ScentLok’s New Insulated Bomber Hat

Infused with technology, ScentLok’s new Insulated Bomber Hat modernizes the classic bomber style.

MUSKEGON, MI – The ubiquitous “bomber hat” was an invention of necessity in the early 20th century. Airplane cockpits were open, exposing pilots to whichever way the wind blew. The bomber hat maintained popularity amongst World War II pilots flying at high altitudes to combat the cold in unpressurized cabins. The functional style eventually gained favor with outdoor enthusiasts like hunters and ice anglers and remains with us today. Read more

GSM Outdoors Unveils The Frog Factory

GSM Outdoors is excited to announce the launch of an all-new brand, The Frog Factory. With the intent of delivering both proven and innovative products in the category of frogs, toads, and hollow-body topwaters, The Frog Factory comes out of the gate offering existing, proven products in the Boom Boom Frog and the Ribbit with a focus on upcoming innovation and development.

“We’re constantly being asked to develop frogs and toads by our pros and end-users,” explains Crispin Powley, GSM Senior Vice President of Fishing. “After hearing that we needed to ‘design something like a Ribbit’ enough times, we decided that it was better to own the original than try to design around it. This brand will be a fun combination of proven designs and modern innovative concepts that will ultimately add value to the frog category in every angler’s tacklebox.”

“I can’t tell you how excited I am to be working with the gang at GSM to launch the Frog Factory brand,” says MLF Pro and Boom Boom Frog creator Fred Roumbanis. “The foundation of the brand will be my Boom Boom frogs and the iconic Ribbit series, but we also already have several awesome new products in the works that I can’t wait to get in my hands. Frog fishing is something that I’ve based my career around and I’m ecstatic to help start a brand dedicated to serious frog fishermen.”

For more information on Frog Factory, find them on Facebook and other social media avenues.

For any additional questions or inquiries, please email Or, if you’d like to check out the entire family of GSM brands, please visit Read more

The Taxman Lurks Behind Government Giveaways

By Glen Wunderlich

Charter Member Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA)

We Michiganders love our parks – both state and local.  In addition, we also enjoy those fishing piers and boat ramps that allow outdoors-minded individuals opportunities to get out on our magnificent waterways of the Great Lakes systems.  To fund these public facilities’ associated expenses takes a lot of tax dollars beyond user fees.   Here, we’ll review two of the funding mechanisms employed and their stark differences.

First, to fund conservation efforts of our waterways, the Sport Fish Restoration Act authorizes a federal excise tax on certain items: 10 percent on fishing equipment; 3 percent tax on electric boat motors, tackle and fly boxes; import duties on tackle, pleasure boats and yachts; and a portion of the federal gas tax that is attributable to motorboats and small engines. Since 1952, these excise taxes have contributed and distributed more than $11.3 billion to individual states.

Michigan’s share of distributions in year 2023 was $12,913,189 and has been at least $10 million for last 16 years.  Kathy Hollar, Division Manager, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, explained it this way:   “Our industry manufacturers are vitally important to the Sportfish Restoration Program. Without their federal excise tax contributions, we wouldn’t have had seven decades of fish restoration and boating access projects across the country for all of America to enjoy.”

Contributions is a cleverly disguised term for the reality of extractions. This hidden tax, however, is not, in effect, paid by anyone other than us consumers with costs of goods and services inflated to cover the built-in taxes.  They’re not seen, but certainly felt.  With that said, at least the money has been raised in advance of any project expenses.

Compare that pre-paid method with federal grants such the Biden Administration’s American Rescue Plan passed in 2021, whereby the federal government provided Michigan with $6.5 billion termed flexible state fiscal recovery funds.  Of that total, Michigan’s DNR has been appropriated $498 million with 89 percent dedicated to local and state parks’ trails and infrastructure.  Wow!  That’s a tremendous infusion of cash for upgrades – and, heartaches down the road; it’s all part of a borrowing mindset.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, annual interest payments on America’s debt will reach $1.6 trillion by year 2034 and will continue to grow from there. By comparison, interest costs on the nation’s debt were $879 billion in fiscal year 2023 and recent increases in interest rates are poised to exacerbate the issue.

