Cross Charitable Foundation Awards Grant for NWTF’s Big Sky Forestry Initiative

For more information, contact Pete Muller at (803) 637-7698 or

Cross Charitable Foundation Grants NWTF Funding for Big Sky Forestry Initiative

EDGEFIELD, S.C. — The Cross Charitable Foundation, dedicated to supporting organizations actively promoting the conservation of wildlife and the environment, recently awarded a $10,000 grant to the National Wild Turkey Federation.

The grant from the Cross Charitable Foundation will be used for the Big Sky Forestry Initiative, a collaborative effort between the NWTF and the USDA Forest Service, in Montana. The project aims to reduce the threat of wildfire to keep our communities safe, improve wildlife habitat, offer accessible recreation opportunities with more healthy game animals and enhance water quality. Read more

USFWS Reclassification of Northern Long-Eared Bat Comes Into Effect

VTF&W Photo: A northern long-eared bat being handled by researchers during population monitoring fieldwork, courtesy Morgan Ingalls.

MONTPELIER, Vt. – The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s reclassification of the northern long-eared bat from threatened to endangered status came into effect Friday, March 31, 2023.

In Vermont, the northern-long eared bat received a state endangered status in 2011 due to rapid and drastic declines caused by the deadly fungal disease white-nose syndrome. It received federal threatened status in 2015 after the disease had spread throughout the Northeast, but not the entire range of the species. Read more

NWTF Applauds Reintroduction of RAWA

The Gould’s wild turkey is the least abundant subspecies of wild turkey. Through collaborative conservation, the subspecies was recently delisted from the threatened and endangered species list in New Mexico. RAWA would facilitate proactive conservation to prevent wildlife species from being listed.)

EDGEFIELD, S.C. — U.S. Senators Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., and Thom Tillis, R-N.C., reintroduced the bipartisan Recovering America’s Wildlife Act. This legislation invests in proactive, on-the-ground conservation work led by states, territories and tribal nations to support the long-term health of fish and wildlife and their habitat across America. These locally-driven, science-based strategies would restore species with the greatest conservation need.

“The passage of RAWA would drive the conservation of our beloved natural resources at an unprecedented scale,” NWTF co-CEO Kurt Dyroff said. “The NWTF commends Senators Heinrich and Tillis for their bipartisan work and bringing this important piece of legislation back to the forefront of Congress, and we look forward to bringing this landmark bill into law in the very near future.” Read more

For the Love of Bluebirds

A male Western Bluebird on territory is a thrilling sight for many birders that provide a nest box, or many nest boxes for cavity nesting birds (photo by Paul Konrad).
An example of a well-built nest box is the Duncraft Bluebird House, which can be referenced at Duncraft WSB Eastern Bluebird House
The North American Bluebird Society’s free downloadable publication: Get to Know Bluebirds: A Guide for Young Nature Lovers. This excellent new book is aimed at a young audience, but the messages are applicable for everyone.

North America is blessed with the only bluebirds in the world; 3 species, appropriately named for their respective ranges – Western, Eastern, and Mountain Bluebirds. These small colorful birds provide characteristic spring songs for many birders across the continental United States and southern Canada. Bluebirds are considered the most popular cavity nesting birds, and the standard birdhouse is built to suit bluebirds, while other models are smaller for wrens and chickadees, or much larger for kestrels and screech owls. Read more

Bear-havior: Preventing problem bear behavior this spring

The black bear’s winter slumber will soon be over. In late March to early May, bears leave their dens and begin looking for food to replenish their bodies. As they rejoin us in search of nourishment, it’s important to remember that human behavior affects bear behavior.

“Just like humans waking from a long nap, bears first look for water, often drinking from rivers and ponds or eating snow. Their early spring menu consists of last year’s vegetation, salvaged carcasses and fresh green shoots as they emerge,” said Rachel Leightner, Michigan Department of Natural Resources wildlife outreach coordinator. “Though these food sources are readily available, it is difficult to resist the calorie-rich offerings of bird seed, garbage, beehives and pet foods.

You might consider watching bears forage near your home as an exciting chance to see wildlife up close. But what’s really happening could be very troublesome for both you and the bear.”

Bears that find reliable food sources near homes can become repeat visitors and may lose their fear of humans, she added. Additionally, if a female bear with cubs teaches her young to forage from these food sources, it can lead to problematic behavior later in life and negative outcomes such as property damage, loss of livestock and dangerous situations for both humans and bears.

