New Federal Policy Steps Up Efforts to Turn Gulf of Mexico Rigs Into Reefs

Changes should help reverse the unnecessary destruction of important fish habitat

Alexandria, VA – June 27, 2013 – Offshore oil and gas platforms in the Gulf of Mexico serve as valuable marine habitat, supporting economically important recreational fishing in the Gulf region. In the face of increasing efforts to remove these structures, this week the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) released its amended “Rigs to Reefs” policy that will make it easier to turn inactive platforms into new artificial reefs. Read more

Pet Deer Can Stay

A pet deer kept illegally can stay with its adoptive family.  Under the conditions set by the DNR, the family has to register its home as a privately-owned cervidae (deer/elk) facility; get the deer tested for bovine tuberculosis by an accredited state-approved vet; erect a suitable fence; submit a report on the deer’s health every year; agree never to house other deer and to never take this one off-site; and admit that possessing wildlife with a permit is illegal under Michigan law.  Details here…

Hunting and Fishing Excise Taxes: Big Benefits for American Business

Imagine a business investment that yields a return of more than 1,000 percent. If you were to guess the industry where such a return on investment (ROI) was possible, most people would guess energy, technology, defense or medical industries or even that historic standby, real estate. But they would be wrong. Such investments are a reality, however, in the sportfishing, hunting and shooting sports industries courtesy of the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration programs. Thanks to those programs, hunting manufacturers have enjoyed a 1,100 percent return on funds invested in generating improved hunting opportunities, while sportfishing-based companies have witnessed an amazing 2,157 percent. Read more

Sportsman Channel to Debut Hour-Long Special: Fred Bear – The Father of Bowhunting

New Berlin, WI (June 19, 2013) – In the burrows of Detroit rose up a young man with a passion for bowhunting, and specifically bow craftsmanship, who quickly ignited the industry with his eye to detail, unique designs and desire for the best. Sportsman Channel, the leader in outdoor TV for the American Sportsman, is proud to premiere the hour-long special Fred Bear: The Father of Bowhunting presented by Bear Archery on Friday, June 21 from 7 to 8 pm ET. This film was produced in association with Rusted Roosted Productions and Sportsman Channel. Watch a sneak peak preview here: Read more

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