And, that’s merely the interest on the roughly 34 trillion-dollar debt that continues its upward spiral to future generations’ ultimate despair.   To put this incomprehensible figure into perspective, it works out to over $100 million per hour right now!

The elephant in the room that nobody has been willing to acknowledge amid the hoopla of government “giveaways” is the perpetual increase of taxation on current and future citizens.  Yes, our officials have perfected the art of can kicking.

Since politicians have no control over spending and borrowing, it appears the Beatles had it right all along with lyrics from their song Taxman and what it portends for us all:

If you drive a car, car, I’ll tax the street
If you try to sit, sit, I’ll tax your seat
If you get too cold, cold I’ll tax the heat
If you take a walk, walk,  I’ll tax your feet
Should 5 percent appear too small, be thankful I don’t take it all.

Michigan Hunter Education Field Day

Class intended for adult learners

Saturday, March 2, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Hal and Jean Glassen Shooting Education Center
Rose Lake Shooting Range

14500 Peacock Road, East Lansing

If you are new to hunting or just hunting-curious, join the National Wild Turkey Federation and Backcountry Hunters and Anglers of Michigan for this hunter education field day for adults. We’ll cover all of the topics you need to know to hunt safely, practice shooting at the range and talk about land management and conservation.

There is no cost to attend, but registration is required.

The NWTF will be hosting a variety of “learn to hunt” and other mentored hunt opportunities throughout the year ahead. Getting your hunter education certificate is a great way to prepare for these events.

Register for field day ?

Contact Jen Davis at or 734-680-6049 if you have any questions.This event is presented as part of a partnership agreement between the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the National Wild Turkey Federation, with DNR funding support.

Remington Ammunition’s New 22 Golden Hunter Rimfire Load Now Shipping

Remington Ammunition has announced the availability of its recently launched 22 Golden Hunter rimfire ammunition. Setting a new standard for rimfire hunting, the 22 Golden Hunter offers hunters a new and improved level of precision and performance.

“Big Green is excited to announce the next evolution of the 22 Golden Bullet is officially available,” said Remington Ammunition’s Rimfire Global Product Line Director Jason Slinkard. “Our latest 22 caliber rounds provide small game hunters with enhanced effectiveness, marking a significant advancement in our product line.”

The 22 Golden Hunter offers unparalleled performance in the field. Combining the trusted heritage of the 22 Golden Bullet with Remington’s enhanced rimfire technology, this ammunition is ideal for hunting squirrels, rabbits, varmints, coyotes, and more. This precision hollow point round is designed to reliably expand upon impact, ensuring a quick force transfer on target with optimal penetration.

Part No. / Description / MSRP

R21251 / Golden Hunter 22LR 40GR Plated Hollow Point / 100 rounds / $11.99 MSRP

R21253 / Golden Hunter 22LR 40GR Plated Hollow Point / 550 rounds / $54.99 MSRP Read more

SK Customs Introduces the Third Production in the ‘La Revolución’ Series: ‘Pascual Orozco’

SK Guns®, the Nation’s only series-driven, limited-edition manufacturer of custom firearms, is proud to announce the release of the Pascual Orozco-inspired firearm, the third production in the historic Mexican “La Revolucion” Series.

Orozco was a natural military leader. In October 1910, he was named Jefe Revolucionario (Revolutionary Leader) for going against the Porfirio Díaz dictatorship. A week after the Mexican Revolution war broke out, Orozco obtained his first victory, against General Juan Navarro in Ciudad Juárez.

“Pascual Orozco was a key element to Mexico securing victory in its war for independence,” said Simon Khiabani, owner and founder of SK Guns. “This limited-edition firearm pays tribute to the man who secured key victories in Northern Mexico, notably in the battle for Ciudad Juárez in Chihuahua.”