Leightner said that, fortunately, avoiding these problems is easy if you take a proactive approach and suggested the following steps. Read more

Michigan state forest road updates to be posted April 1

If you’re a fan of heading off the beaten path, you’re probably familiar with Michigan’s thousands of miles of state forest roads. The DNR annually updates state forest road maps on April 1. Maps are available in an interactive web format and as printable PDFs.

Forest road maps are updated each year based on considerations including changing road conditions, data cleanup and input received from residents. Maps show which state forest roads are open or closed to off-road and conventional vehicle use. It’s important to stay on these roads to prevent erosion and damage to wildlife habitat.

After the annual road inventory and review, the following will be open to ORVs:

    • In the Upper Peninsula, more than 5,503 miles – about 98% of the total mileage.
    • In the northern Lower Peninsula, about 6,109 miles – about 84% of the total mileage.
    • In the southern Lower Peninsula, just over 10 miles – about 3% of the total mileage.

Read more

Bobcat Announces Park Improvement Grants, Partnership with NRPA

Ashburn, VA (March 28, 2023) – In celebration of Bobcat Company’s 65th anniversary and with a focus on positively impacting communities, Bobcat and the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) are partnering to create vibrant and sustainable community park and recreation areas.

Through their partnership with NRPA, Bobcat will extend five grants, each worth $50,000, to support five park improvement projects in designated communities throughout the U.S. Bobcat will also support the grant recipients through the use of its compact equipment lineup as applicable on project sites.

Projects may support various restoration, beautification or enhancement activities focused on climate readiness, native habitat restoration, trails maintenance or development, native plantings and pollinator habitats, green stormwater infrastructure, sports fields and more. Read more

Michigan DNR seeks public input on Sterling State Park management plan

To help guide future planning for William C. Sterling State Park in Monroe County, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources is asking for public input on a new general management plan for the park.

Visitors, community members, stakeholders and others interested in sharing their opinions, ideas and experiences are encouraged to participate in an online public survey, available through Friday, April 21. Links to both the online survey and the project website are available at

The draft general management plan will be developed after public feedback is gathered. Read more

Plan now for spring treatment of hemlock woolly adelgid

If hemlock trees on your property show signs of hemlock woolly adelgid infestation, now is a good time to plan for spring treatment of this invasive species. Hemlock woolly adelgid, native to Asia, is known to be present in areas of Allegan, Benzie, Mason, Muskegon, Oceana and Ottawa counties in Michigan. These small insects suck sap from hemlock needles and ultimately can cause tree death.

Insecticides are available to control the insect, and in many cases, landowners can apply them easily by carefully following label instructions and application rate guidance. In Michigan, the label is the law. Due to certain restrictions on the use of these insecticides, you may need the services of a licensed pesticide application business.

If one or more trees are infested, make plans to act this year. Without treatment, trees infested with hemlock woolly adelgid are likely to die within four to 10 years. Weakened trees on a home landscape could spell disaster during high winds or storms, and eventually they will have to be removed. Loss of hemlocks in forested areas can reduce shade, winter cover, food and habitat for birds, fish and mammals.

Products containing either imidacloprid or dinotefuran as the active ingredient and labeled for treatment of hemlock woolly adelgid are effective in combatting the insect.

  • Imidacloprid moves slowly through trees, taking at least a year to reach the top of a large tree. However, one application will protect the tree for approximately four years.
  • Dinotefuran moves through hemlock trees more quickly, making it ideal for heavily infested trees. Dinotefuran protects trees for one to two years.

No matter which treatment you select, be sure your treatment plan includes all hemlocks on your property over the next few years. If hemlock woolly adelgid is on your site, hemlocks without symptoms are very likely to be infested over time. This includes trees on your property as well as neighboring properties. It’s a good idea to discuss treatment plans with neighbors and coordinate efforts when possible.

Can I treat trees myself?

Application of imidacloprid or dinotefuran is simple enough for many landowners to do themselves. Products containing these chemicals are available at garden supply stores, packaged under various trade names in liquid or granular form. Check the label or ask for assistance in selecting the right product.

Imidacloprid and dinotefuran products available at garden supply stores generally are applied to the soil close to the tree trunk, where they are absorbed through the root system. Plan your application for a time between early April and late October when the ground has thawed and soil moisture is moderate – not too dry or saturated. The sooner you treat, the more successful your treatment will be. Follow all label directions, wear appropriate safety gear and determine the right application rate to ensure positive results. To protect the environment, do not allow pesticide to enter or run off into storm drains, drainage ditches, gutters or surface waters.

