Charity Navigator Downgrades HSUS

This from

Whenever we point out that the independent watchdog CharityWatch gives the Humane Society of the United States a C-minus grade, HSUS usually retorts that it gets four stars (out of four) from Charity Navigator, a different evaluator. No more.

Today we learned Charity Navigator has downgraded HSUS from four stars to three. The reason? After we filed an IRS complaint against HSUS last fall, alleging that HSUS had improperly inflated its revenue for several years, HSUS filed amended tax returns. (Independent experts, such as CharityWatch and a Minnesota tax attorney, also thought HSUS was in the wrong.) Based on this amended data, Charity Navigator has revised its rating of HSUS and downgraded the group. Read more

Great Lakes Wolf Management in Judge’s Hands

Because there is no dispute that the wolf populations in the Great Lake states have met and exceeded all recovery goals, HSUS has advanced baseless legal theories that, if accepted, would make it extremely difficult to ever take any species off the lists of endangered or threatened species.

Over the last six months, the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation (USSAF) has been hard at work defending against a lawsuit brought by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) seeking to return the recovered wolf population in the Great Lakes states to the Endangered Species List (ESA).  Just last week, USSAF submitted its last brief in the case and is now awaiting the judge’s decision. Read more

Michigan-caught Great Lakes muskellunge part of ‘best catches’ contest

The International Game Fish Association (IGFA) has compiled a list of what it considers to be the “best” record catches of the past year, which includes a World-record Great Lakes muskellunge from October 2012world-record Great Lakes muskellunge caught in Michigan.

The muskie is part of the IGFA’s 10 of the Best Catches of 2013 effort, which is now asking anglers to vote for their favorites. The voting contest launched on March 1 at The catch that receives the most votes will receive the Angler’s Choice Award at the IGFA’s World Record Achievement Award ceremony in April. Read more

Idaho Completes Wolf Control with Helicopter

Fish and Game prefers to manage wolf populations using hunters and trappers and only authorizes control actions where harvest has been insufficient to meet management goals.

Idaho Fish and Game, in cooperation with the USDA Wildlife Services, has completed another wolf control action in northern Idaho’s Lolo elk zone near the Idaho/Montana border to improve poor elk survival in the area.

In February, Wildlife Services agents killed 23 wolves from a helicopter.  The action is consistent with Idaho’s predation management plan for the Lolo elk zone, where predation is the major reason elk population numbers are considerably below management objectives. Read more

CWD on the Increase in Wisconsin

Current CWD prevalence is near 25 percent for adult male white-tailed deer, 10 percent for adult female deer, about 7 percent in yearling males and about 6 percent in yearling females. Prevalence has increased in all categories.

MADISON – Through 12 years of ongoing surveillance efforts, Department of Natural Resources officials are able to maintain a current picture of trends and prevalence of chronic wasting disease within the area previously known as the CWD management zone [PDF] in southern Wisconsin. Read more

Greenpeace co-founder: No scientific proof humans are dominant cause of warming climate

Take a deep breath and exhale.  Now don’t, apologize, because Patrick Moore, a Canadian ecologist and business consultant, who was a member of Greenpeace from 1971-86, told members of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, environmental groups use faulty computer models and scare tactics in promoting claims that man-made gases are heating up the planet.  Details here…

Get Boxes Ready for Bluebirds

by Doug Reeves, assistant chief, DNR Wildlife Division


Bluebird on boxDo you want a good activity to get you thinking about spring? Then build a bluebird box or two and put it/them up in a good place. Do it now. It really is only a matter of weeks before bluebirds will be looking for nest sites again, and you want to be prepared. Early migrants may use the boxes as roost sites even before they are ready to nest. Read more

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