QDMA’s “Quality Food Plots” Book Breaks Sales Records

BOGART, Ga. — Only five years since publication, the book Quality Food Plots has sold more than 15,000 copies, making it the top-selling and fastest-selling book ever offered by the Quality Deer Management Association (QDMA). That rate puts the book among the
top-sellers in the hunting industry and likely the highest-selling book ever on food plots or deer habitat. Read more

Conservation Town Hall Meeting

State Senator Phil Pavlov will be hosting a conservation town hall meeting on February 27th, 2012 at the Donald E. Dodge Auditorium in Port Huron beginning at 7:00p.m. The Senator is pleased to host Rodney Stokes, Director of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, as well as members of his staff to provide insight into the Department and hear your concerns regarding conservation issues in our state. Please forward this e-mail to anyone whom you know would be interested in attending this meeting. More details to follow. Read more

Trophy Whitetails Up 400 Percent Over 30 Years

MISSOULA, Mont.Trophy whitetail entries from 2011 hunting seasons are beginning to pour into Boone and Crockett Club headquarters. But while the sporting world waits to see which states are hot or not producers of giant bucks, North America’s overall robust trend in whitetail entries is a story for all conservationists to celebrate.

B&C historical records show that trophy whitetails are Read more

Are You Serious? Introduce Wolves to Control Elk?

By Glen Wunderlich

At this link you will see how our leaders are forced to consider various means to control burgeoning elk herds on the Baca National Wildlife Refuge in Colorado.  Because of input from a public comment session last year, the introduction of wolves to the area is on the table.  Nowhere, however, do I see the genius proposed by Representative Duncan Hunter of California, when similar circumstances had developed on Santa Rosa Island a few years ago.   This new potential for a repeat performance of stupidity at the Baca National Wildlife Refuge defines the logic of fools.

Below, in a piece of January 2008 I wrote the following and it is hauntingly familiar:

Approximately 40 miles of Pacific Ocean separate the mainland of Santa Barbara, California from once-privately owned Santa Rosa Island, the crown jewel of the Channel Islands National Park. The island, purchased with $30 million of taxpayers’ money, is home to 1100 Roosevelt Elk and Kaibab Mule Deer, which were imported to the island by the private owners some 75 years ago. Since that time, the non-native species have coexisted with various flora and fauna and have remained free from any diseases common to their cousins elsewhere. The following question has arisen since ownership has changed hands: Should the park be protected and open to all Americans year-round or should it also be made available to hunters to manage the elk and deer population? In a clever manipulation of power, Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer and Congresswoman Lois Capps (all Democrats from California) have arranged for the extermination of all of these magnificent animals. None will survive. Read more

Tips for Feeding Wild Birds

HARRISBURG – Feeding songbirds in winter has been an American pastime at least since the days of Henry David Thoreau, who wrote about feeding birds at Walden Pond in the latter 1840s. But Americans have enjoyed watching songbirds clean up our table-scraps and wastegrains even before then.  Here are some tips to keep it safe for the birds. Read more

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