Category: Wildlife
Is Giving to HSUS an Efficient Use of Money?
This from Humane Watch…
Donors want their dollars used effectively. There’s only so much money that each person has budgeted for charity. So is the Humane Society of the United States deserving of animal lovers’ donations? We certainly don’t think so.
For starters, the American Institute of Philanthropy gives HSUS a “D” grade for high spending on fundraising and overhead and low spending on programs. This is similar to a finding from the animal rights newspaper Animal People.
But in terms of actual animal care, we looked a little closer. Read more
Statement on Endangered Species Talks in the House of Representatives
GW: Can I get an Amen!
MISSOULA, Mont. (May 9, 2013)–As the two oldest sportsmen groups with decades of commitment to fundamental wildlife policies, the Boone and Crockett Club and Wildlife Management Institute welcome the initiative of members of the House who have joined to consider the Endangered Species Act. We encourage Democratic members to do likewise and for the two parties to come together on this issue. Read more
Michigan Natural Resources Commission authorizes limited public wolf harvest
The Michigan Natural Resources Commission (NRC) today approved a limited public wolf harvest in three distinct regions of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Read more
Safari Club International Thanks Governor Snyder For Protecting Hunting, Fishing Rights in Michigan
Washington, DC – Governor Rick Snyder (Mich.) signed Senate Bills 288 and 289 into law today at a ceremony attended by many Safari Club International members. The new laws 1) state that the Natural Resources Commission has the authority to designate game species and 2) protect the right to hunt and fish. SCI’s Michigan Chapters, along with other sporting organizations in Michigan, advocated for final passage of both of these bills during this legislative session. Read more
Michigan Governor Signs Bills Protecting Rights to Hunt, Fish and Trap
As reported by MUCC…
Today, Governor Snyder signed Senate Bills 288 and 289 , ensuring that Michigan’s wildlife will be managed with sound science and protecting our rights to hunt, fish and trap! Read more
Peregrine Falcon Kills Duck in Air
I’ve always been fascinated with the myriad eagle cams, falcon cams, etc. but never have seen anything like this. I bet you haven’t, either. A camera strapped onto the back of a peregrine falcon gives you a bird’s-eye view of how they kill. Laser-guided missels have nothing on this predator and you can be the bird right here.
6,000 coyotes killed in Utah’s bounty program
Utah has paid hunters $50 each to kill coyotes in an effort to save its deer population. Since last September, some 6000 ‘yotes have been redeemed for cash. Details here…
Michigan Birding Events
In honor of International Migratory Bird Day, the Department of Natural Resources is hosting Beaks and Binoculars, with a full schedule of programs at DNR visitor centers throughout the state on Saturday, May 11. Learn about the different species of birds that migrate to Michigan each spring, take a guided walk, and learn about the different styles of birdhouses and how to identify different bird calls. Each location offers its own unique program; please check the details on the DNR website at Read more