Western birders can try to attract such beautiful hummingbirds as this male Rufous Hummingbird as species disperse southward (photo by Nathan Wall).
A variety of hummingbird feeders are available; this one features a high perch for open viewing of the birds. Simply keep your feeder filled with fresh sugar-water nectar and cleaned regularly (Ruby-throated Hummingbird photos by Paul Konrad).
Photographing hummingbirds that visit your feeders can add another dimension to the fun of attracting hummingbirds. (Remember to keep the sun at your back when photographing.)
A second hummingbird feeder can be helpful if you have many hummingbirds visiting during late summer, and when one or more hummers become overly territorial.
Judging by the number and locations of hummingbird festivals alone – 6 festivals in 5 states – the hummingbird action is heating up. More important, each day it seems there are more hummingbirds coming to our feeder and flower gardens – males, females, and young hummers – with a couple species to watch for daily. Providing the best feeder and flowers scenario for hummingbirds can make the late summer hummingbird migration period one to remember for you and your family. And hummingbird numbers now include a new cohort of fledglings joining the populations that migrated north this spring.
Hummingbirds certainly enliven our feeders and yards, providing exciting observations throughout August and September in most states and provinces. Hummingbird visits will also continue through the winter months in some portions of southern states from California and Arizona to New Mexico, Texas, and Louisiana.
Overall, we are talking 13-ish species of hummingbirds north of Mexico, but attracting any species of hummingbird is pretty standard – it only takes a feeder with fresh sugar-water nectar, and adjacent flowering plants add to the attraction (the more tubular flowers the better). So it’s easy to provide hummingbird basics, but there are some other options that can enhance your hummingbird experiences during coming weeks.
– First, you may want to consider adding another nectar feeder, perhaps providing one in a sunny area and one in the shade, or one in the front yard and one in the backyard at favorite viewing locations. Read more