Learn more about DNR state land review at virtual meetings Oct. 24 and 25

Public invited to offer feedback on proposed actions by Nov. 3
If you spend time hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, birding or otherwise enjoying public lands, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources wants your feedback.
In 2013, the DNR developed a public land strategy aimed at guiding public land ownership and maximizing benefits to residents and the state’s natural resources. As part of its multiyear state land review process, the DNR has completed review of the ninth and final group of parcels and is now determining which ones best meet its goal of delivering broad public access to quality outdoor recreation opportunities, while protecting natural and cultural resources on those lands.
The state land review covers approximately 240,000 acres of public land statewide to determine their contributions to meeting the DNR’s mission. Those 240,000 acres include parcels that are 200 acres or smaller in size, or difficult to manage due to irregular shape, resulting in a significant shared private-public boundary.
The nearly 4,000 acres of land throughout the state reviewed in this ninth and final group were not captured in previous reviews due to their small size or the need for additional research to verify the accuracy of the parcel location or ownership.
The public is invited to share input on the outcomes of that review Oct. 24 and 25 during virtual meetings. Read more