Federal dollars ignite new partnership for Kirtland’s warbler conservation

Kirtland's warblerFederal dollars are igniting a new conservation partnership in northeast Michigan. Huron Pines, a nonprofit organization, recently received $171,000 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Joint Venture Habitat Restoration and Protection Program (Joint Venture Program). The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative funding will be used to plant 2 million jack pine seedlings in Kirtland’s warbler management areas, streamline community outreach programs and offer landowners cost-share opportunities. [Photo on the right: A male Kirtland’s warbler, seen during a recent viewing tour near Grayling, sits perched on a jack pine branch. Photo credit: Gene McGarry, Woodstock, NY] Read more

Out-of-State Animal Rights Groups Bankroll Michigan Ballot Issues

This from the USSA…

Posted on August 8, 2013

According to the Associated Press, an anti-hunting group has raised more money this year than any other entity working to pass a ballot issue in the state of Michigan.  Other issues heading for the 2014 ballot include abortion funding, hydraulic fracturing or “fracking,” and changes to Michigan’s ballot qualification process.  Yet when combined, those issues still don’t come close to the amount of money that has poured into Michigan to overturn legislation that would allow for a wolf hunt. Read more

The Reality of the Wolf Debate in Michigan

By Glen Wunderlich

Wolf hunting licenses go on sale starting Aug. 3, reminds the Michigan Department of Natural Resources – a fact despised by the nation’s most powerful animal rights organization, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS, not to be confused with any local animal shelters.)  In fact, The anti-hunting coalition, called Keep Michigan Wolves Protected (backed by HSUS), has launched a petition drive to stop control of the burgeoning wolf population.  If paid workers can gather enough signatures, Michigan voters will decide on November 4, 2014, whether to overturn Senate Bill 288, which granted authority to designate game species to the state Natural Resources Commission.

If the most recent signature drive proves successful, Michigan citizens will be deciding on two anti-hunting issues on November 4, 2014 – the first to remove wolves from the game list, and the second to strip the Natural Resources Commission’s new authority to determine game species.

“All of these efforts have little to do with the number of wolves in Michigan, which have vastly exceeded their recovery goals, and has everything to do with the potential for a wolf hunting season,” said Nick Pinizzotto, U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance president and CEO. “The possibility of a hunting season is simply unacceptable to these anti-hunting groups.”

Michigan United Conservation Clubs (MUCC) states Read more

2013 collector-edition duck stamp and prints available for purchase; proceeds contribute to wetlands conservation

The Michigan Duck Hunters Association (MDHA), in cooperation with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR), has introduced the 2013 collector-edition Michigan duck stamp and prints.

2013 duck stampThe 2013 Michigan duck stamp, by wildlife artist Richard Clifton, features a beautiful black duck displayed in a swimming pose. For information about pricing and how to order duck stamps and prints, see Michigan waterfowl stamp order form, available online at www.michigan.gov/waterfowl (click on the Waterfowl Stamp Program link). Read more

SCI Takes Battle Over Polar Bear Imports to the U.S. Supreme Court

Washington, DC – Safari Club International (SCI) today filed a petition with the U.S. Supreme Court asking the Court to overturn the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s 2008 listing of the polar bear as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.  After the listing of the species, private conservation funding generated through sustainable use hunting evaporated.  By filing this petition, SCI is seeking to rectify this bad public policy. Read more

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