed like eternity, we will all be stronger for the experience.  But, what will it all mean for our cherished wildlife? Read more

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