To pay tribute to Orozco, SK Customs is introducing a limited-edition production run of only 300 Colt 1911 Full-Size Government Models chambered in 38 Super. Featuring a high polished royal blue finish with selective silver plating, each pistol will include a special engraved edition number. Read more

NSSF Files Amicus Brief for Challenge to Colorado’s Age-Based Gun Ban

WASHINGTON, D.C. — NSSF®, The Firearm Industry Trade Association, filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit that challenges Colorado’s age-based gun ban. Colorado’s Gov. Jared Polis signed a law last year that denies Second Amendment rights to adults under the age of 21, unconstitutionally denying their right to lawfully purchase any firearm.

NSSF argues in the amicus brief in Polis v. Rocky Mountain Gun Owners that Colorado’s law unconstitutionally denies the Second Amendment right to adult citizens between the ages of 18 to 20 to legally obtain a firearm at retail. Colorado’s law effectively institutes an age-based gun ban, denying the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms to adults fully-vested in the full spectrum of their civil liberties. No such restriction would ever be considered for any other right protected by the U.S. Constitution. Colorado’s law relegates the Second Amendment to a second-class right.

The U.S. District Court Judge Philip A. Brimmer ruled the law was unconstitutional in August. Colorado’s Gov. Polis appealed that decision to the 10th Circuit. Read more

New “Partner With a Payer” Video Explains the Impact of Excise Taxes on Public Access to Boating and Fishing Opportunities

NSSF, ASA, SOBA, USFWS and Washington Department of Natural Resources partner to continue providing boating and fishing access.

NSSF®, The Firearm Industry Trade Association, in partnership with the American Sportfishing Association, the Washington Department of Natural Resources, States Organization for Boating Access and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, has released another film in the “Partner with a Payer®” series — a collection of videos highlighting the importance of wildlife conservation and management. The latest video, “Waterways for All: Improving and Expanding Public Fishing and Boating Access,” showcases the work being done to continue providing public boat launches and public fishing piers throughout the United States.

To fund these conservation efforts, the Sport Fish Restoration Act authorizes a small federal excise tax on certain items — 10 percent on fishing equipment; 3 percent tax on electric boat motors, tackle and fly boxes; import duties on tackle, pleasure boats and yachts; and a portion of the federal gas tax that is attributable to motorboats and small engines. Since 1952, these excise taxes have contributed and distributed more than $11.3 billion (over $17 billion when adjusted for inflation) to individual states. Together, these excise taxes fund public boat ramps, fisheries projects and aquatic education, providing countless public outdoor recreation opportunities throughout the United States of America. Read more

Modifications to Great Salt Lake Causeway Berm Benefiting Brine Shrimp

Last year, the Utah Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands — in partnership with the Utah Division of Water Resources and Union Pacific Railroad — modified the causeway berm that separates the northern and southern areas of the Great Salt Lake in an effort to address salinity issues, and the change is already benefiting the lake’s brine shrimp.

The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources manages the brine shrimp and the harvest of their eggs (called cysts) in the Great Salt Lake to help balance a unique ecosystem. Brine shrimp are small crustaceans that inhabit salty waters around the world, both inland and on the coast. Ranging from a third- to half-inch in size, these shrimp are much smaller than the ones you eat. Read more

Remington Launches Full Safe Sweepstakes

LONOKE, Ark. –– Remington Ammunition has officially kicked off the Full Safe Sweepstakes – Big Green’s biggest consumer sweepstakes yet.

Featuring a massive prize assortment from leading industry brands including Remington Arms, Remington Safes, Nighthawk Custom, Leupold Optics, Silencer Central, and Remington Ammunition, sweepstakes entrants can win one of two prize packages, detailed below.

With prizes valued at $10,000, every hunter and shooter will want to sign up for their chance to win. Read more

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