Hunter Bags 5-Bearded Turkey
“When we went over there and looked I said, ‘Holy cow, this thing has more beards than you can imagine, ” said Idaho turkey hunter Terry Baird. A photo and details are here…
Outdoor commentary and legislative issues.
“When we went over there and looked I said, ‘Holy cow, this thing has more beards than you can imagine, ” said Idaho turkey hunter Terry Baird. A photo and details are here…
Norfolk, Va. — PETA will soon have some impressive new weapons at its disposal to combat those who gun down deer and doves. The group is shopping for one or more drone aircraft with which to monitor those who are out in the woods with death on their minds. PETA aims to collect video footage of any illegal activity, including drinking while in the possession of a firearm, a common complaint from those who live near wooded areas; maiming animals and failing to pursue them so that they die slowly and painfully; and using spotlights, feed lures, and other hunting tricks that are illegal in some areas but remain common practices among hunters. PETA currently has its sights on Australia-based Aerobot and its state-of-the-art remote-controlled CineStar Octocopter. Read more
Michigan Department of Natural Resources Director Keith Creagh will join Michigan State University Acting Provost June Youatt, Trustee Dianne Byrum, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Dean Fred Poston, and many others on campus on Monday, April 15 to stock 3,000 steelhead in the Red Cedar River. Read more
The Scientific Wildlife Management package (Senate Bills 288 & 289 and House Bills 4552 & 4553) will:
· Establish a right to hunt, fish and trap in state law.
· Allow the Natural Resources Commission to designate game species and issue fisheries orders.
· Provide $1 million in conservation funding for fish and game management and research.
· Provide free licenses to active-duty members of the military.
The anti-hunters, led by the Washington, D.C.-based Humane Society of the United States, are attacking this legislation because it means they won’t be able buy their way onto Michigan’s ballot to take away any more hunting rights. They’re even telling their members that it will lead to “dog, cat and horse” hunting, just as they lied about the wolf management law by telling people it would lead to “aerial gunning from helicopters.” And they’re repeating these lies to your legislators.
In 1996, hunters, anglers and trappers banded together and passed Proposal G to manage wildlife using sound science and defeat the anti-hunters’ attempt to limit bear hunting rights. In 2006, we were silent and the anti’s took away our rights to hunt doves. Now they’re back, like a wolf that’s lost its fear of humans, to attack your hunting rights one by one. What happens now is up to you.
Please call your state representative and state senator and tell them you support the Scientific Wildlife Management package. Don’t let the anti-hunters be the only ones your legislators hear from!
A Saskatchewan black bear hunt that’ll keep you watching. Sometimes it’s just too close for comfort…
With the arrival of spring, wild animals are giving birth and hatching the next generation. Baby red foxes appeared in dens during the last days of March and the first days of April. The first litters of cottontails will appear soon. Great-horned owls have already hatched and are growing up in stick nests high above the ground. Mourning doves have made nests, and some have already laid eggs. Read more
A peregrine falcon being treated at the Howell (MI) Conference and Nature Center is eating well but needs more time to heal its fractured wing bone. Soon it will be returned to downtown Detroit, where it will be reunited with its mate. Details here…
By Glen Wunderlich
It was incomprehensible to me that Wisconsin does not have a hunting season for woodchucks, but sure enough, it’s true. State Representative Andre Jacque (R) from De Pere, however, has prepared a bill to remove the burrowing rodents from protected status. That’s right. They’re protected in Wisconsin, while in adjacent Michigan the season is open year-round with no limit.
Apparently, Wisconsin is short on qualified weather forecasters. Or, maybe it has a soft spot for the varmints because the city of Wausau has a baseball team dubbed the Woodchucks. The DNR can’t offer a reason for protection, either.
Predictably, Wisconsin’s chapter of the Sierra Club’s director, Shahla Werner, thinks hunting woodchucks (or, groundhogs in some circles) is just plain irresponsible, because she’s never heard of anyone eating them. Read more
Recent data reported by animal rights charity group, PETA, reveal the anti-group killed 89.4% of dogs and cats placed in its shelter at the Virginia headquarters in 2012. Read more
This from Michigan United Conservation Clubs…
Contact: Tony Hansen, Chief Information Officer; 269-420-9510
Statement from MUCC Executive Director Erin McDonough On Anti-Hunter’s Petition Collection Process
“We are not surprised that the group ‘Keep Wolves Protected’ was successful at purchasing the signatures required for a ballot referendum with funds provided by the anti-hunting organization, Humane Society of the United States. We are, however, saddened by the waste of resources expended by a group that claims to support wildlife in an effort that will ultimately delay science-based management of wolves,” said Erin McDonough, Executive Director of MUCC. “The coalition and Washington-based HSUS have openly boasted about the fact that they would spend between $3 and $6 per signature to obtain the necessary signatures in an effort to force their agenda on the people of Michigan. As true conservationists, we see that as a tremendous waste of resources that could have been put to use to actually help aid conservation efforts, improve habitat and ultimately make a real difference for wildlife.” Read more