Some products have restrictions on the amount that can be applied to an area per year. Be sure to read the label carefully to determine if the amount you need falls within these limits. If not, you may need to adopt a multiyear plan or hire a professional.

More information on do-it-yourself treatment can be found in the MSU Extension bulletin Guidelines for homeowner treatments of hemlock trees infested with hemlock woolly adelgid, available at

When should I call a professional?

Licensed pesticide application businesses have a broader range of options for applying treatments than consumers, and their professional skills are recommended in certain situations. A county-by-county list of businesses holding pesticide application licenses can be found on the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development’s website, For lawn or landscape trees, look for a professional licensed in the ornamental category (3B); for forest trees, choose the forestry category (2).

If your hemlock trees are within 75 feet of a body of water or in areas with a high-water table, or if flowering plants or shrubs are growing around the hemlocks you wish to protect, a trunk injection or bark treatment may be necessary to avoid affecting the environment, groundwater or other insects. Professional applicators can provide these types of treatments.

What should I expect after treatment?

Hemlock woolly adelgid’s cottony, white ovisacs will linger for a time following treatment. If trees are treated in the spring with dinotefuran, check new growth in late fall or winter for any fresh signs of infestation. With imidacloprid, wait until a year after treatment to gauge effectiveness.

After treatment, trees should be checked every year. If the insect has returned after dinotefuran was used, reapplication may be needed after one to two years. For imidacloprid, consider retreatment every four to seven years.

Do my trees have hemlock woolly adelgid?

If you have hemlock trees on your property, it is important to check them for signs of hemlock woolly adelgid, which infests only hemlock trees. If you are not sure whether your trees are hemlocks, use the Michigan Invasive Species Program’s eastern hemlock identification guide.

The adelgid’s round, white, cottony ovisacs are most visible in the winter and are located on the undersides of hemlock branches at the base of the needles. The publication Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Look-Alikes, available at, provides images and information on identifying this and other pests commonly mistaken for it.

How do I report an infestation?

If you suspect trees on your property have hemlock woolly adelgid, report it using the Midwest Invasive Species Information Network at You can report from the field using the MISIN smartphone app, which will log the location and allow you to upload photos of the suspected signs of the insect.

You also can take pictures, note the tree’s location and email the information to MDARD at or report by calling 800-292-3939. Someone will respond to let you know if hemlock woolly adelgid is present or not.

Please do not clip infested branch samples and transport or mail them. This could accidentally spread the insect to new areas. A state interior quarantinemakes it illegal to move hemlock anywhere within or out of Allegan, Ottawa, Muskegon, Oceana or Mason counties. Waste hemlock material in the quarantined counties may be moved to approved disposal sites within the quarantine zone.

For more information on identifying and managing hemlock woolly adelgid, visit

Michigan’s Invasive Species Program is cooperatively implemented by the Michigan departments of Agriculture and Rural Development; Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy; and Natural Resources.

Contact: Joanne Foreman, 517-284-5814 or Rob Miller, 517-614-0454

Vital Investment in Wild Turkey Research Forthcoming

(Photo Credit: Monte Loomis)

EDGEFIELD, S.C. — The NWTF is accepting applications for its Wild Turkey Research Request for Proposals, a program that facilitates and makes investments in support of priority wild turkey research projects across the country.

In June of 2022, the NWTF allocated $360,000 for seven critical wild turkey research projects through the RFP program. Now, the organization is accepting new project proposals to continue addressing population declines and further investigating how to best manage the resource into the future.

“We are at a junction where there are many new questions being raised about wild turkey ecology,” said Mark Hatfield, NWTF director of conservation services. “Disease, population dynamics, habitat use, nest success, hunter influence — there are many areas that need greater understanding to deliver optimal conservation and management; this is where research comes in.”

The NWTF invites proposals that investigate the dynamics and drivers of the “post-restoration era” as well as those that address one, or more, of the following research priorities:

  • Development of regional and national population and abundance estimates.
  • Evaluation and development of habitat management practices and habitat conditions that would increase wild turkey nest success and poult survival.
  • Investigation of underlying wild turkey diseases and their impacts on wild turkey populations.
  • Understanding the effects of harvest management strategies and season structure on wild turkey populations.
  • Wild turkey (adult and poult) survival and correlated causes of mortality. Read more
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